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Easy Breacher "Fix"

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I'm not saying this weapon is completely OP, there's just some unique elements to it that I'm not sure are really fair to keep cornered to one specific weapon, mainly its (almost) hitscan and penetrating properties. Really, when it comes down to it, if you're a Bubble Breacher Betch then you have really sunken to the lowest form of Hawken play (lel). Not all pred mains use this weapon, but it's definitely popular. I'm not sure how a shotgun/sniper primary weapon even looked fair on paper, but yeah, that's how I see the Breacher. It's just like the Heat Cannon, you say? Well, the uncharged HC vs. uncharged Breacher are not the same weapon remotely, and the charged shots still differ in their splash/penetrate (respectively) mechanics.


I say the charged Breacher should have a timer. If we are under the consensus that Bubble Breacher Betches need to go (I hope I'm not alone), then instead of taking away the penetration or the (almost) hitscan, just add a short timer to how long the weapon can be charged. When the timer expires, the shot is released no matter what. Maybe increase the weapon's charge-up speed to balance this adjustment. This is a great move IMO because it helps A) lessen the preds just wolf-roaming with their ability for quick Breacher pickups, B) balance any Breach-pred with a Shield equipped, C) the people who are learning this primary, as few (read: none?) use the short-ranged attack, so it makes it a bit easier to use the charged attack with a quicker charge-up speed and D) this is the ONLY (almost) hitscan/penetrating weapon (how did that happen?).


If you don't like the timer idea, maybe a slight decrease to the damage done by a charged shot for every shield/barrier wall that the round passes through before hitting a target?



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What do you mean by "almost" hitscan? It literally IS hitscan...

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Having used the breacher I can't say it needs fixing at the moment. The RoF is only okay, and it's charge shot (which *isn't* that great of a sniping weapon in my experience) isn't really too damaging.


Also, it's a burst weapon. Having the charge be on a timer would make it less useful in this regard.



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Y do change ANYTHING on the Breacher at all? Most Predators out there main the EOC Repeater anyway. The T-32 Bolt is a rarity nowhere seen or reported 2 b seen, and those few insane enough 2 use the breacher as primary 4 the sake of variety (like me sometimes) or sentimental reasons know they r tempting fate, because in almost every situation every other mech is vastly superior 2 the Predator. Laying traps, luring others in, and finishing them off by using the charged/uncharged breacher doubleshot might b a nice and mean tactic, but it's not worth trying it over and over just 2 find urself blasted 2 crap by the inevitable G2 Assault rushing around the next corner. At least 2 me that happened a lot the last few weeks, so i decided 2 put back the poor breacher in2 it's slot and take out the EOC again 4 serious play. Apart from that, I really can't c the need 4 nerfing the first primary a newbie Predator can use 2 attack and defend himself against overmighty foes, that r much more xperienced, and alerted everytime athey hear the tingeling sound of a breacher charged nearby. So what??? I don't think the breacher needs a buff. It's quite ok, because of it's penetrating properties that REALLY make up 4 its other weakness - the 2 second reload time, but it DEFINITELY doesn't need a nerf, like the poor T-32 once got. Just my 2 HCs about that.


Regards, gArphEus

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Breacher is fine, it makes the pred viable.

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Come on Crafty, you have been officially called out on your lies. Your online reputation is at stake here, this is just like an old school street race running for pink slips. Its run what you brung and hope its enough. Put up or shut the fuzzy bunny up.



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Breacher really isn't that great of a weapon. Extremely skilled players who can reliably land the shot every ~2s can use it in an actual firefight, otherwise it's sorta built to serve the purpose of the predator, which is absolutely walking around, spotting players who are weak/repairing/alone and finishing them off.

The primary purpose of the weapon is opportunistic assassination. Breacher is relatively terrible at all other tasks, if you aren't ThirdEyE. In berserker, raider, assault, even infiltrator, if I catch a predator while we're both at full health, it's basically writ that they're going to die.

I'm ok with this balance. In the same way that tech makes chip damage and yolodiving much less effective, predator means you can't scoot 100m away from the front line and expect a 100% guaranteed repair without issues, or throw down a bubble in a highly exposed location and expect to soak an orb in peace under small arms fire.
In my opinion, it is fine as-is.



