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180 turn and dodge keybinds

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A thread on the old forums got a lot of attention on this, so here it is again.

Ever since I started playing this game years ago, I've been plagued by the 180 turn keybind, or rather the lack there of. I have two left feet hands, so I accidently press it when I try to dance around shields and what not.

I would like the option to bind the 180 turn action to a completely separate key from the backwards + dodge modifier keybind.

In addition, I'd like the option to separate the left and right dodge keys as well. While it's not as troublesome to me as the 180 turn keybind, I don't see any reason why they need to be tied to the boost key.

Actually, the only reason is for controller support, but those should be using separate key maps to begin with.

Edited by kasei, 02 June 2015 - 06:55 PM.

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Here is how;
Go to documents/my games/hawken/hawkengame/config and open HawkenInput.ini
Now find [HawkenGame.R_PlayerInput] and do these changes under it;
How to disable shift + s;
Binding 180 to single key;
This binds 180 to X
Bindings=(Name="X",Command="GBA_Boost | GBA_Backward",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Same for sideways dodges;
and add these (using Q and E here)
Bindings=(Name="Q",Command="GBA_Boost | GBA_StrafeLeft",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=True,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="E",Command="GBA_Boost | GBA_StrafeRight",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=True,bIgnoreAlt=False)
This is just something I quickly came up with so im not sure if everything works. But it still should work as long as I didnt make any stupid mistakes.

Edited by Silent_, 03 June 2015 - 02:42 AM.

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It would be good to separate them indeed. I can't really get into the 180 degree turns because boost key + backwards just *feels* wrong. Also I sometimes accidentally hit shift+s and turn around when I mean to dodge.

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I can't count the times i've fat-fingered the spin (didnt have the thumb stick straight left on the 360pad) while peekaboo shooting and gotten myself snuffed with a TOW in the back when i didn't recover the dodge fast enough. i can bind the X key to a mouse button which makes this a HUGE difference.

thank you for this!


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Hate the one 180 .... I do not think many players even use it. it is so awkward and if somone is shooting you from behind it is beter to just drop a sheild and retreat than turn around and atack. i have custom kebinding to the number pad and my mouse. i only want the 18o disabled so could i just  do this



Bindings=(Name=(Key I have for doge motifer ) =false   ",Command="GBA_Backward       .......would that just disable 180 backward ?

Edited by Source_Mystic, 03 June 2015 - 05:02 AM.



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The thing is, dodge modifier (shift by default) checks if button is held down and enabled / disables boost according to that.

I have tried of making reversed boost modifier, meaning that it would boost when shift IS NOT held down. However, because of how its made in games code, this seems to be impossible to do.


These disables just use the fact that shift is default boost modifier and Unreal has option for setting that key to be ignored if shift, ctrl or alt is held down. (or to require it.) Meaning its just like default, it just ignores those keys when shift is held down. And shift happens to be boost modifier.

There is other way to do this but this is just easier method and results are same.


Now that I did read your question better, it seems that you only wanted to disable 180. In that case just do this part;


To clarify;
For example, Shift=true would require shift to be held down for key to register and bIgnoreShift=True makes key to be ignored if shift is held down. False obviously disables these functions.
Unfortunately, setting bind for with modifier and without does not work, since game will just overwrite former bind in the file with latter one. I would like of having option of button having different action depending if modifier key is held down or not, instead of just simple require/ignore function.

Edited by Silent_, 03 June 2015 - 05:31 AM.

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so if  I  have my keys binded to different keys other han defalt this will not work


I bound every thing to the number pad I found that defaults to be kind of rediculas and too spread out for me.


I wish they would just hav a disable 180 in settings i do not know one pweson in hawken that uses that or even likes it.

Edited by Source_Mystic, 03 June 2015 - 05:26 PM.



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If you have dodge modifier bound to other key than shift, ctrl or alt and you want to disable 180, then it is bit more tricky.

Only possible solution I can think of right now would be replacing





Bindings=(Name="S",Command="EndBoost | GBA_Backward",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
(replace S with key you want to use)
it MIGHT stop boosting every time you press S, but if I recall correctly, it might be that Button bRun in
Bindings=(Name="GBA_Boost",Command="Button bRun | StartBoost | OnRelease EndBoost",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
is what performs enable / disable of boosting and StartBoost / EndBoost have no actual function.
Still worth trying. Note that even if it works, it might do 180 if you press boost modifier key while holding down S.

Edited by Silent_, 04 June 2015 - 07:58 AM.

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