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Idea for a dynamic CTF gamemode

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I had an idea for a gamemode while I was trying to fall asleep at 3 am. Maybe it's not coherent but whatever.


General idea


Anyway, this gamemode would be suitable for every single map in the game (except test arena). Essentially it would be kind of like a CTF gamemode, but not quite like a traditional one. What I'm proposing is that in every map, for this game-mode, there would be a bunch of spawn-points defined by the devs (to prevent bugs occurring by the game spawning things in an invalid area) where the "flag" will spawn. Capture points would also have their places defined by the devs.


When the game starts, 2 capture points and 1 spawn point would be selected randomly by the server. A "flag" would spawn at the spawn point and each team would be assigned one of the two capture points. The goal is to take the "flag" from the spawn point to your team's capture point. A mech would capture a flag by standing on it for 2 seconds. Once it has the flag captured, the mech must simply make it all the way back to their team's capture point.


Both team's capture points, the "flag" and the mech that is carrying the "flag" would all be shown through walls with some form of indicator, similar to the EU trees in Siege or the Missile Silos in MA. The mech carrying the "flag" will also be outlined. If it is the enemy mech carrying the "flag" then the mech will be outlined with your cockpit's enemy colour, and if it is the team mech, they will be outlined with the team colour. All mechs are visible on radar no matter what while they are carrying a "flag".


The capture a "flag", the player holding it must stand on their team's capture point for 4 seconds. After this, every mech's radio will count down from 10, starting with "next "flag" deployed in...", and the new capture points and spawn point will be highlighted when the countdown reaches 5.


The game ends once 15 minutes have passed or once a team has captured 4 "flags".


Concerning balance of spawns: The capture points will not be selected of they are within 170 metres (the radius of an EU tree is 25 metres) of the spawn point. A spawn point will not be selected if it is within 50 meters of any mech. If there are no valid spawnpoints, all mechs will be teleported back to their team spawnpoint.


Concerning predators and infiltrators: These would both also be shown even while they are cloaked, however the outline will not be accurate (its location will fluctuate left and right) while it is cloaked.


Aesthetics of the gamemode


Obviously it's a little strange in the lore for them to actually be capturing literal flags. For this purpose, a suitable macguffin must be selected for what is being captured. A few ideas I had were:


  • Canister of vitrolium
  • Canister of EU
  • Crate of cavorite


These will obviously need to be designed in a way so that they don't blend in with their environment, but still fit. Perhaps even just adding glowing components to make it stand out from its environment. Or perhaps having each crate or canister or whatever is decided on, to have a special design or even an entirely different object for each map.


Delivery to capture points will also need to fit in. You can't just stand somewhere and have your cargo magically transferred. Something will need to be thought of. Perhaps the cargo will be deployed from the mech in the 4 seconds required to deliver, and then some sort of aircraft will lift it out. But this presents problems such as in enclosed spaces like those that exist on uptown and origin. On origin there is enough open space that it's not a problem, the enclosed spaces simply will not be given a capture point, however on smaller maps such as uptown there is less open space for capture points to be put with a clear sky access.


Optionally, this gamemode could be limited to maps that have bases such as origin, bunker, bazaar and wreckage, and the EU lifters could be used as the delivery method. Or something. But this would remove the random capture point aspect. 


Anyway that's all I have for now. If I think of anything else I'll add it to the post.

Edited by talons1337, 28 June 2015 - 11:24 AM.

  • Zdragow, WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, Bad_BennyAK and 3 others like this

When in doubt, attack your own team. You will still get points for it!






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I like the idea of random locations. Keeps the gameplay fresh and challenging.


I also like the idea of Reloaded perhaps adding an interactive "cargo" ship that touches down in a random place for each team and they have to bring the "flag" to the ship. It would make it seem like the game is actually worth something greater as opposed to a defined cargo-drop location.


That cargo ship thing also helps add to the lore and the world's sense of scale. EU loaders just don't fill that slot too well. :P



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Better yet.    The flag is an Encryption decoder for a team's base.    Each flag will unlock one of 3 locks on a gate of the base.   As you take the "flag"  or computer bearing the Gate Encryption Decoder,  you must carry it in one of your "arms",  and so,  lose the ability of a weapon,  relying on teammates to cover your ass.   


You take it to the EU uploaders,  and instead of EU,  You plug into your base's mainframe, and aquire the password to an enemy gate lock,  which then unlocks.  


After doing this 3 times,  the gate to the enemy base opens,  and everyone must bum-rush the enemy base,   as the game type turns into Onslaught type for the losing team.   When a player FINALLY enters the enemy base,  that team wins the game!   The idea has a lot of promise!



...and let slip the dogs of war...







