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My compromises for controversial topics: TTK, AC, Tech, Radar, and Orbs.

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- TTK -

400/600/800 as the universal health for Lights/Mediums/Heavies. I would also add an increase to secondary weapon cooldowns. Current cooldowns are fast enough to commonly use secondary weapons two times in a typical 1v1 fight. I'm sure being able to burst down up to over one-half of a Light's HP and up to over one-third of a Medium's HP in about three seconds is a huge contributor to the too-low TTK.


- Air Combat -

Air movement and shooting speeds/mechanics work exactly the same as ground movement and shooting speeds/mechanics. Hovering still uses fuel. Since air combat now works exactly like ground combat with the exception of hovering still using fuel, this should make flight a viable option while still having land as the preferred engagement plane.


- Technician -

Replace sticky healing beam with a sticky damage reduction beam. Remove self healing from the red beam. Keep healing on the green beam, but reduce it to current orange beam levels. Since the Technician's only healing is now weaker, on a short timer, and on a cooldown, this should make the Repair Torch only useful for spot healing. Overall, these changes should allow the Technician to retain its support role while eliminating its most dreaded effect on game play - Constantly removing player progression.


- Radar -

Change enemy detection and tracking from a constant type to a sweeping type.


- Orb Lords -

Reduce total health gained from player-dropped and item-dropped orbs. Remove stacking healing from multiple orbs. Having more viable Internal options will also help. For example, there aren't any Offensive internals besides Failsafes. And while there are multiple Mobility internals, the Air Compressor beats them all by far (though making the AC universal like what I implied in Air Combat will fix this.)



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Ttk no. Tech no. Everything else you said is golden.

Edited by Merl61, 30 March 2015 - 11:06 AM.

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4k6k8k ftw!

Tech nerf isn't as needed as incin nerf

Also can't tell if you mean "scanner" by "radar"

The PC community is the red headed step child Reloaded never wanted but got saddled with when they married the PC community's mother.


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4k6k8k ftw!

Tech nerf isn't as needed as incin nerf

Also can't tell if you mean "scanner" by "radar"


4000/6000/8000 jesus ... k = X,000


TTK: Yes

Air Combat: No

Technician: Only one solution is accepted, which is the complete ban/removal ._.

Radar: Only for the scanner

Orbs: ... meeh, okey

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4k6k8k ftw!

Tech nerf isn't as needed as incin nerf

Also can't tell if you mean "scanner" by "radar"

Inc isn't nerf needed though. Inc works fine as is, unless you're talking Inc+Tech combo. Then yeah, Inc+Tech combo needs nerf.



Technician: Only one solution is accepted, which is the complete ban/removal ._.

You remove it now and you'll lose more players than gain, also why is it good mechs have to go.


Edited by Brawler_Yukon, 30 March 2015 - 11:45 AM.

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If change of tech was implemented the incinerator would not need nerf at first, cause there is no cure, only damage reduction. Ground combat should be the main, because we are not playing gundam wing kkkkk.



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If change of tech was implemented the incinerator would not need nerf at first, cause there is no cure, only damage reduction. Ground combat should be the main, because we are not playing gundam wing kkkkk.

Tell that to all the player who fly around the map and die. Also doing DR instead of heals, I'd think lots of good tech players would stop playing, there's a reason the vaccinator is not used, and as it stand it's the (Before update)Quick fix, be happy it's not giving crits or making them literally invincible.

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 Axes and upgrades would be nice.




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Where I'm coming from with these suggestions is the realization Hawken will no longer see massive, sweeping changes. What there is is here to stay, and nothing will see removal. However, it's obvious from community discussions some changes need to happen. So how to compromise?


My take on a compromise is to find the number one thing most players have an issue with on a particular topic and solve that issue, and only that issue. This should solve problems while not changing the game too much. By the way, what are these number one issues for these particular topics? Well:


- TTK -

Too punishing for new players.


- Air Combat -

Breaks map design. Makes the option for ground combat almost pointless.


- Technician -

Healing reverses effort spent on the enemy team. Always frustrating to see effort go to waste. No fun.


