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G2 / G3 mechs or whatever we should call them

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Hey guys, for some mechs, instead of changing their stats and whatever why not make them use some of the unused cosmetics, chassises, whatever and all??? Make them expensive and only buyable with hc? ... Unless people wanna buy them with mc ... Which is kinda dumb lol XD


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Here's an improvement for all G2 mechs:


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Here's an improvement for all G2 mechs:


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The PC community is the red headed step child Reloaded never wanted but got saddled with when they married the PC community's mother.


Shoutout to mah real Africans out there.



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I think they should be able to have elite parts like other mechs in the future and perhaps maybe different weapons that fit the mech's playstyle. Like I wouldn't change the G2 raider's secondary, however I would change it's primary if that was possible and I liked the alternative weapon more. In the case of the G2 assault, I might like it to have different machine guns to choose from, while still keeping the dual wielding aspect of it. Like be able to change both Vulcans to assault rifles but not one and the other.


As for the people hating on G2 mechs, it's pretty obvious you're just on the old anti-G2 bandwagon because simply saying they should be deleted isn't going to cause people to take you seriously. Of all the times I have seen people comment on how the G2s shouldn't be in the game not once have I had somebody give a good reason for it. Do they lack something that a core game developer can't implement in the future? Are they so horribly overpowered that they break game balance? Have they gotten old because "everyone and their mother plays one"? The fact is to delete them, it would cost money. Not a lot mind you, but you have to either have somebody spend their hours you pay them for doing it or you have to spend hours you could be working on something hawken needs, like game balance and fixing server problems but instead they're deleting core game content that's not harming anyone. And these mechs took REAL money to make. Like a lot in comparison and it would be a huge waste of money were they deleted.


These mechs are subject to change and they will be in the future one way or another.

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As for the people hating on G2 mechs, it's pretty obvious you're just on the old anti-G2 bandwagon because simply saying they should be deleted isn't going to cause people to take you seriously.

If a mech is sh*t, it is sh*t.


And one does not need to be part of a bandwagon just to have a different opinion.

Edited by Sir Aregon, 16 June 2015 - 10:36 AM.


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Getting gud with the G2s is a challenge, and can be done. There are formidable G2R drivers in this game who would disagree with any nay-sayers. I for one enjoy the hell out of G2Raider. My beefs are the primary could have a Flak or HEAT and be hella more fun, along with say, Grenadier HP. As it is, it is mostly a peekaboo shooter, with Blow'em Up then high speed runforyourlife. You get caught in the open and your vapor.

G2Assault appears more of jump out facerip one, maybe two, run for healz-cover (or get caught enroute and snuffed)--monotonous, unchallenging in the long run, and easily victimized by a dedicated stalker.




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If you're so confident with how bad the G2 mechs are, why not elaborate? You have gone so far as to give your "opinion," why not give one that will help rationalize your apparent distaste for a set of mechs that have been proven to be quite powerful in competitive play? Or do you just hate the BattleTurkey and JazzHands, just... Because?



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a set of mechs that have been proven to be quite powerful in competitive play?

G2 Assault was proven to be quite powerful in competitive play?
Could you elaborate on that?
I can't recall it being considered powerful in it's current state.

Unless you only meant the G2 Raider, but since you mentioned multiple..



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I have seen a few individuals pull it out and play at their best and do very well in one. No, I'm not saying in the current build of the game that either G2 mechs are very well suited for competitive play but they can do well in the right hands. I could have worded my statement differently. The fact is, the G2 mechs are too niche to compete with the vast majority all the time. Their strengths apply to only a fraction of the situations just about any other mech can handle, and overall they have very high skill ceilings. However, to write the mechs off as complete crap shows how short sighted a player can be. A few other players and I had the guts to play the G2 raider when nobody else could and it has a good reputation now, that of which I am very happy with. Same unfortunately can't be said for the G2 assault, but it has a lot of potential. These mechs are a real challenge to play and some of the most mind numbing fun I have had in this game has been while playing a G2.
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I bought the g2 assault... But my aim sucks so I prefer corner play... One of the reasons I don't like sustain XD

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A G2 assault is a armor stripper for team kills. Thats all. You need a team to play one well. G2 strips team hops in for the kill.

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I love my G2 Assault and will continue to play it in higher tier games when I can get into them to show off what power it does have. It's niche yes but it's good to an extent. Could use a but of a buff too. Needs more DPS. Maybe ailittle more fuel or better fuel regen. Not sure how I feel about the position of the heat flush though.

Edited by Silverfire, 16 June 2015 - 04:59 PM.

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Here's an improvement for all G2 mechs:


I don't like the "G2 concept" really but Hawken needs more mechs not less of them.



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Operandi is right

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
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