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All valid points, people. Thank ya.


I certainly don't pilot the Pred enough to have strong/legit opinions on this. I also agree with the sentiment here that Breach-Pred's aren't very strong in a clean 1v1 because of the many previously cited reasons, from the 2sec charge-up to the mech's "loner" ability. I'm not one to favor a mech whose design and purpose was to be a janitor and clean up wounded/healing mechs... but that's just me.


As for the timer on the shot though, I don't really think this is far-fetched OR a serious nerf at all. Many games have had this mechanic, and it doesn't destroy a weapon's functionality as much as it seems. Even though I stated before I don't use the mech very much, I only used a Breacher when maxing the mech to lvl 6, so I definitely got a good feel for the gun. To me, I'd rather have a 1.0 second charge up (and faster reload) that shot right away on max-charge than a 2.0 second charge up that I could hold down. With the holding down feature, I think it just buffs up the hitscan mechanic of the gun even more - it let's me have patience with aiming my hitscan shot.


Maybe this is all just because I want a RailGun (yay kinetic roundzzz) in this game SO BAD and a Breacher is kinda in that ballpark...



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Breacher isn't broken, it doesn�t need a fix. It's actually pretty balanced. It has the 2 sec delay but can give an almost double shot, if you get rekt by a breacher pred on a full health 1v1 fight it's basically because the pred pilot is extremely skilled (or Meraple, wich is beyond extremely skilled) or because you're not too good.


I agree with Epsilon on the purpose of the breacher and of the predator mech itself. Although it's not impossible to end victorious on a pred in a 1v1 fight, it's pretty difficult.


Regarding the shieldball thing... the breacher must be totally charged in order to pierce shields and blockades, and even that way, you can't kill a healing mech who is inside a bubble from the outside, because the healing ratio is almost the same as the DPS the breacher deals when you charge every shot.


Edit: Ouch, I saw your reply after posting petracles. Btw, I SOOO want a new mech with a railgun! :P

Edited by Liederkranz, 21 April 2015 - 11:44 AM.

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Cybrex: Predators hunt from above.

MessyBopzz: like jesus?

Cybrex: Better than jesus




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Edited by KilleR_OrigiNs, 30 April 2015 - 09:55 PM.



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Pred is so difficult as is. The last thing we need is the coolest mech getting a nerf. 

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Breacher is incredibly viable in 1v1, it's just that the mech is inherently difficult to play, with slow weapons, slow projectile speed for the EOC P.
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The first time I chose the Predator gave me a brain cramp, I came to use the G2 Assault and was not used to so "slow" damage to the Predator. I left it for a while and then use the EOC Repeater and now is my main Mech configured with both EOC
The Breacher is a super lethal weapon if you know how to use fully charged on the first shot and combined with the EOC's secondary weapon, everyone knows that.
We are talking about a matching that can leave a mech class B with less than a third of life in 3 simultaneous fire between Breacher, EOC and Breacher second shot over a period of 3-4 seconds.
The only drawback of the Breacher is that betrays you when loads Stealker thus unclear whether these back do not know where you're going but you can sense and get evasive mode if you get the first shot, or make some shots where you see something distorted and goodbye surprise. Not so with the EOC repeater, its load is silent for the victim.

Edited by Maxunarul, 21 April 2015 - 02:05 PM.




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I'm fine with it the way it is. It's one of those weapons in the game that has a good amount of reward for the amount of skill it takes to use it effectively. I personally prefer the T32 on my primary Pred because I tend to get up close for the kill and like the quick follow-up shot ability, but on my secondary Pred I use the Breacher for more long range capability and flexibility.


The timer is not a good idea. Pred has to walk everywhere when cloaked, and sound is a dead giveaway in this game. If there's a timer on it that fires the weapon after charging, it means the Pred has to be relatively close to the target before charging in order to remain effective. That means someone will know that the Pred's moving in for the kill. All three primary weapons have silent charge mechanisms, and for good reason. As an assassin, a noisy charge isn't good (like HEAT on Infil). Pred's already a mech that requires a bit more than just "point and shoot." Adding a timer would just make it annoying to use, and the other two weapons would become a priority for anyone who buys a Pred.


