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Currently, some weapons don�t sound like they are heavy guns being heard from inside a mech. They have weak, non-aggressive sounds that don�t fit in the rest of the game. They don�t sound appealing, and feel out of place.
While we are not aiming for an experience akin to that of a mech simulator and we are taking the approach of having Hawken as a fast-paced shooter, immersion plays a large role nonetheless. A large percentage of immersion comes down to the sound. What good is it to use a gun that feels like it is firing popcorn at the enemy? You would want your gun to sound aggressive and intimidating.
Assault Rifle
The current sound for the assault rifle makes it sound like a toy gun, a rusty toaster. It doesn�t feel like heavy shells designed to penetrate heavy armour are being fired, rather it seems to sound like it is firing small pellets of a sort. Moreover, the startup sound and the stop sound are very abnormal. The assault rifle should sound perhaps more like a heavier version of this:
(SKIP TO 1:07)
The Miniflak sounds like a sneeze. A shotgun should not have such a comedical sound, it should rather have a loud and aggressive sound, keeping it short since the weapon is meant to be spammed. Additionally, the impact sound of shotguns should be modified: a shotgun shell impact will produce the same sound from all distances, meaning that shot fired from 100m away will produce the same sound on impact that another one shot at point blank.
It appears that the firing sound for the AM-SAR is comparable to that of the gun loading a shell rather than actually firing one. If we are to indeed assume that the AM-SAR is infact a mid-long range sniper-like weapon, it should probably have a sound comparable to such. Like this (obviously not with the echo and with a little more 'oomph'):
(SKIP TO 3:40)
Listening from the cockpit
Weapon sounds as a whole sound like they are being fired as if you were standing right next to them with no material between you and it, but this is not the case as you are in a cockpit. You could argue that there is not necessarily a human inside the mech. Whether or not this is the case does not matter however, as the view is from inside a cockpit, meaning that all sounds are would be heard as if they were from outside. TL;DR, weapons should sound like they are outside of the cockpit.
Thanks to Kindos7 for helping me write this out.

Edited by Sparky, 03 October 2015 - 08:42 AM.

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I kinda like the AR sound how it is


But seriously I can't tell the clicking sound of my mouse from the AM-SAR

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Agree with OP...a much need sound buff is needed for certain weapons.


The SA Hawkins...


This sounds like 2  tin  trash can lids being rubbed together. Not what I would think a weapon on a walking tank should sound like.  :wacko:




Edited by DieselCat, 03 October 2015 - 12:28 PM.

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Just Relax....and take life one game at a time....

Don't run to your death....walk


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I like the AR sound, it feels the most unique sounding from all the other ones that either sound like farts or real guns.


( ^ click for the EMP song ^ )


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I think the sound production in the game is great quality wise, and the low key nature of the sounds I think is supposed to convey the effect of being isolated inside a machine muffling the kinetic impact of the muzzle which is a cool and correct effect to have. However that being said yeah a lot of the weapons sound way too small, comparing the AM-SAR to the Sabot for example, both are similar guns but one sounds like .22 and the other a .50 BMG. Something could be done to amp up acoustic effects of some of the weapons.

Edited by AxionOperandi, 03 October 2015 - 01:45 PM.

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With all the smoke/steam that comes out of the thing, AM-SAR looks like it should make a train whistle sound every time it fires.

(That was a joke).

(It actually does sort of sound like a weird steam engine when you spam it, though; try it out).

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It would be nice if the game was opened up a bit and we were able to create sound packs.

I would change several weapon sounds.


The tech prestige is a broken staple gun sound and sounds like someone is roofing your house.

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This makes me think of a forum game :

"Prt   prt  prt  prt" WHAT IS THIS WEAPON ?

Mini-flak. Fart fart fart fart



Edited by (KDR) Shoutaxeror, 04 October 2015 - 08:44 AM.



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Devs, take note!

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I really want to be able to sound mod HAWKEN.

I mean imagine having this mod as your Vulcan sound

Edited by Rainbow Sheep, 04 October 2015 - 10:44 AM.

