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How To Use Damage Absorb Efficiently

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Right, so bought a Bruiser a while ago and having a blast with it; the Bruiser is now my go-to troller mech with it's ability and hell-fires;

just locking on and don't even have to fire, alot of people immediately start maneuvering defensively when locked on and conserve their dodges, just waiting for me to fire the missiles while i just casually mow them down or my teammates do it for me. Hell, some people immediately dash for cover. Incoming TOW? Damage absorb dat shiet; U WOT M8? 1v1 me N008, a'll git ya roight in da gabba, swear on me mum.

It's a fun challenge to spam lock ons and constantly switching targets and fire if they don't back down

(based on priority; techs and scouts will have deal with missiles every lock-on I'm afraid; goes double for scouts, I'm sorry but Scouts rank first on my "need to die" priority order; you've had your fun stomping people around, let's give the rest of us a breather.) while tickling people to death with the vulcan / assault rifle (did not buy SMC cuz im a poorfag HC wise :[ and wanna save for a new mech. I've become used to the vulcan and only bought the prestige cuz i heard it was good, and it is :] ). 


Now its rank 4 approaching 5 or max rank; elite.

Despite playing around around with it for so long, I still have no clue how to use its ability damage absorb properly.

(Or as I sometimes like to call it: DAM ABS... cuz you know.. "dem abs"... geddit? I'll see myself out)


I understand that I am to generally activate it when i see a TOW/ 'nade/ sh*t storm incoming or when I need to cross an open area but must endure heavy fire.

But the problem is that the effect is short and rather un-noticable; while there is the usual sound that plays to indicate the ability has activated but there is no sound or anything to let you know you are mitigating damage with the ability, the short duration makes it even harder to notice if you are using it effectively.

While I could petition for a different hit sound to be used when the ability is active and maybe a longer duration but that is besides the point. (devs are busting their collective asses with servers and matchmaker, is important no?)


The question I'd like to ask you old timers is how do I use Damage Absorb MORE effectively AND efficiently?


I know the cool-down is only 15 seconds long but it is kinda hard to use the ability more often when I, and I'm sure quite alot of us, try to conserve our abilities somewhat due to 30+ seconds cool down being the norm for most abilities.

This habit, coupled the ability's criminally short duration makes it very easy for me to forget the ability exists or try to conserve it too much to use more often.




1 more thing, any internals suggestions for Bruiser?

Usually I go AC, Armor fusor and basic deflectors.


Lately I've thinking of replacing that AC with the REPLENISHER for MAXIMUM TROLLING with Dam Abs since I get assists frequently as a Bruiser.


Are the fuel converters viable on the Bruiser? I know its fuel tanks are generous but I spend quite a lot of time in the air to get the best firing zone for the Hellfires/Skillfires/Gayfires/Noobfires and thus rely on the AC a lot.


Please do not suggest Orb-Lording, I am aware it is effective, but I don't even wanna get near that rabbit hole and get stuck in it when the inevitable orb-lord nerf comes and i become to used to orb-lording to adapt.

I am proud to claim I have NEVER played Orb-lord, but unfortunately, to compensate for not abusing it, I rely heavily on armor-fusors, it's in every single mech i own.

(Except the CRT, though I bought the armor fusor for it, I only use a full suite of 1 slot internals on FRED and use it when I realize i'm stomping people. I also only use the assault rifle on the CRT and never bought the other, since the SMC and Vulcan are far more effective on the Assault due to the Assault's higher health pool and faster walk and boost speeds to close the gap.)




Also, I've heard the Vulcan is objectively worse on the Bruiser compared to the Assault rifle overall, if that is true, when is the Vulcan more viable?




Edit: SHIET realized I forgot to add question mark on the title. Now e'ryone gon' think "dis a tutorial" n shiet.

Edit 2.0: Punctuation. Man gotta show he a learned man and can read n' write proper.

Edit 3.0: topic number is the year 1981, neat.




Edit 5.0: Minor formatting changes cuz dis a big-ass wall of text.

Edited by Exomedia, 10 May 2015 - 08:03 PM.

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I haven't really used my Bruisy since they nerfed it but as far as damage absorb is concerned just kick it on when you're about to go toe to toe with somebody, or when you're running for your life with low health.




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It requires good timing, use it like a parry in a sword fight to shrug off TOW/GL/Hellfire damage to keep going either mid duel or facing off against a group. Activate right before the impact, useful when you're on dodge cool down and you need to eat a TOW.