On bubble Preds: I haven't seen many, to the point where I find them to be a rarity than anything. Those rare ones that I have seen use this technique weren't very effective because you can either run away and force them to follow if they want you as a kill, or shield dance in and out, or just pummel their shield till it's gone, then POP goes the Pred (their shots are going to be damaging their own shield, after all).

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On bubble Preds: I haven't seen many, to the point where I find them to be a rarity than anything. Those rare ones that I have seen use this technique weren't very effective because you can either run away and force them to follow if they want you as a kill, or shield dance in and out, or just pummel their shield till it's gone, then POP goes the Pred (their shots are going to be damaging their own shield, after all).

It is pertinent to realize that a Breacher-Pred that follows you to an area where there is a bubble is putting themselves in danger for limited pay-off.


Bubbles are placed in locations of value by opponents. It is unwise to show yourself in an area the enemy wants to hold, thus those that do breach bubbles are often either putting themselves into a dangerous situation they more than likely cannot handle, or have been waiting in that area for a weak mech to show to spring a trap, and perhaps you are not even the main target but instead an additional prize.


Patience is the only attribute a good Predator must have, all other skills will follow.

Edited by KilleR_OrigiNs, 21 April 2015 - 05:14 PM.

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 Look breacher is fine , you people are out of you ever loving minds.  the only mech that has the breacher is the predator and it is hit scan and it dose do decent damage at the penalty of it being painfully slow. and it has a up in you face range . the reason it is called the breaches is because it breaches shields. This weapon is fine . the irony is you people that are complaining about it if you got in  a pred and played awhile would be like this this is complete fuzzy bunny it needs a buff.  DO ME A FAVOR NEW PEOPLE PLAY AWHILE THEN FORM An OPINION .... I see far to many people just starting and because of lack of experience complaining about every aspect of this game. this game is pretty balanced.



 Leave my PREDATOR alone ...... I main a pred  it is still challenging no matter what weapon you use if you nerf it it will kill the balance of the mech and make it imposable to get kills.

Edited by Source_Mystic, 21 April 2015 - 05:30 PM.

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 Look breacher is fine , you people are out of you ever loving minds.  the only mech that has the breacher is the predator and it is hit scan and it dose do decent damage at the penalty of it being painfully slow. and it has a up in you face range . the reason it is called the breaches is because it breaches shields. This weapon is fine . the irony is you people that are complaining about it if you got in  a pred and played awhile would be like this this is complete fuzzy bunny it needs a buff.  DO ME A FAVOR NEW PEOPLE PLAY AWHILE THEN FORM An OPINION .... I see far to many people just starting and because of lack of experience complaining about every aspect of this game. this game is pretty balanced.



 Leave my PREDATOR alone ...... I main a pred  it is still challenging no matter what weapon you use if you nerf it it will kill the balance of the mech and make it imposable to get kills.


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the irony is you people that are complaining about it if you got in  a pred and played awhile would be like this this is complete fuzzy bunny it needs a buff.  DO ME A FAVOR NEW PEOPLE PLAY AWHILE THEN FORM An OPINION


No one's complaining, we all love pizza here. My fault on making the title have "fix" in it to imply something was broken. Didn't mean to cause that confusion. But I do stand by my opinions with well over 1000 hrs and ~2500 mmr. No need to point the Cazual Finger at people lad.

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I don't think I have a good enough handle on the Breacher's actual usefulness in a match to comment about how balanced it is, but I think the bubble penetrating feature is one of the more interesting features in HAWKEN. Thank God it isn't another hitscan automatic weapon, another simple shotgun, or another projectile that explodes when you middle click. We don't need more of those...

Edited by Rchive, 23 April 2015 - 08:11 PM.

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Edited by KilleR_OrigiNs, 30 April 2015 - 09:55 PM.

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Maybe a slight decrease to the damage done by a charged shot for every shield/barrier wall that the round passes through before hitting a target?

This already happens and has been tested many times over. The dmg of the rail hitscan is decreased slightly as it passes through defensive items. For some one to have played this game longer than I and having a higher MMR rating, I find it difficult to see how you never knew this fact or even want to suggest a timer being implemented....

