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I have an suggestion

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(Xbox)chiraq stylez

(Xbox)chiraq stylez


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Tell Xbox to release the nief, I have all the others? Thank you, and have a bless day.

(Xbox)Yorgoth LoG

(Xbox)Yorgoth LoG

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The nief will be coming as soon as microsoft put it back up on the market place. As far as I'm aware, its not in Hawken's control. These things take time.

Incinerator + Berzerker = Bae




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I suggest allowing us to review our archive of hints, tips, and tutorials. I notice that i am recieving tips when i level up on how to customize my mech but i cant seem to actually customize this. It doesnt even look like its possible to customize but i am still recieving these tips with no way to go back and review what was said.


Also i hope this game does very well and you guys can do some serious updates, i want to say that this game does have the look of a game that is 4+ years old. It needs updated graphics and maps if you want your community to stick around after this holiday season. The hud looks and works very well as well as the targeting system.  However it would be nice for the mechs to look more distinguished from both the environment as well as eachother. Your competitor {titanfall} will have flashy mechs and cool fast paced combat completed with a sword and a hard fist bump to some losers face. I REALIZE that these are totally different games and the mechanics are not the same but my question to you is this -  Will your community really care about why your mechs dont have swords and why we cant fist bump and why your graphics look so last gen?  I dont think so.


My last suggestion is this, PLEASE find a way to change up the mech weapons and items and internals. Even if it takes an super load of my credits i believe their is just simply not enough upgrading and customizing my mech. Simply put i can only upgrade my current bruisers items and internals a total of 1 times. It would be fair to note that i do not own the most advanced mechs but from what i can tell you can only upgrade those a total of 2 times. These are very low numbers. However these numbers would be manageable if i had some room to change from dropping a turret with my favorite bruiser class to possibly a bubble shield. Or even a HUD Jammer. 


Lastly i would put that i see great potential in this game and i have noticed that you guys are undergoing MAJOR changes with this game and i will most definitely be checking out what you guys have to offer. IDK or care what other games you guys may or may not have done or how bad they sucked or rocked. I enjoy this game and i know many others do. I will be buying in game credits with real money to show support. I just hope its money well spent.


 P.S.   this holiday season is not waiting on you guys. I think its crucial for you guys to start throwing out the bones and treats ASAP to us pups.




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Also i would love to see a CTF game mode in Hawken. I believe it would put the smaller MECHS to better use than other playlists and really give them a chance to shine.  I think it would really add some much needed variety

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