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The Cuttlefish: my duct-taped together probably unfinished and terrible mech idea :D

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The Cuttlefish

The Cuttlefish was originally a C-Class mech designed for hunting and killing the insanely hostile wildlife we have here on this wonderful pile of rocks and mistakes we call a planet.

Its secondary weapon is a high powered gauss cannon that uses sabot rounds filled with an extremely acidic compound for melting through the tough hide on the animals its attacking

It is also equipped with a 3 Primary weapons, its main primary, Nicknamed "The ice cannon" is a much less powerful rifle that fires endothermic rounds usually for slowing or stopping a target in its tracks, though it is less effective on larger animals. However, it has been found to be ineffective against mechs, so it has been altered to freeze small sections of their fuel tank, limiting their mobility. It is advised not to use this too much in battle as it appears to also remove some heat from the target's weapons. alternate primary, the good old and reliable "AM-SAR", and its prestige weapon, the "Flak Cannon".

The main reason its called "The Cuttlefish" is for its ability to go into a sort of active camouflage turret mode, different from the predator and the infiltrator, this camouflage only makes the mech look very similar to its surroundings, while reducing its movement speed.

While the mech is in this turret mode the power of its secondary changes, it fires slightly slower, but the acid has more time to reach its maximum potency, thus making it last longer and do more damage to the target.

The turret mode also adds a defense buff the the behind of the mech, in an attempt to prevent unexpected damage from sneaky wildlife.

Though the front of the mech is slightly more vulnerable (Less so than the other C-class turret modes).

While in its turret camo mode, it is almost unnoticeable from the back, but due to recoil and other aspects of its weapons, the front is more visible when firing, but it fixes the camo shortly after.

An alternate model was also created to deal with the more "Gargantuan fleshy abominations" that some of the creatures out there are. This model comes with an ability to pretty much run away from an enemy at an amazing speed for an Axe that large. When it is activated its spews out a cloud of black tar-like substance that almost stops its attacker in their tracks, while also granting a large speed boost for a few seconds.

More than a few radar and sonar countermeasures have been put in place due to the wildlife being able to sense objects from a few dozen meters away without even having to look at them, so the radar signature has been significantly toned down and the cannon have been as silenced as we could make it, thus why it mostly relies on the acid, rather than the bullets themselves. There is also acoustic foam on the inside of the turret-mode shell, so the mech will make as little noise as it possibly can.

(Author's note: i came up with this on a random whim and i am open to your opinions, so throw it at me people.)

EDIT: fixed the ice cannon's description a little so it seems more logical

Edited by Spearnklefarth Von Cuttingbre III, 04 December 2015 - 12:48 AM.

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The Cuttlefish

The Cuttlefish was originally a C-Class mech designed for hunting and killing the insanely hostile wildlife we have here on this wonderful pile of rocks and mistakes we call a planet.

that line is gold

Its secondary weapon is a high powered gauss cannon that uses sabot rounds filled with an extremely acidic compound for melting through the tough hide on the animals its attacking


It is also equipped with a 3 Primary weapons, its main primary, Nicknamed "The ice cannon" is a much less powerful rifle that fires endothermic rounds usually for slowing or stopping a target in its tracks, though it is less effective on larger animals.  Its alternate primary, the good old and reliable "AM-SAR", and its prestige weapon, the "Flak Cannon".

idk, maybe if they remove the smoke, maybe the hawkins instead?

The main reason its called "The Cuttlefish" is for its ability to go into a sort of active camouflage, different from the predator and the infiltrator, this camouflage only makes the mech look very similar to its surroundings, while reducing its movement speed.

While the mech is in this turret mode the power of its secondary changes, it fires slightly slower, but the acid has more time to reach its maximum potency, thus making it last longer and do more damage to the target.



i assume the ability activates upon turret mode? maybe reduced radar signature with a small defence buff (35%?) sense the turret would be a sitting duck, radar would reveal it immediately, 

(Author's note: i came up with this on a random whim and i am open to your opinions, so throw it at me people.)


