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The Closest Game of Missile Silos Ever (Also, I need help with one thing...)

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I have recorded a Hawken video for the very first time, and this one is of the closest ever game of Missile Silos that I think has ever been played.



Now if the first thing you notice is how there's a black box around the video itself...well, that's the part I need help with.


Ever since I upgraded my AMD Catalyst drivers to version 15.7, my monitor (in this case my Toshiba HDTV) hasn't been able to display at proper 1920 x 1080 HD. Whenever I tried to set it to that, the image would go outside the TV boundaries. I had to reduce the resolution of the TV to 1776 x 1000, and as you can see, it's wreaked havoc with my ability to record videos. :(


After you watch the skin-of-my-teeth match above, can anyone please help me with this problem?



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Well yea, wrong resolution as you said. What stats does your screen have (Y x X)?


The usualy resolution has a 16:9 ratio if I am correct, else if you have different screen setups (multiple screens, etc.)

Try to use a custom resolution after you've got the ratio of your screen and adapt to it. For example if your screen has (I doubt that) a 4:3 resolution, you better change it to one of these then :P



PS: 24/0 isn't a record. You still have to beat 1/0.

Edited by FakeName, 25 July 2015 - 10:37 PM.

- Sitting next to the sound box in Last Eco -




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Well yea, wrong resolution as you said. What stats does your screen have (Y x X)?
The usualy resolution has a 16:9 ratio if I am correct, else if you have different screen setups (multiple screens, etc.)
Try to use a custom resolution after you've got the ratio of your screen and adapt to it. For example if your screen has (I doubt that) a 4:3 resolution, you better change it to one of these then :P
PS: 24/0 isn't a record. You still have to beat 1/0.

As it is an HDTV, its normal resolutions are 1920 x 1080 and 1280 x 720. Standard HD sizes. As for what 1776 x 1000 is as a ratio, I have no idea. But if I try to get my video card to output to my HDTV at 1080, things get messy (in the form of the image going outside the borders). This wasn't always the case. The previous drivers for my AMD card got along just fine with my monitor. But now they don't like each other as much, LOL.

Also, video of the 1/0 match or it never happened. :-P



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That's why I suggest you use a custom resolution (just try out until it is perfect or get your actual resolution of your screen).




And don't even try, I'll always win.



- Sitting next to the sound box in Last Eco -



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Was fortunate enough to participate in that game.



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Dat game was really close .so since this is ur first close match ,u enjoyed this game.upload and share ur beautiful game play with us.
For ur problem have u tried the correct HDMI cable for the right port ?for more help u can ask for support in the AMD site.



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Winning by 1 point masterrace over here.


Could've sworn I took a screenie but can't seem to find it :C



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