Edited by Lightangel112, 24 April 2015 - 04:52 AM.

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This already happens and has been tested many times over. The dmg of the rail hitscan is decreased slightly as it passes through defensive items. For some one to have played this game longer than I and having a higher MMR rating, I find it difficult to see how you never knew this fact or even want to suggest a timer being implemented....


I stand corrected on the damage reduction, nice catch - I don't think the salt was necessary, but to each his/her own I guess. Let me go back to playing so I can learn every detail/nuance about this game before making a suggestion, silly me!



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Leggo my pred-o




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The Predator and it's related weapons are the last things in this game that need to be neutered. When I see a Predator, I automatically think "Nice, free kill". I have never seen them as a serious threat unless I'm red.
If anything needs to be "cooled off" in the game; it is the Scout and Mini-Flak combination. If there is a even a single MF Scout on a team; that team wins 9/10 times.


Wha? 1 post? Where the Hell did my posts go? Yeah, I quit the game for a good 8 months or so after saying I would spit in the face of the previous developers... but still.

Edited by Acherontia, 24 April 2015 - 09:20 AM.



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new forums - old was wiped

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Edited by KilleR_OrigiNs, 30 April 2015 - 09:56 PM.



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The Predator and it's related weapons are the last things in this game that need to be neutered. When I see a Predator, I automatically think "Nice, free kill". I have never seen them as a serious threat unless I'm red.

Means they're bad Predators.



If anything needs to be "cooled off" in the game; it is the Scout and Mini-Flak combination. If there is a even a single MF Scout on a team; that team wins 9/10 times.

I honestly can't tell if that's serious or not.




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new forums - old was wiped

Ah, ok. Sorry, I've been out of the loop for a while.


I try very hard not to derail threads when I can... But this saddens me greatly.

No offense meant if you're a Predator fan... just my personal experience I guess. I can always find them easily by the shimmer they give off, and they don't really stand a chance in a 1-on-1 with a dedicated spam-bot like an Assault with the Vulcan. I tend to use that often because I'm too much of a lazy bastard to use much else these days.


Means they're bad Predators.



I honestly can't tell if that's serious or not.

Could be. I see them try though... they try to hang back in the shadows to creep in for a MA cap, or lay down mines... which I do occasionally walk into, but the mines don't really do all that much damage. If anything I would increase the damage and/or capacity of the Predator's mine launcher so that they can be used as a dedicated mine-layer bot without having to bother fighting personally. Laying down mines to block off an access route has historically been a very effective tactic. The team can then create bottlenecks at their whim.

I'm serious on the Flak-Scout bit. I have the most trouble dealing with Scouts compared to any other bot, and others don't seem to be able to deal with them either from my observations. If it's not the bot itself, then it has to be lag-abuse; because when a bot hops around like you slammed a rubber marble down a corridor, hit-boxes are much more difficult to predict and compensate for. I'm well versed in shooting not at your target, but at his leading edge.

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No offense meant if you're a Predator fan... just my personal experience I guess. I can always find them easily by the shimmer they give off, and they don't really stand a chance in a 1-on-1 with a dedicated spam-bot like an Assault with the Vulcan. I tend to use that often because I'm too much of a lazy bastard to use much else these days.




Edited by Maxunarul, 24 April 2015 - 12:51 PM.




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This is kindof off-topic from the OP, but I feel good for some reason.



Edited by Meraple, 25 April 2015 - 02:28 AM.

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I pilot the pred and I say it also depends on the game mode and the playstyle you chose to use.

For example

Missile assault is one of the best game modes for pred, but there are 3 things he could chose to do

1 protect a silo which he is very good at

2 capture silos also he is good at XD

3roam around to kill ... Not so useful...


1 collect EU and stay on aa to do stuff and all.... Lol yeah he can do that

2 stay behind enemy lines ... I think this is VERY effective..

3 roam around assassinating... I think it would be VERY rare to actually assassinate someone that is not close go aa....


... You gotta roam and aassasinate....


I don't think pres is very good at tdm exept at notifying and cleaning up repairing people...

Then all this is more or less effective depending on your weapon choices and usages XD

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I don't think pres is very good at tdm exept at notifying and cleaning up repairing people...