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Give me a guide to change the in game wavs and I will produce a decent weapon sound kit.



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Just bring back sounds we had in alpha.. 

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Just bring back sounds we had in alpha.. 

At least as optional sound scheme

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So what does the EOC sound like then? No really, I cant think of anything.


But It also doesn't sound like a big weapon being charged up and firing, more like some sort of typewriter doing a line return.

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But It also doesn't sound like a big weapon being charged up and firing, more like some sort of typewriter doing a line return.


Wow you are right.


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I totally agree with Sparky here. We need moar juice!

I remember we had several threads about this on the old forums.


Just bring back sounds we had in alpha.. 

Nostalgia clouds your memory oldtimer. They edited the sounds of the pre-alpha gameplay videos post-production.






The juiciest of em all:

Edited by Houruck, 06 October 2015 - 06:37 AM.

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I actually don't mind the current sounds in the game. What I don't like is that the feeling they had before is absent in the current version. The way the sounds are muffled at a distance or behind walls (distance for sure, not sure about behind walls tbh) used to add a helluva lot of atmosphere to the game, but now it just sounds very generic.


When did this change anyway? Ascension? That seems to be around the time I remember having a huge disconnect from the game. That plus the HUD change, vertical progression thing, new items, etc... Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the game, but I just don't get the same feeling now that I get watching old closed beta vids (and no, I'm not talking about the post-processed Adhesive-released vids, talking actual gameplay from betatesting players).

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So what does the EOC sound like then? No really, I cant think of anything.


But It also doesn't sound like a big weapon being charged up and firing, more like some sort of typewriter doing a line return.


Seeing as, in Hawken, the geometry is built so that everything seems small whereas the mechs are considered 'normal size' in terms of modeling, it's easy to overlook that the pucks that the EOC fire are actually relatively large, and should, as such have an appropriate firing sound. Perhaps a higher-pitched, quieter and shorter version of the EOC-Predator sound?

Yup, you're right in that it sounds like a typewriter.



What I don't like is that the feeling they had before is absent in the current version. The way the sounds are muffled at a distance or behind walls (distance for sure, not sure about behind walls tbh) used to add a helluva lot of atmosphere to the game, but now it just sounds very generic.


When did this change anyway? Ascension? That seems to be around the time I remember having a huge disconnect from the game. That plus the HUD change, vertical progression thing, new items, etc... Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the game, but I just don't get the same feeling now that I get watching old closed beta vids (and no, I'm not talking about the post-processed Adhesive-released vids, talking actual gameplay from betatesting players).


Absolutely. The current sounds give no indication that the weapon is being fired outside of the mech, while the player's view is situated inside. Again, immersion is an important factor in every game, simulator or not.




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nostalgia not nostalgia but I want those you showing and not what currently there is..



I totally agree with Sparky here. We need moar juice!

I remember we had several threads about this on the old forums.


Nostalgia clouds your memory oldtimer. They edited the sounds of the pre-alpha gameplay videos post-production.





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The sounds in the alpha and early beta stages of the game were all pretty fantastic.  With each patch, they kept removing certain aspects of game sound (like how weapons used to change sound depending on whether you were out in the open, in a tight area, or inside a structure) to help the game run smoother and sync better.  By the time the game 'ran' the way they wanted, the sound and graphics alike had taken a huge hit.  This is what we are left with.

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To be serious for a moment this is just a joke




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No matter edited or not - the alpha footage is heavily clipped like those trailers from Battlefield 3 and even the standard audio settings right now in game lead to heavy clipping during gameplay. It may contribute to the feeling of a distorted environment but isn't ideal in the way it's achieved.


Before ascension distance was generated with additional lowpass filters which was a bit to heavy although it can feel more real. Right now it's just a change in volume. For those who are interested in audio editing: there is a freeware audio plugin called "Proximity" which replicates physical effects happening when the distance of an audiosignal changes. Look here: http://www.tokyodawn.net/proximity/

In post production this tool is king. Also it's way more subtle than what was happening before they changed the distance thingie to the easy mode which it is right now. A lowpass filter would be well suited in case of sound behind walls but I have no idea if this is achievable with the UE3.