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But 20 mins or 7 flags is kind of brutal. It will take too much time/effort for a normal round and make the unbalanced matches a nightmare. May be lower the time limit to 15 mins and flags to 4-5.

I simply cease to believe that something is OP just because it's OP.



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I like the idea of random locations. Keeps the gameplay fresh and challenging.


I also like the idea of Reloaded perhaps adding an interactive "cargo" ship that touches down in a random place for each team and they have to bring the "flag" to the ship. It would make it seem like the game is actually worth something greater as opposed to a defined cargo-drop location.


That cargo ship thing also helps add to the lore and the world's sense of scale. EU loaders just don't fill that slot too well. :P


Yeah. I suppose a cargo ship would definitely work on maps like Bazaar and Prosk and Last Eco, since there's plenty of space for it to land and collect the goods.


Better yet.    The flag is an Encryption decoder for a team's base.    Each flag will unlock one of 3 locks on a gate of the base.   As you take the "flag"  or computer bearing the Gate Encryption Decoder,  you must carry it in one of your "arms",  and so,  lose the ability of a weapon,  relying on teammates to cover your ass.   


You take it to the EU uploaders,  and instead of EU,  You plug into your base's mainframe, and aquire the password to an enemy gate lock,  which then unlocks.  


After doing this 3 times,  the gate to the enemy base opens,  and everyone must bum-rush the enemy base,   as the game type turns into Onslaught type for the losing team.   When a player FINALLY enters the enemy base,  that team wins the game!   The idea has a lot of promise!


I don't dislike your idea at all, and I think it's not a bad idea. It kinda feels a little bit like AoS/DotA/LoL. But it's a little less dynamic (fixed spawnpoint) and also it's restricted to maps with a base. Also, would the secondary or the primary weapon be disabled?



But 20 mins or 7 flags is kind of brutal. It will take too much time/effort for a normal round and make the unbalanced matches a nightmare. May be lower the time limit to 15 mins and flags to 4-5.


I might tune it down, or maybe add a poll if those are available on this forum software. The other Hawken gamemodes are more understandably nightmarish compared to this idea imo, with MA or SG there's not much change in strategy - collect EU, rush AA, or just rush MS. With this, teams might be able to, instead of attacking the spawn point and instead attack the opponent's capture point.


Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think it was 7 captures to win that I had originally intended to write and just ended up doing it by accident. I think it was something like captures /7 (which, yeah, makes it 4 captures). I think I'll set it to that.

When in doubt, attack your own team. You will still get points for it!






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A few brain picking questions:

What happens when a mech carrying the flag (whatever it is) dies? What happens to the flag? Does it stay in place? Is there a mechanic to "pass" the flag to a team mate? Can the flag be mugged (without a kill)? What happens if a mech is in the process of capturing but dies before the 4 seconds have passed?


May have more :tongue: for now those seems to be important.



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A few brain picking questions:

What happens when a mech carrying the flag (whatever it is) dies? What happens to the flag? Does it stay in place? Is there a mechanic to "pass" the flag to a team mate? Can the flag be mugged (without a kill)? What happens if a mech is in the process of capturing but dies before the 4 seconds have passed?


May have more :tongue: for now those seems to be important.


Mechs cannot have the flag stolen from them while they are alive. However, when the mech dies, it drops the "flag" (this includes if it's dropping it off at the drop zone). The other team members can go try to grab the "flag" and deliver it, and the enemy team can also try to snatch it and run away. As usual, there is still a countdown for capturing the "flag".

When in doubt, attack your own team. You will still get points for it!






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More questions!

Since carrying the flag requires speed, what is the purpose of the slower mechs in this mode? Is it suboptimal to have a full C class team? What about a full B class vs a full A class team? What prevents teams to find an "optimal" mech formation that suits every match?



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More questions!

Since carrying the flag requires speed, what is the purpose of the slower mechs in this mode? Is it suboptimal to have a full C class team? What about a full B class vs a full A class team? What prevents teams to find an "optimal" mech formation that suits every match?


Well I suppose if everyone goes C class they're going to lose, but since when did a team that all pick one class work out besides some fringe cases?


You have to remember, it takes 2 seconds of standing still on the flag to capture it. If you pilot a C-class, 2 seconds won't be too problematic. If you pilot an A class, however, you're a sitting duck for the other team that is also assaulting. A class mechs don't have a lot of health, they make up for that in speed. But speed isn't going to help you capture if you have to stand still. An a-class would have more trouble capturing the flag, but much less trouble running and delivering it. Likewise, a c-class would be able to get the flag without too much trouble, but would not find it as easy to run away and deliver it.


At least, that's how I feel. I suppose you could pop a barricade or a bubble while you're capturing, but then that's what predators become useful for countering.

  • Hek_naw likes this

When in doubt, attack your own team. You will still get points for it!




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