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Fix the matchmaking!

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It is really annoying trying to play with friends when it keeps putting you on enemy teams (consistently...almost as if the server is doing it on purpose) and it needs to account for the amount of ppl in your group b/c it has happened way too often where it will say cannot join b/c server is full when all other group members got into a game but you.

also, fix it to where it fills in already existing lobbies b4 creating new ones. seriously, have you looked at the server browser for co-op bot destruction??? there are HUNDREDS of matches with atleast 60% of them having 1-3 players sitting in a lobby waiting for ppl to join that NEVER COME, unless someone randomly joins from the server browser. (though these lobbies that have 1-3 ppl says it has 0/4 but when you join, there is 1 or 2 ppl in the lobby with 1, if not all "connecting" to the game.

Edited by (Xbox)CrazyCaboose009, 03 July 2016 - 06:45 PM.



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The whole point of party systems is to play together. The co-op nature of being with your friends, the people you trust, is you play together. You know each other.


Your party system only allows for three in a party. While some modes allow 10 max only three in a party, 6 max, only three on a party. that is not the really bad part of your system.


The bad part is that party system might as well not exist. As when the party leader launches  they are the only one assured of getting into the match. This is horrible. And does not happen on the pc side at all. So either your coders got lazy or missed a vital piece of code.  I have been gaming since 1977 and in every party system, it counts how many are in the party and puts them together on the same team. And if the server doesn't have room, it opens a new one that they all can fit on.


If you want to be included in the console market you need to have clan battles, and ladders, you also need to perfect you party system so people can be assured to be teamed up when they launch. Playing lone wolf only last for so long as the fun level goes up when with friends.

Edited by (Xbox)TheEnigmaShew, 04 July 2016 - 04:38 PM.

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XBox Ambassador, Desert Storm Veteran, Founder Enigma Gaming a club dedicated to gaming ethics and promoting co-op gameplay.

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The trouble with parties is late joining groups disrupt the balancing abilities of the matchmaker.

While partying with friends to be on the same team is something I can understand is great fun, having a reasonably balanced server upturned with a late joining party has also been a perennial disappointment.

EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken

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Well if its a issue for those players they need friends or a spacfic mode that removes parties altogether, just had two of my friends who were away on vacation. Download and play a match with me. They're response I'll play again once they fix or allow me to be on your team.

They logged off the game after 5 minutes, they enjoyed the game but no ll

So basically at this point your losing customers who want n love your game experience ...




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Tbh, parties mess up the balance completely. After they allowed premades vs randoms, those games get so lopsided they're not fun for anyone.

One giant ball of death rolling through the map. And the randoms keep going in one at the time. And with no text chat to give simple instructions...

Parties are fine. Just put them against other parties, cause right now I'd say that the matchmaker is the one thing adding the unfun to Hawken. And the population should be plenty big enough so I really can't think of anything but parties/premades to skew balance this much

(Xbox)xX PAN1K Xx

(Xbox)xX PAN1K Xx


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I don't understand why people complain about a party of 3 coming in playing as a team. You do realize you picked a team based game mode right? If you don't want to play against a team, play deathmatch. Original post had it right and I'm glad they fixed the parties to allow friends play together. I'm all for a mode that allows full teams to play against full teams, but until a mode like that is available, the matchmaking is working as it should.

(Xbox)xX PAN1K Xx

(Xbox)xX PAN1K Xx


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I don't understand why people complain about a party of 3 coming in playing as a team. You do realize you picked a team based game mode right? If you don't want to play against a team, play deathmatch. Original post had it right and I'm glad they fixed the parties to allow friends play together. I'm all for a mode that allows full teams to play against full teams, but until a mode like that is available, the matchmaking is working as it should.




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Of course you can just play deathmatch, but most of the game modes are actually team based modes. Missile Assault, Siege and TDM. You're stuck with one game mode then. The rest of the game content is not for you unless you have lot of friends to team up with. Thats not a good solution imo and will make the game suffer in the long run.



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IMO a term/phrase used a lot these days. Mostly as a defense of their own play style or to garner a perceived defense of the words.


While I understand your opinion on balancing I disagree. A far more damaging thing on console, would be to put party members on different teams as a default to protect randoms. You would do better to befriend more players of the game and form a party of your own.


Every game mode save one is team based that means the optimum usage of that mode would be a full experienced teamwork oriented party.  Several times you will even hear the random radio chatter say to stay together or die separately.  Tactics win, good tactics can even beat a superior force. Partied up friends who talk and make teamwork their goal will win against disorganized rabble. Your only defense is to form one yourself. Dismantling that team work for the protection of balance is assinine. The only people to do longterm loyal gaming are groups. not individuals.

XBox Ambassador, Desert Storm Veteran, Founder Enigma Gaming a club dedicated to gaming ethics and promoting co-op gameplay.

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Nothing wrong with IMO, IMO. I try not to be perceived as passive aggressive.

I see where all you are coming from. I played Hawken extensively after open beta 12.12.12. Loved it back then. But I've been here before, similar discussions on balance etc over the years. I just really hoped they would nail it this time.

Parties and groups are probably way more important on console than on pc.
So I'll take your advice into consideration and add some friends until I can pass judgement on this version of the game.

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