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"but the dead horse has been beaten so many times it's practically a pulpy mess in the barn by now."




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...this wonderful pile of rocks and mistakes we call a planet...


Honestly, the rest of the suggestion pales in comparison to this beautiful line. Like it's a good idea, but this line is so good I think it stole the show.


Okay, real talk though, I'm not sure how well this is gonna fly. I've heard several strong opinions saying that speed debuffs are too cheap to bring into the game, since a lot of the skill and challenge is in the movement. Also a camo turret just seems... odd. Out of place. I dunno, somethin' about it grinds my gears. If I think of a more constructive suggestion I'll edit this. I like the DoT secondary though, and like the alternate primaries. Gives it a good range balance, kinda like the Brawler having the Flak and Hawkins, but it's different enough to make it stand apart.

Edited by SatelliteJack, 03 December 2015 - 07:18 PM.




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I think the speed debuff is not a significant issue if the suggested Damper internal is also implemented that mitigates all debuffing weapons.


So you have a choice. Use orblord or speed+AC internals etc and cop these debuffs on the chin,  or equip and internal that mitigates all debuffing weapons and you have to walk fly and heal like noob.



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I think the speed debuff is not a significant issue if the suggested Damper internal is also implemented that mitigates all debuffing weapons.


So you have a choice. Use orblord or speed+AC internals etc and cop these debuffs on the chin,  or equip and internal that mitigates all debuffing weapons and you have to walk fly and heal like noob.

the damper internal is very situational because, only 2 mechs that i can think of have weapons that apply debuffs. Also, in the situation where you are fighting one of these mechs (specifically the tech with redox) the weapon becomes basically useless. It would also render the Ice cannon in this mech useless. 

I do appreciate the art, but I don't have time to find anything good. /h/



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... Damper internal ... that mitigates all debuffing weapons.

Currently the M4MA is generally inferior to the PPA, and the Redox is decent.

There's no need for such an internal.

If debuff weapons were too strong, I'd much rather have them nerfed than getting an internal just to counter them completely.



I've heard several strong opinions saying that speed debuffs are too cheap to bring into the game, since a lot of the skill and challenge is in the movement.





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The Cuttlefish

The Cuttlefish was originally a C-Class mech designed for hunting and killing the insanely hostile wildlife we have here on this wonderful pile of rocks and mistakes we call a planet.

This still gets me,


 its main primary, Nicknamed "The ice cannon" is a much less powerful rifle that fires endothermic rounds usually for slowing or stopping a target in its tracks, 



(Author's note: i came up with this on a random whim and i am open to your opinions, so throw it at me people.)




the damper internal is very situational because, only 2 mechs that i can think of have weapons that apply debuffs. Also, in the situation where you are fighting one of these mechs (specifically the tech with redox) the weapon becomes basically useless. It would also render the Ice cannon in this mech useless. 



Currently the M4MA is generally inferior to the PPA, and the Redox is decent.

There's no need for such an internal.

If debuff weapons were too strong, I'd much rather have them nerfed than getting an internal just to counter them completely.



I kind of agree to the ideas of the speed debuff being difficult, was playing some skyrim, what if the ice cannon worked like the frost magic? it does fuel damage, or reduces regen for fuel, to be balanced as needed, no need for a new specific internal, doesn't break faster mechs, but also allows the weapon to keep the unique features, could also help the turret mode by reducing the ability of other mechs to get behind it.

"but the dead horse has been beaten so many times it's practically a pulpy mess in the barn by now."




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...it does fuel damage, or reduces regen for fuel, to be balanced as needed, no need for a new specific internal, doesn't break faster mechs, but also allows the weapon to keep the unique features, could also help the turret mode by reducing the ability of other mechs to get behind it.


I like this.




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Fixed it :D


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