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Put Money back to how it was!

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(Xbox)XGC DeadlyOne

(Xbox)XGC DeadlyOne


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You nerfed the money. It is horrible now. Put the money back to how it was!!!

(Xbox)Yorgoth LoG

(Xbox)Yorgoth LoG

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I agree, on lower tiers grinding for credits isn't that bad, since the lower mechs are cheaper however when you get to higher tiers, they can cost up to 25K which if you earn on average 500 credits per match, thats equal to 50 matches and way more time than should be spent playing for 1 mech.

Incinerator + Berzerker = Bae



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They also give you credits early for doing things in the game, double kills, kill streaks, and etc. but those fall off as you complete higher levels there are not any credits given for doing the higher levels of them.

if they at least gave a leveling up credit bonus. And put in credit bonuses to those mini in-game achievements.

Edited by (Xbox)TheEnigmaShew, 03 July 2016 - 05:56 PM.

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