- Radar -

Too omniscient. Simplifies reading opponents in an already simple game.


- Orbs -

Base orb healing and stacking orb healing is too powerful. No internal builds comparable to the power of Orb Lord.

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To be honest, I would not want standardized health values. Doesn't seem right to have them just be one of 3 values.


The radar... honestly I personally see no problem with it as is.


I've no real opinion on Air combat.


I think Techs teeter between "being too good" and "being pointless" with little middle ground. And if Tech does get a damage reduction beam that would mean the Damage Absorb ability would need to be removed. Maybe just raise the heat levels for the heal beam?


Also, saying Techs are an issue because it undoes progress done on an enemy is, while true, also not the only thing that undoes progress.


Multi orb drain could be removed.



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Stop complaining about Techs because YOU don't know how to kill them. The only time, in game, that I here people complain about them is from the other team. My team is always happy to have me. Always. If you can't kill a Tech, that's a problem on your end of the screen. I'm terrible in a combatrole and I kill techs in my Tech. We can be alpha struck by preds. That says something... I can bet that once the Incin+tech combo is cut and you get better, this won't be a discussion.

I feel that all support mechs, current or future, shout not interact with eachother passivly. To explain; say Reloaded introduces a mech tgat increases movement speed passively. Neither the Tech or Incin are allowed to benefit. If there is an active element to the bonus, such as they must hit a mech with a gun to give them the boost, then by all means. It's a one person bonus and you have to do it yourself.

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Stop complaining about Techs because YOU don't know how to kill them. The only time, in game, that I here people complain about them is from the other team. My team is always happy to have me. Always. If you can't kill a Tech, that's a problem on your end of the screen.

Interesting how any complaints about the tech is often countered by unproven claims about someone else's skill level. Does anyone actually have any proof that said person can not kill Technicians or are they pulling it out of thin air as a desperate attempt to dismiss their opinion?



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As far as a 2 man team goes, In my experience it comes down to seeing how the enemy/enemies will try to outdamage the one one being healed. Techs, if not protected, will at least try not to stand in the way.


When it comes to shootouts there usually aren't many willing to flank the enemies from what I've seen, and if too many go the enemies will get suspicious.


Look, why not have the Tech have to charge it's healing beam normally by not using it? It'll take a while for full charge, but give it a very considerate max charge. Would that satisfy some of the detractors?



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Where I'm coming from with these suggestions is the realization Hawken will no longer see massive, sweeping changes. What there is is here to stay, and nothing will see removal. However, it's obvious from community discussions some changes need to happen. So how to compromise?

My take on a compromise is to find the number one thing most players have an issue with on a particular topic and solve that issue, and only that issue. This should solve problems while not changing the game too much. By the way, what are these number one issues for these particular topics? Well:

- TTK -
Too punishing for new players.

- Air Combat -
Breaks map design. Makes the option for ground combat almost pointless.

- Technician -
Healing reverses effort spent on the enemy team. Always frustrating to see effort go to waste. No fun.

- Radar -
Too omniscient. Simplifies reading opponents in an already simple game.

- Orbs -
Base orb healing and stacking orb healing is too powerful. No internal builds comparable to the power of Orb Lord.

All of this.

Edited by Superkamikazee, 05 April 2015 - 03:20 PM.

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Interesting how any complaints about the tech is often countered by unproven claims about someone else's skill level. Does anyone actually have any proof that said person can not kill Technicians or are they pulling it out of thin air as a desperate attempt to dismiss their opinion?

Two things. Is there any evidence to substantiate that they can? And why else would they complain.

Technicians exist to create a stronger push. Same goes for the Incin. Techs do, in fact, counteract progress made, but they do so at the expense of potential damage output. This doesn't make them OP. This makes them useful in a different way. You wouldn't say the predator is OP even though it has the highest Alpha Strike potential. Howsabout we "fix" the Predator on the grounds that it can outright kill things from across the map without even being there? I mean, it totally ruins the flow. Too much area control. I don't like it. Blah blah.

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