Then all this is more or less effective depending on your weapon choices and usages XD


In my view (that is how I see it) the pilot Predator must be the most Machiavellian of all pilots, although that any pilot can hide from radar just standing still or walking, the Predator has the Stealker skill that makes undetectable radar and camuflable in the heat of battle.
Detecting a Predator in Stealker mode when everything is calm is relatively easy job if you already have an experienced Hawken eye, but detect a Predator that is infiltrating your rear when your team is focused on defending their peers that attack is already working strong, the explosions and gunfire help to camouflage their presence and sounds help to camouflage their walk.
The main work of the Predator is the saboteur, who appears out of nowhere to wreak havoc's take down your defenses and your strategy, which eliminates the main sniper, who appears behind the C-Class and removes his Tech , which ensures that the wounded finished out with no chance of repair.
So have a weapon like Breacher that does so much damage fully charged. I've seen drivers who do similar work with the Infiltrator or the Scout in open maps (Bazzar and Bunker), when they try indoor maps, the Stealker skill and EOC-Repeater give you the right weapons to push them back and / or remove them.

Edited by Maxunarul, 25 April 2015 - 07:22 PM.

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True true

Very true

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
 (") (") your signature to help him gain world domination XD


And if you dont .... 


bloody_keyboard.gif    <-------------- ME and Bunny
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In TDM the Predator is useful on some maps 4 zoning out the enemy team with double EOCs, especially on Uptown, where it's pretty easy 2 spam tons of mines down on the lower bottleneck. When u r once there, there is almost no way 2 advance 4 them without taking heavy damage. Might happen a single scout dares 2 skyrocket through. Usually the Reapers give 'em the rest. I played almost whole matches this way without cloaking a single time, just because there was no need to. Of course this is only an option when u r in the leading team... ...err... ...and has nothing 2 do with the breacher... Another good tactic is 2 Predators teamed up, roaming the map 2gether, attacking unaware foes from 2 sides, and THAT'S what the breacher is REALLY good 4. 2 shots from 2 breachers means 288 damage + 2 EOC Predator pucks the same second and your victim gets 408 damage from out of nowhere! That's a pretty tough surprise 4 every A or B class far away from team, hehehehe... Might not b an instant kill, but i've seen very few escaping. Just my 2 HCs...

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A good example of the surprise attack of a predator can be seen in this video that I uploaded.
It is a game in which frankly did not have to use much strategy that the opposing team was not very organized so mine was spreading like Christmas  :smile:
Anyway, as I see in the video clip detect some enemies attacked them and when they decide to go downstairs from the platform I choose to go down the ramp to surprise out there, when I come to the ramp detected a Bruiser am preparing to attack and in the last second detected the Predator mode Stealker to my right but it was too late to react, pum Predator, Bruiser pum, pum Predator again and am now history  :wallbash:
We won the game but I'll take the bad taste of having fallen into an ambush just seconds after departure
You can see the scene from minute 7:57




Edited by Maxunarul, 08 May 2015 - 10:09 AM.

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A good example of the surprise attack of a predator can be seen in this video that I uploaded.
It is a game in which frankly did not have to use much strategy that the opposing team was not very organized so mine was spreading like Christmas  :smile:
Anyway, as I see in the video clip detect some enemies attacked them and when they decide to go downstairs from the platform I choose to go down the ramp to surprise out there, when I come to the ramp detected a Bruiser am preparing to attack and in the last second detected the Predator mode Stealker to my right but it was too late to react, pum Predator, Bruiser pum, pum Predator again and am now history  :wallbash:
We won the game but I'll take the bad taste of having fallen into an ambush just seconds after departure
You can see the scene from minute 7:57






