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Testing the waters, different idea pt. 1

- - - - - Mech Ideas

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Hello friends, enemies, vets, scrubs, blueberries and alternatively red berries, etc., etc.

I have a lot of ideas ratteling around my ADHD afflicted brain lately and fueled by an overdose of caffeine and sugar I thought I'd throw them to the wolves. This time it's mechs. There are three concepts I want to ask your opinions of. It'll come in three parts, 1 part per mech concept, because I have too much time on my hands. As for feedback, comments, critiques, and questions don't hold back. Concerns should be addressed to my shrink.
1) Tracer mech:
This mech would fire tracing rounds from a primary weapon that causes the target to show up on friendly radar for however long is deemed long enough, the second and third primaries could revolve around this concept or an anti version as perhaps a utility. The secondary weapon would fire a type of round or lock-on missile that would cause the target to show up on friendly HUD via an infrared marker that would be visible through walls. The weight class could vary depending on the wishes of the devs. If A or B class then the mech would release a cloud of nano bots that would slowly expand over time. The nano bots would highlight hostile mechs (cloaked or not) on friendly radar and HUDs (infrared effect) the ability sounds op but as the affected area expands over time the scan strength decreases and false contacts would start to show up once it gets large enough, eventually it will completely wear off due to it being spread too thin. As for C class it would be a turret mode that would provide an continual scan of the area in front of it with a similar effect to the scanning cloud but instead of nano bots providing a passive, remote aoe scan it would be an active scan as a result of this ability being based on echolocation. The draw back would be that to power the echo scanner, power from non-essential systems would be rerouted i.e. the pilot's radar would go offline but all hostile mechs would be highlighted for a limited distance even if they are behind cover. The tracing mech is just conceptual and it's finer statistics would depend heavily on what the devs want the final product to look like.

I'd like to thank you for your consideration and ask only that you give feed back on my idea in the comments section below. See you on the battlefield.

Why can't we be friends? YOUR DEAD! but other than that I don't see why the hell not. 



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It's like you put everything I hate about Radar into a mech.

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