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2x XP/HC Stress Test Weekend - Server Tick Rates

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XP/HC weekends are just good fun.  And this time, here's what I want feedback on:


Servers are set to run at 2 different tick rates: 30 per second and 66 per second.


I looked at some actual client frames per second numbers, and it seems a good portion of you experience higher than 60 frames per second, theoretically meaning you may see some improvements on gameservers that run faster than a tick rate of 30.  I want to see what you actually experience.


I've set up game servers on nearly identical physical hardware in Los Angeles, Ashburn, and Frankfurt.  They will all run the same gameserver load (same mix of game modes).  Half run at a tick rate of 30 and the other half run at a tick rate of 66.  These machines should also have some improved network connectivity.


If you would, submit a support ticket any time anything stands out to you, performance-wise.  Mention the exact server name, the time (in UTC if you can), you pilot callsign, and a description of what your experience.  I consider this to probably be the last of the "stress test" type events, since we've now refreshed the code for all the hosting and server management systems, and we've got some stabilized physical hardware.  By the way, private servers will be rolling out for our Pioneer Package server owners, so you may see some new server names pop up.


I'm excited to see the results, and I'll be sure to share some data - yay graphs!



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