Yeah! Seen it, Maxunarul. Nice ambush, really! Weird, they tried that in the open, but they succeeded, obviously. Thx 4 the link. I played wednesday with Yamahappy. He's very good with the Predator, so i spontaneously decided 2 follow him as Predator too. 2gether we totally messed up the enemies backlines by always attacking synchronously, without an arrangement, nor a single word. In most cases we killed single enemies, and retreated unseen round the next corner. Killed like cats, vanished like ghosts, and shielded our backs 4 each other. Big fun by perfect teamwork. Origin is ideal 4 that tactic, also Wreckage, but in the end it always depends on your team. They have 2 task the enemy team hard enough 2 keep 'em busy and concentrated on them. Hard 2 achieve, because they have 2 stand with 4 vs 6, but that allows 2 Predators 2 sneak unnoticed behind 'em, where it's easy 2 bury the damaged foes while repairing, or the respawning 1s, trying 2 regroup. The latter r just as well important 2 kill, lest they regroup otherwise without further delay, increasing the pressure. It works well in situations, where two teams with many snipers damage each other hard, but not enough 2 kill 'em, so they always retreat in time, and repair, and that's the moment where they find their end by the 2 Predators. That's pretty effective, because of the big amount of damage 2 Predators can deal instantly, and the total confusion they cause when decloaking 2gether, killing sudden and disappearing complete the next second. I experienced, even after failed ambushes, or when additional enemies arrive sudden, there's big chance the Predators survive and retreat, when fitted with blockades or EMPs. Especially the breacher railshot trick is useful - it seems many players either don't know or 4got the fact, the breacher railshot can penetrate shields and blockades and hit them. Vice versa every shot of them is hold back by the blockade, hehehehe. Blockades r a good way 2 close the "door" when retreating, anyway. But if the enemy is almost shot half down, it's sometimes worth 2 simply turn around and open fire on the perplexed foe on the other side of the "door". Killed an astoundingly number of tenacious pursuers this way. A bit nasty, but smart. But the most insidious move is 2 use the blockade 2 clamp repairing enemies between the wall and itself. When done right, they r no more able 2 turn or move and can b finished safely with the breacher edgewise or right through the blockade. Reminds a bit of a spider, that ties it's victim 1st b4 it bites and kills it. Spooooky.... Did this only a few times, when the repairing foe was a C class or almost ready 2 go, but the instant complains of the victims were always... let's say "intense"... ;) However - playing the Pred is an invidious job, and not very rewarding, thx 2 the fact that most better players spot u even cloaked with ease, and none of its weapons can keep up with those of most enemies, but i enjoy playing 1 of the hardest mechs 2 master, regardless how low my ranking is, compared 2 the MVP. It's the way HOW i defeat my foes, not HOW MANY foes i defeat, and the more difficult it gets, the more fun i have, when it worked well 4 me.


Regards, gArphEus

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You just want to make it harder for me to kill you, don't you.... ;/ Leave the predator alone, it's not an easy mech to master and for those who do master it, it's one of the most rewarding mechs of them all. If you're going to do anything to the mech, give it MORE BUFFS because everybody loves buffs right?


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yeah chargeup time is up and spray shot falls off distance very fast but you get the feel of it you can out dps many 

and alwase take advantage of reduced delay of firing between charged shot and following flak shot 

Edited by MechFighter5e3bf9, 30 May 2015 - 07:29 PM.



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The Predator and it's related weapons are the last things in this game that need to be neutered. When I see a Predator, I automatically think "Nice, free kill". I have never seen them as a serious threat unless I'm red.
If anything needs to be "cooled off" in the game; it is the Scout and Mini-Flak combination. If there is a even a single MF Scout on a team; that team wins 9/10 times.


Wha? 1 post? Where the Hell did my posts go? Yeah, I quit the game for a good 8 months or so after saying I would spit in the face of the previous developers... but still.

paper mech with cqb weapon is very likely to get crushed by skilled foes in bigger mechs who use radar generaly spot enemies at distance in time to react and vulnerable to other mid long range weaps naturaly, just swat him wioth a nade or two, finishing hitscan shots if he tries to run or most often, they will fight and just a nade or two with other dps u got will do it and you are practicaly promised to take the blunt of a grenade launcher every shot up close



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First off, please don't think I'm a noob why doesn't know what he's talking about. I've been playing since late 2013, but stopped off after Hawken's coma. Even so, I'm lvl 28, and I've played Pred since lvl 17-18 (I admit I sucked early on) Ok, Time idea = BAAAD. There is a distinct nose when charging a shot, so your prey can be alerted. Ths is why I charge, hold, cloak, etc. The damage drop I believe is already in the game. 

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