I've got AC, deflectors, and air 180 because why not. I carry 2 EMPs and 2 orbs/shields depending on how I'm feeling.

Can't say much more than that because I don't pilot Bruiser often enough.


( ^ click for the EMP song ^ )


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Bruiser was one of my first mechs, i find its great as a support mech for a team, one good use for the ability is when an enemy team is coming through a choke with enough firepower to shred anything in their LoS i use the ability to jump in with an emp, before dodging out. you can loose alot of health, but its worth it to emp an entire team. other than that, its good for jumping around a corner as most pilots will fire as soon as they see you, so you use the ability to nullify that first volley.

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 i use the ability to jump in with an emp, before dodging out. you can loose alot of health, but its worth it to emp an entire team. other than that, its good for jumping around a corner as most pilots will fire as soon as they see you, so you use the ability to nullify that first volley.



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I maxed out the bruiser but honestly for the reason you stated I never used the skill, it never seemed to work.  Easier to try to dodge than spend brain power trying to time something that you can't tell works



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I can tell that the Bruiser's absorb/shield ability works.  It only works for 2.5 seconds, but it works.


It's all about predictive timing:  You jump out in front of a whole bunch of enemies, start to get your lock-on and spin up your cannon, hit the absorb while you're aquiring a solid lock and firing your Hellfires (as this is the time when the enemies are unloading on you), then jump back behind cover and run for a spot to heal up.


Try the same thing without it and see how much more messed up you are.

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I think the ability duration is shorter, its like a 1.5 seconds, but its basically a great damage soak, i think its 80% reduction. As for internals, AC is good, its airspeed is second to the berserker, its useful to not be sitting still while flying for a lock. i find the fuser is good, the hell-fires keep the assists coming so constant regen, fuel converter can be handy if you do a lot of floating to lock on, and deflectors are always great. i find replenisher is a bit of a waist as the cool-down is already super short i typically find the 3 slots can be put to better use.

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the ability doen't feel like it absorbs enough damage to work as a "parry", an increase might work (while decreasing duration/increasing cooldown)?

I have a lot of ideas and would like some feedback on them:

Suggestions for fixing things:


Suggestions for new things:




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I  find replenisher is a bit of a waist as the cool-down is already super short i typically find the 3 slots can be put to better use.




Just maxed the damn thing btw.


Seeing the comments above, I'd like to clear up that I know the ability totally works, its just that the ability lasts so short that i often forget when it's over and get myself killed by exposing myself to long and overstaying my welcome ala "leroy jenkins". I know there is a audio cue that the ability has expired but it's hard to tell when you are focusing on the fight or the sound of gunfire drowns it out.


There is also the issue that there is no indication that you are absorbing damage with the ability, so it's difficult to time the ability precisely; especially since there seems to be a delay between me pressing the button and the ability actually coming into effect despite the ability activation sound, so every time i use it to "parry" is pretty much a roll of the dice.


Would really appreciate it if there was a audio cue that lets you know you are absorbing damage, like a different impact sound when you are hit.

An duration buff to the ability would also be appreciated if the former is not possible.


Anyways, any more advice?

Edited by Exomedia, 12 May 2015 - 03:08 PM.

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A good trick for the timeing is to assume you have one second of damage absorb, easy to count in the head, i think the timing of absorb could be extended, maybe over 2.5 seconds, i think that would give it some viability in 1 on 1 seeing hellfires are close to useless in CqC atm, but not make it overpowered. As for other uses iv used it in tdm to take hits for a teammate, when someone on low hp is retreating or needs a second to bail out of repairing, il use the ability to take a tow for them.


Once or twice iv used it to take down a mech with explosive weapons, get in their face and fire hellfires with the ability, the damage of the hellfires and their own explosives add up, plus your primary can kill someone even with fail-safe with your 80% reduction. il leave more thoughts if i have any.

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Hellfires can be effective in cqc. You just have to dumbfire, and lead your target. Wait for our opponent to dodge, and lead it in. Not as much as the GL, but a little more than a tow. Also, they seem to accelerate, so the further away, less lead. It takes practice, but it can be done to great effect. I maxed out my bruiser without ever locking on. I had only been playing for a month, and didn't know that they were homing missles,.

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Iv found a fun thing to do with the ability is with Vulcan, when you see an explosive mech, (gren, incini, rocketer) a good gag is when they drop just below full health, face-hug, pop the ability, and fire hellfires right off the bat, with the Vulcan you can drop most C class that way with absorb taking your hellfires and their weapons.

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