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Tech tree fix up

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So the tech tree in this game is a bit complicated to move around and select things with a controller.
This is the tech tree and with the mechs being all over the place it's pretty awkward. Which is why I believe it should be fixed up a bit so console users find it easier to use. E.g:
This I made on my tablet (and took some time) which should give a slight idea on what I mean by fixed. It should be easier to navigate around with a controller.


Edit: Fixed

Edited by (Xbox)ZambieSlayer28, 09 July 2016 - 09:33 AM.


(Xbox)Yorgoth LoG

(Xbox)Yorgoth LoG

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Looks good, although after thinging about it, they could make the current one better just by adding in full movement around the screen with the joystick, rather than the jankey control is uses where if you push in certain directions, nothing happens. Maybe even add in a cursor instead.

Incinerator + Berzerker = Bae

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