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Additional Game modes (Again?!)

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ok so I was looking through the forums, and saw a neato escort like idea... which I liked... I don't play too many Shooters... most of my hours are logged in GoW1/2/3/ J(Ewww judgment).

One of the things I liked about the series was the new takes on PvP game modes. I'm not really a TDM fan... cuase usually I am not very good lol but... I think Hawken should try to set itself apart from other shooters in this respect, so... I will toss a few ideas out there, please be gentle

Overrun - The only mode I played in Judgment... (a crappy replacement for "Horde"(Locust forever)) one team had to protect a generator, which was behind 3 defensive lines, the opposing team's objective was to of course destroy this generator within I think 20 minutes, but first they had to use team work to break through these defensive lines. Spawns changed depending on which defensive line was at the front, and spawn protections were in place so you couldn't plant nades or anything like that. I think this could fit well into Hawken's own little multiplayer mode. Techs can repair defensive lines.. etc etc bring on class play! maybe the devs could juggle the idea about.(this one would require new mpas though)

Field Commander(Name tentative) - Think of Guardian from GoW2 (TDM with a twist), 1 player on each team is assigned as the "Field Commander", the player is chosen at random when the match starts(and after forced spawn (but you may want to restrict Predator from play)) the opposing team has no idea who the commander is, respawns will stop when your commander is shot down. Victory is achieved when the other team is wiped out(this allows for clutch victories)

Generator - a modified version of capture the flag. an energy device will be placed in the center of each map, the objective is to hold the device for a set period of time. however while your team holds the device respawns are disabled, when the mech holding the device is destroyed the timer is reset. make the device "weigh" down lighter mechs abit to help off-set speed differentials

Supply Line - This one is like Missle Assault... Collect the E.U.! However! Mechs drop E.U., there are no E.U. generators. the objective would be to deliver a set amount of E.U.... say 5,000, mechs drop around 100 on death... the catch: you have to go and deliver the E.U. without being destroyed(being shot down will make you drop Half of the E.U. plus the 100) and you need to be carrying a certain amount of E.U. to deliver it. (say above 500). this will encourage team co-ordination and prevent people from depositing after every kill... because this stuff needs to be intense!

Assassination - TDM/DM with a twist! there is no kill limit, the objective is to obtain a killstreak of say... 10 or higher... and then stay alive for a set period of time. when you obtain a kill streak of 5 or higher you become highlighted (through walls etc etc) in the opposing team's HUD to let them know "Hey! i'm that high priority target, kill me or fail!". when the appropriate number of killstreak has been obtained respawns will become disabled until either the game is over or the target is shot down.

Intensity is my objective with these ideas, so....Have fun, please be gentle >.<! and keep it friendly and clean!

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~*~*~*~The Pink Comet~*~*~*~




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I pretty much would like to see any of your suggestions happen. But first Hawken needs more players. Currently it is hard to get enough players at a given time for a decent Siege :-/

Ceterum censeo ... bootcamp-servers!  &:

     #rapidMMR4newaccounts      #removethedelay

     #morespeed4EOC                 #lessspread4T-32

     #buffG2R                               #nerfZerk'n'Assault

     #dosomethingwithHF             #noisesupression4breacher





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There are literally dozens of worth-to-be-made suggestions posted since the new forums got up but ... Trust me "game's development" is not a thing in HAWKEN.


It wasn't for ages, and it won't be in the near future.



devs prove me wrong ffs

The PC community is the red headed step child Reloaded never wanted but got saddled with when they married the PC community's mother.


Shoutout to mah real Africans out there.



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There are literally dozens of worth-to-be-made suggestions posted since the new forums got up but ... Trust me "game's development" is not a thing in HAWKEN.


It wasn't for ages, and it won't be in the near future.



devs prove me wrong ffs



I give it a year before the next real, big, game changing content update. Adhesive really managed to screw the pooch with this game, and now Reloaded has to learn the system, to figure out what's wrong, to figure out what's causing it, to figure out how to fix it. That doesn't even include actual progress being made. In the mean time, the community can churn out all the awesome suggestions they want, but this ship is gonna be turning for a good long time.




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Yeah seems like Josh is very patient and cautious with all his moves, especially hiring.

I can't say that I don't like the approach because it may pay off very well in the far future. At the same time I can't deny that I only play HAWKEN now for TPG. Which is a really bad thing -for me- because I used to be a HAWKEN rat.

The PC community is the red headed step child Reloaded never wanted but got saddled with when they married the PC community's mother.


Shoutout to mah real Africans out there.



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There are literally dozens of worth-to-be-made suggestions posted since the new forums got up but ... Trust me "game's development" is not a thing in HAWKEN.


It wasn't for ages, and it won't be in the near future.



devs prove me wrong ffs


Why don't you read through somebody else's (unstable) and possibly undocumented code and begin immediately throwing out content and updates to that code?

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When in doubt, attack your own team. You will still get points for it!






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Why don't you read through somebody else's (unstable) and possibly undocumented code and begin immediately throwing out content and updates to that code?


I did this with my friend's website before handing it back to them. Next thing I know, they tell me NSFW pictures appeared in his assignment.



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I like the sound of Supply Line!


For me, Missile Assault doesn't have enough appeal. Currently it's either TDM if I feel simply-mindy-murderous, or Siege if I want more complex gameplay. MA isn't even a middle choice, it's just like a TDM racing mode.

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