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Option to turn on/off 180�spin

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As title says. Some love it, depending on your play style, I personally can't stand it, and can't even count the number of times I've managed to turn around instead of dodging in a duel. Turning your back to your opponent doesn't increase the chance of success.

You can toggle it in the pc version, and it was added as a choice there for obvious reasons.
I really hope they will do the same here.
  • (Xbox)Conscium and (Xbox)Chrysophylax08 like this



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Interesting, I am fairly good about not accidently doing the thumb selects but can see the advantage to toggling off the 180 spin, would be good to also toggle off the "enemy sighted" as well.

  • (Xbox)Conscium likes this

XBox Ambassador, Desert Storm Veteran, Founder Enigma Gaming a club dedicated to gaming ethics and promoting co-op gameplay.

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you can turn off the voice announce for enemy sighted

EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken

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Thank you Dus, I know that. But it would be nicer to have a toggle systems so that newbs who are used to sprinting with the left thumb button could turn it off. so that more experienced players I know that know how and when to use the enemy sighted still can.

  • (Xbox)Deth3327 likes this

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