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day #657 , still no grappling hook mech....

- - - - - hooksaplenty plzhooks

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just back again to suggest the grappling hook mech as well as other ideas like melee options or even tweaking a few things to make the viablefor ot with melee


so of course grappling hook mech, just something that uses its ability to whale harpoon  a player or use it on a high perch to set up for jumps and/or snipes. a couple names i thought of were either Ahab, or Scorpion for obvious reference reasons. may even be down for "Tuggah" but that considering everybody is down for fightin round the world.


if the hook hits a player it its effect depends on weight class and differences between. LIKe a b class hits an a, and yoinks him or he hits a c lass and piggy backs toward him, this also should be on FF so one can either escape hell by latching a ride out or pluck a light that is abt to take a finishing tow.


also im thinking a b class would be best for this to allow the most usage, that and if a b hits another b, it then favors the one who is in the least motion as the steady point where the other goes flying, or alternatively we can have them meet in the middle.


we could have somthing for items too, like it kills them or relocates them (imagine yoinking a health orb from an orblord who didnt see or even some mlg crap where emp's and even detonators can get grabbed)


now for other things:

duke nukem kick boot for all heavies, two arm animu chop motion for b class, and shoulder bash for lights


dmg is half of crushing dmg values for its quicker nature and also allows one to REALLY pull an alpha strike


barrel roll as an alt to air comp, it makes you roll out of the way instead of dodging but increases the distance and speed in which you dodge and can be used in turret mode or while an ability is active (raider, g2  fist-turkey)

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Melee mechs won`t happen. It`s more likely that Lenin smashes his glass coffin and takes over modern day Russia than a melee mech ever getting implemented into the game.

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In a game where survival is closely tied to mobility, options for impacting other players motion need to be very carefully implemented.

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MFW Howken


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Melee mechs won`t happen. It`s more likely that Lenin smashes his glass coffin and takes over modern day Russia than a melee mech ever getting implemented into the game.



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To be serious for a moment this is just a joke




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you see, its begun.


so this is whut josh meant by "launch season"








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You know, wanting melee is as almost preposterous as wanting laser weapons in this game. It's like a taboo.



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"day 657, still no grappling hook mech"


More like; day 657, absolutely f*ck-all has been added to the game, never mind a bloody grappling hook mech.

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I want to laugh at the OP sooo bad but




Gundam did a grappling hook that grabs melee weapons. I think OP forgot that Hawken is a sci-fi arcade shooter not a mecha war simulator anime. As an arcade shooter the mechanics need to be simple with weapons and skill sets that are easily transferable to each mech. That's why such a new weapon set would be out of place in Hawken. Simply put it's uncharacteristic of mecha combat in a Hawken universe.


(Edit: I really considered this idea worth thinking about but I started pulling my hair out right here trying to imagine it in a current Hawken)


Also considering every other weapon, and even maps, that already exist would have to be reworked just to make one mech's ability and weapon even worthwhile. Pull me in when I have T-32 and MIRV, do it! It's literally impossible for me to imagine a situation where someone could be in the middle of a duel and constantly be in attack range of a melee swipe. If you played CBE you would know very well the weapons that halt momentum are broken. Most of this game is played by dancing around corners not shock combos.


I've now spent 20 minutes on this..

The hook idea is also purely unoriginal. THE END.

Edited by Kamile, 27 April 2016 - 06:33 PM.





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Just no....


No grapple mech, No melee.. Not happening


always the new faces tryna add fuzzy bunny that no one wants...

If i wanted to play a melee fighting game... I'd play warframe...


hawken is GUNS MECHS AND MORE GUNS!!!....

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mfw arkhaun has been around longer than demi



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trip wires are more bloody realistic but even that idea would have a rough path to becoming an addition to hawken


grappling hooks and melee? next lets add a mech that makes sinkholes or pitfalls or sumhow or another messes with the terrain...

don't mind me, i'm just on a crusade against humanity, by the end of my lifespan earth's population will be 8 billion+ trolls



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You guys/girls are crazy, you want cool things but you don't want cool things. Let me add something for you I thought of in a short amount of time thinking about melee type mechs. See below.


Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, your new mech "Javelin". B type mech (would like to use the name Siege and have the ability name Javelin but it might cause too much confusion)


Ability Name: Piercer; Your mech lowers it's top shielding blade and folds in it's side wing to it's center (as seen above) and activating all hydraulics and boosters to shoot forward (cross-hair direction; can't move from direction once pressed) with all it's momentum. Exhausting all it's fuel (fuel depletes rapidly) for a short devastating attack. 20 second cooldown. (same cooldown as G2R)

Side Note 1: Adds minor damage resistance to front during ability activation, do to shield blade.

Side Note 2: Do to the shield blade design, it hits sieged mechs with the same amount of damage as it would hit a regular mech, ignoring its siege armor bonus, do to the fact that the blade was meant to pierce walls and barriers, this includes shield wall items such as blockade. Meaning you would be able to go though blockade once it is put down if you activate your ability, similar to predators breacher but with your whole mech instead.

Side Note 3: If you hit a solid wall or enemy mech without killing them or press the ability button again, your ability deactivates and goes on cooldown.

Side Note 4: Enemies hit by Piecer get pushed back slightly from the hit and disabling them from boosting/side boosting for 0.5 second do to the concussion blow back. If the target is killed, Javelin with Piercer active will continue forward until its fuel runs out/ability button is hit by player or hitting a solid wall or enemy without killing them.

Side Note 5: Basic Fuel Converter or Fuel Converter can extend Piercers range slightly if you are hit with these internal on your mech with Piercer active. Keep in mind, Fuel is rapidly depleting, faster than any mech in game right now, so the extension on range is pretty short. You can't use this ability to travel long distances, as I said above, it's a short dash forward. As this mech is designed around close quarter fights.

Side Note 6: Deflectors will add additional shielding when Piercer is active since you are boosting and this also means you will show up on radar when the ability is active.


Weapons L & R: (similar to G2A)

Light smg: A light smg that deals light damage similar to techs PN-223 just slightly more powerful on both L & R. Do to the top shield blade and side wing size, manufacturers where forced to cut down on weapon power to achieve proper mech momentum.


Javelin lore: As war raged on across Illal, to protect its citizens and military installations. Great walls where built around places of interest. Because of this, Prosk designed a mech that would allow it's ground forces to break past these walls and infiltrate bases or targets of interest for search and destroy missions. Do to the strength of these walls and the lack of movement after the initial hit, many Javelin pilots lost there lives breaking through these walls for there fellow comrades to succeed at there siege missions. Do to this, most pilots new that if they where assigned to a Javelin, they where not coming home.


Come on guys. I'm sure the devs could do this easily. I swear people lack creativity, think about it guys.


Edited by Onstrava, 28 April 2016 - 01:32 AM.

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It would immediately be nicknamed 'The Poon'

That's short for harpoon... I don't see any other way that could be interpreted.
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they dont even deliver anti-cheat


anyway, i like the idea to be applied on all mech, only to grapple wall, this will add more style/game-play/evasion

Join Hawken asia Facebook group : here


Mech idea : Marauder (B-class), Raptor (A-class)



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Hawken's chicken mechs kicking, chopping and harpooning each other? That would probably be crap for gameplay but hilarious to watch!



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I like going against the best of any game I play. Helps you in the long run n motivates u to do more. Always room for improvement not failure



czerofive-Today at 2:22 AM > got banned from playing lazertag - I used a knife to conserve ammo




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Last night I watched Star Wars and now I think we need a mech that can move objects on the map and throw them at other mechs. Come on it'd be so easy devs.





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Last night I watched Star Wars and now I think we need a mech that can move objects on the map and throw them at other mechs. Come on it'd be so easy devs.


With the types of mechs you have in Hawken... that would just look odd though.  These are supposed to be mechs that look like they were built by future Skeeter and Cletus with random salvaged conventional weapons slapped on with duct-tape, bailing wire and bubble gum.


That and people would probably hate this suggestion if it were to bring back the dreaded stun-lock issues of old.  



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mfw arkhaun has been around longer than demi





The date on the forum webpage lies man... Just sayin... ;)

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The date on the forum webpage lies man... Just sayin... ;)

that might have been caused by the community servers death during the great silence...



then again ive mostly not posted on forums at all really before acension

still miss turreted deflectors and tuning points (not for real play but damn son with the options for custom games)

Edited by Arkhaun, 01 May 2016 - 04:23 PM.






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