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off topic game idea: the portal series...

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I believe Chell's genetic parents are.. Cave Johnson and Caroline [Johnson]. Evidence is as follows: 1. Chell's last name in specific is [REDACTED] leading us to believe it may be Cave's surname, Johnson. If Johnson abandoned her he wouldn't have wanted anyone to know her real last name. 2. When GLaDOS realized she was Caroline, she may have known that Caroline and Cave were your genetic parents, but she did not realize that she herself was your mother.. Probably better explains why she literally fried when she found that out huh?  3. (connected to 2) She then proceeds to start actually having a conscience. Why would she all of a sudden have mercy for you when she realizes that she is Caroline.  4. (connected to 3) At the end she "deletes Caroline." I believe she didn't because directly after "deleting" Caroline and giving the final speech sending you up the elevator shaft, listen closely. RIGHT before she says "It's been fun." she chuckles in quite a convincingly human way. Did she delete Caroline? Keep this detail in mind. 5. (Concerning the Turret Opera) Honestly Valve is just telling the player here in Italian "Chell is Caroline's daughter!! GLaDOS is trying to make Chell leave Aperture Science and live at least some of her life in a happier more normal way." Seriously. Look up the translation for the Turret Opera. the one on the half-life wikia would do.  6. In Want You Gone she also say's that she'll start feeling so bad. After deleting all human emotion in her. Well now isn't this a predicament to be [REDACTED]?  7. (Conclusion) So GLaDOS learns that she is Caroline, Chell's mother, and that she has been holding Chell captive for all these years, preventing her from living a full life. She feels guilty. Her conscience is finally moved, started to bother her, has she really just kept her own daughter from living at least 1/3 to half of her life, making fun of her for that fact too? She needed to get back into control, whatever it takes so that she could let Chell go. She saves Chell from being sucked into space when things did go wrong and knew that Chell of course Chell was smart enough to know Caroline was her mother. Chell is smart enough to put all the pieces of a puzzle together, and if I told her that I realized and was sorry that she would be stubborn and want to stay. That would be no good, live in Aperture for the rest of her days? I may have eternity but Chell doesn't. So, instead she decided that she would have to trick Chell by making her think that she DELETED Caroline, her only human emotions to prove to Chell that there was nothing left for her at Aperture. Stresses not to come back. and she leaves. But right before the door shuts, gives her something, the Companion Cube. The CLOSES THING that Chell would have had to any normal little girl. A doll/teddy bear. Some inanimate object to relate to. A friend for the journey. (I swear the companion cube's symbol is endless, also ties into the point that Chell's adopted father was Doug, who would have often had small schizophrenic attacks where he would talk to the cube, Chell saw the cube as a little girl would see a Teddy Bear.)  -Outro with "Turret Wife Serenade"


Edited by Flight1ess, 23 April 2015 - 10:25 PM.

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Can't read ... my eyes ...

Edited by FakeName, 23 April 2015 - 12:01 PM.

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- Sitting next to the sound box in Last Eco -



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I dunno. I guess it could be.

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Reading Hard...... :wallbash: stupid-empty-head-cat-cartoon-animated-g



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Edited by KilleR_OrigiNs, 30 April 2015 - 10:52 PM.



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Conceptually solid. Good facts, and is believable.

Who is Doug? Is he the ratman? If not, who is? If so, where is he in the game? Why does he idolize Chell? If GLaDOS and Cave Johnson are Chell's parents, why does Caroline sound like a nineties computer program in the recordings?

doug is the ratman yes (the dude who went crazy and has schizophrenia. In some parts of the first stage of the game you can find secret areas where you can find paintings and packets of beans everywhere. In one you can even hear him going crazy behind a wall....

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too-damn-high-meme-generator-that-paragry u do dis XD

Edited by Flight1ess, 24 April 2015 - 08:23 AM.

  • Rainbow_Sheep likes this

Life is like a good book,

It makes more sense as you get into it ;D


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