Love the overheat-done-sound, the heat, the battleship and the higher and higher getting pitch of the low armor warning at the end.


Regarding the realism of the cockpit-perspective - it wouldn't make too much sense because you have to filter almost every sound in game. So everything becomes just dull. Also these weapons are very big and heavy, so a lot of sound pressure - something like that:

That means some glas like that of a cockpit window won't change much. It's just fuzzy bunnyng loud.




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sounds in general need a rework in my opinion the guns need much more bass and impact look at the game B.L.A.C.K 2 the guns in that sound lethal



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filtering reverb these calculations of surrounding walls and whatnot that effects pitch of sounds  is obviously one of the areas they have been stripping down for performance reasons, its too bad that there wasnt a main branch of hawken that kept all features and stuff while also having a main branch shaved for performance since they had to for their servers to handle it sigh* it would be easier to just develop one and discard the rest i suppose such a waste

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I just want to point out, that the AR is in fact according to lore; a re-purposed nail gun.

As for "glass not being able to muffle the gun sounds" you are correct, however none of the mechs have glass windows.

The HUD is a Heads Up Display, and you'll notice on almost all of the mechs there is a pretty visible camera somewhere on the front of the chassis. The mechs are supposed to be pretty solid and sealed, as quite a few of them are hinted at being re-purposed for war as well as some of the weapons. Who's to say the weapons are made the same as ours either? Somebody should correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the ammo generated by nano-bots? I would assume that with the ability to do that, as well as having access to floating metal rocks that people could fundamentally change how projectile based weaponry could function, in a more efficient way than our standard weapons?


Honestly, I don't much care how the weapons sound although the incinerator cannons sound like those child toys that look like a lawnmower that have these little balls in them that pop up and down when the wheels are turned. 

And I'm completely of the oppinion as are many of you that the game lore is laughable in that it's been almost completely done away with in being easy to find in game and not much of the lore is talked about in-game at all so it's probably not the best argument to make when thinking about the way the sounds are. And finally yeah, the sounds got cut down on to save performance. I heard that from somebody close to me who played during alpha, but I'm just doing a tiny bit of brainstorming here!

(Honestly though, after hearing the vulcan XT the normal vulcan sounds puny)



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All they need to do really...


Duplicate the Existing sounds...


with the second copy drop the pitch and add a slight bass boost...

the first, add a slight acoustic bass reverb...


We then Have 2 sets of sounds, one for the person being shot AT, and one for the pilot in the cockpit...


but as TJ stated... the sounds are actually FINE... tbh if it aint broke dont fix it, maybe they SHOULD focus on fixing the broke stuff before worrying about the sense of the entitled to have fuzzy bunny that dont matter

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i dont see why we could not tweak the inis values for reverb low pass, channel count etc etc to get what ya want?



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Next-level necromancy.
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Next-level necromancy.

For a thread last replied to this year on a near dead message board? You want me to create a new thread duplicating this one that was still listed on page 1 for this forum? Someone else would cry about me not using the search feature..

Dang blasted net nannies. :p



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For a thread last replied to this year on a near dead message board? You want me to create a new thread duplicating this one that was still listed on page 1 for this forum? Someone else would cry about me not using the search feature..
Dang blasted net nannies. :p

I was less referring to your post and more referring to the post that MrShadowmaster97 made which necro'd a 6 to 8 month old thread, and then kicked the conversation back up again.

Edited by Sparky, 02 June 2016 - 08:05 AM.




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I was less referring to your post and more referring to the post that MrShadowmaster97 made which necro'd a 6 to 8 month old thread, and then kicked the conversation back up again.

That Shadowmaster kid needs to get banned for necroing.

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I was less referring to your post and more referring to the post that MrShadowmaster97 made which necro'd a 6 to 8 month old thread, and then kicked the conversation back up again.


Ah, gotcha.  Still, these are near dead forums, if I go back to say.. page 3 in this forum, I'm already into 2015.

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