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Infiltrator G2

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There need to be more mech but most of all there need to be more g2 mechs to motivate people to level up and play the game. So here is my idea for a similar concept but different mech. 


The Infiltrator G2 has similar speed and durability at the original Infiltrator. My idea is to create a new way for the infiltrator to some how run into the enemies group and cause all hell while still creating some risk for the mech when doing it. The origional uses cloaking however the G2 should instead send out a friendly signal that eats up his jet fuel or lasts for 10 solid seconds. It's been established you can fuzzy bunny with the enemies radar with stuff like signal hammers. Instead the player will be listed as friendly and hopefully can slip through with a unguarded team. 


upsides - create confusion and hopefully kill camping teams.


downside - While you are emitting a friendly signal they can see you anywhere on the map. If are discovered you will not be able to hid until the signal is returned to normal. 


weapons I'm a little stressed to come up with anything good. I was thinking of an actual lazer not like some sci fi crap, I mean like modern day lasers the kind that can take down drowns and fuzzy bunny. These I assume they would be shot in short bursts and they would over heat the gun like crazy(because they are fuzzy bunnyng lazers.). This however sounds like it should be on a different mech so any of you guys ideas would be nice.


all I can is this game needs more mech and g2 models are a good way of getting people to actually play for there mech let alone just buying it.



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Cool idea and blah blah but please, no more G2s QQ


G2s are a lazy and lame invention of ADH because they didn't have the creativity and resources to build an actual new mech. 



EDIT: Also, please be more detailed with stats if you really think the devs are looking at this.

Edited by FakeName, 31 May 2015 - 07:54 AM.

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no more G2s 






Why do we need G2s when entirely new mechs should be a priority? 





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It's called the Predator. 

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Thanks to Badtings for this awesome banner!



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I like the idea. Remember guys G2s aren't set in stone as stock mech's you can't alter. They can always be changed later to fit the current archetype

Edited by Flifang, 31 May 2015 - 02:15 PM.

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That's a cool suggestion Rahr. I would love to see more unlockable-by-levelling (as opposed to unlockable-by-credits) mechs. Though in my opinion just reporting a friendly radar signal won't add much for a change. So I have an idea to add to your initial suggestion:


The Infiltrator G2  is using a Special Camera and Holographic Cloak combo. The former needs to be locked on target enough time to generate visual data. This is by action of the special ability, which once ready activates a built-in "wearable hologram".


So you have to lock on their mech using the special ability, which after a few moments has collected enough visual information to reproduce the outside of the foe. To enemy players it reports not only a friendly signature but the outside of your mech will look exactly like that mech you "captured", reporting even their nicknames and mech class.



  • If you dodge or boost, the hologram will show fuzz and noise, partially revealing your Infiltrator G2 within.
  • The hologram stays active until a foe hits you, and then the ability goes on cooldown.
  • If you fail to capture an enemy's visual data (i.e. by losing sight of it/whatever) there is also cooldown.


Imagine: someone realising there's two versions of the same friendly roaming the map. "Crap! Is that the real one? I have to shoot him!" But then that will produce a heat signature. "I would be wasting time, heat and focus if that's my team mate! But I have no choice! Do I?"


And so on. It seemed to me from your post, Rahr, you seemed to be looking for an idea like this, right?



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I actually like the idea of G2 mechs. Problem is, new mechs don't come out fast enough, and G2 mechs should be coming out faster.


That aside, the ideas presented here are interesting, but I wouldn't want to see it in the game, play as it, or play against it. The ability itself is simply too OP.


If I were to flank the enemy, the easiest thing for me to do is to walk around the side while my entire team attacks from the front. Whilst walking, showing up on radar isn't going to happen unless I'm in very close proximity to the enemy, or they have a Scanner deployed. All one really would have to do is activate the ability before being seen, walk right in from behind and start blasting. The shots will appear to be coming from the front (since my team is attacking them from the front), and most players will assume the friendly dot behind them isn't shooting at them. Even if fuel is consumed, it won't matter, because the enemy won't know what's hitting them, which is the problem. And since I won't show up on radar if I'm not burning fuel, dodging, or firing, all I would have to do to disappear before my ability runs out is walk back behind cover before they know what hit them. On top of this, spawning players almost always appear behind the friendly team when a skirmish is going on, so it'd be quite easy to walk around back, hit the ability, and pretend I'm a friendly coming to help. Showing up on radar when the ability is active won't help anything, since all the enemy will assume (most of the time, especially if done right, which shouldn't be difficult) is that a friendly spawned in a bad spot.


Even if the ability were to cancel once weapons begin firing, I can only see this being used in very limited capacity. Most scenarios I can think of for using this ability end up being just as good or better with the Infiltrator's cloak. Neat idea, sounds interesting enough, but I'm not sure it would be fun for everyone in the long run.


Also, ppl, stop suggesting tie-ins to fuel. It's not a good idea. Don't do it. Stahp. (I know you said "or lasts for 10 solid seconds" but I just had to throw that out there)



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Why do we need G2s when entirely new mechs should be a priority? 


Perhaps because at a certain point, every possible mech role has been filled and only variations are possible. After all, we already have 16 non-G2 mechs, and pretty much every playstyle is already represented.


More mechs sounds great on paper, but what will it do to the overall game balance? We already had enough people complain about the Incinerator and Technician, both of which diverged greatly from the already-established roles by adding new mechanics.


I'm not saying that we should outright stop making new mechs (there may be some good mech ideas still left to implement), but I also think that more G2's are fine. It gives us more diversity without rocking the boat too much.

Edited by Nightfirebolt, 31 May 2015 - 06:37 PM.

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