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Automatic smurf detection

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then try to gther:

what makes you realise someone is a smurf.
how do you mae sure its not a random player with skill

nonsense, people who intentionally want to smurf (for whatever reason) will just change Ip, its no magic required for this. But ohh god, hell forbid you probably live in the same faily sharing a PC not caring about IP changes and boom, one of your family members account is banned.

If you want a ban system it needs to be a true proof, its quite unhealthy in a game with small playerbase to handle out false bans.

The game could increase MMR for low MMR accounts doing unexpected well, otherwise unless you have a lol like population makign sure every mmr is decently filled you will always have the issue to palce too tsong palyers together with too weak ones. And oen side will always get the short stick of the handle. probably both, because owning people far below you hardly is some form of fun.

No no. You failed to see the metric by which the account would be banned. I lack the patience with your lack of insightful thinking to go about explaining what you dismissed in any broader terms than have already been defined.

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