It's also pretty well known that CTF is a pretty good game mode, but it isn't likely to work with Hawken's current maps because they're too small for that sort of thing.
Now introducing Escort CTF
In this mode you direct a squad of NPC marines (not inside a mech, but maybe accompanied by some sort of mobile turret system) using similar methods as the "enemy sighted" function. These guys have some thruster packs so they have the same vertical mobility as a mech, without any sort of AC component. They might have some sort of shield function that can be broken, and once broken they are very easily killed. Once killed, your squad respawns at your base after about ten seconds.
Your goal is to direct your squad to a point on the map where they can utilize this mobile turret concept to achieve some sort of goal, perhaps extract some data, and then return to base.
Some testing would clearly be required for that mechanic, but clearly, the issue of "herp derp I'm in a raider lol where's ur flag now" is solved.
I considered the potential for abuse by a teammate sending troops into the enemy, but that's no different than intentionally feeding - except your team can still counter those orders by ordering them somewhere else.
Thoughts and things?
Edited by ticklemyiguana, 11 June 2015 - 12:10 PM.