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G2 mechs and how they ruin Hawkens potential

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(Xbox)x KiRK707

(Xbox)x KiRK707

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Ive had every single last one of my friends play this game and they stop within a day; Theyre a myriad of reasons but one in particular pops up that I simply cant work around to keep these guys playing: G2 P2W misconception. Yes, as experienced players, some of us will understand that buying a Scout with real cash isnt gonna make you a top tier player; Itll make you worse, if anything, because you dont know the games intricacies- But that doesnt change the perception the mech tree gives, which is an ugly P2W model. Hawken vets know its P2NG (Pay 2 not grind) but new players, or even smart players, will refuse to accept that. This game already had a huge P2W issue on PC with Adhesives control, does it really seem like a good move for you to win back those players with the current G2 models?

Some side notes on G2 that bug me;

1. Remove that ugly line mesh around the G2 cosmetics, it ruins camos and looks bad anyways

2. Its fine that we cant change the cockpit but allow us to get different cosmetic versions of the cockpit, not just the ugly G2 mesh version of the same cockpit.

3. Continuing from 2, give us more cosmetic freedom with the dang things, it makes zero sense for a golden cockpit to only be available to the G1 version! Why even spend the HC making the G1 look good when you need the HC for the G2 unlock? Then why make it so we cant even make it look good anyways??

4. If youre gonna stick to your G2 guns, Give us something to unlock for the G2s... Its literally pointless to play them other than wanting to maximize your stats but Id rather play a G1 mech to unlock its G2 version, making G2s just feel pointless to use after all that work to get them because theres no real point in try-harding. If you even got a competitive scene after this patch rolls to PC, G2s will be entirely banned because of the pay wall and long grinds to achieve them... again, pointless...
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(Xbox)Yorgoth LoG

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In my personal opinion, I think that the G2 variant should be the reward for maxing out the G1 version (but increase the required xp per level to match) since they are stupidly expensive for the usual rewards from matches to be able to earn them unless you play non stop for at least 2 weeks of grinding.

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I disagree highly with the 'paying doesnt make you win'. Consistently if not almost every match the people who has paid Red Credits (never remember their name lol) have unlocked a far superior mech than the early ones. It clear by the win/loss experience, the matches with teams mostly 'early' mechs and 1 or 2 heavier unlocked ones loose far too often. One night I had to just stop playing because the one guy vs the 4 of us was stomping our entire team with only assaults, micowaves, zerkers. A few seemed to be newer players but it got old fast both playing with and against him. (it also has to do with team balancing code wise, but thats another story. )

I do agree the big sprawling web thing ugly. just give a list based on light. med. heavy with their G1,G2 side by side with conditions to unlock when highlighted.


Im one bad game night away from dropping 80 bucks on the game to get the 3 pack of mechs and massive amount of credits....maybe this is intentional on the devs part, but imo it hurts the early player base. 

Edited by (Xbox)Riker210, 24 August 2016 - 08:04 PM.

(Xbox)x KiRK707

(Xbox)x KiRK707

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I disagree highly with the 'paying doesnt make you win'. Consistently if not almost every match the people who has paid Red Credits (never remember their name lol) have unlocked a far superior mech than the early ones. It clear by the win/loss experience, the matches with teams mostly 'early' mechs and 1 or 2 heavier unlocked ones loose far too often. One night I had to just stop playing because the one guy vs the 4 of us was stomping our entire team with only assaults, micowaves, zerkers. A few seemed to be newer players but it got old fast both playing with and against him. (it also has to do with team balancing code wise, but thats another story. )

I do agree the big sprawling web thing ugly. just give a list based on light. med. heavy with their G1,G2 side by side with conditions to unlock when highlighted.

Im one bad game night away from dropping 80 bucks on the game to get the 3 pack of mechs and massive amount of credits....maybe this is intentional on the devs part, but imo it hurts the early player base.

Its up to you but you wont be any better with a G2; They have marginally better stats, literally unnoticable to the average player. Players like me have G2s because they play far too much with a lot of success and have unlocked them fairly quickly but my G2 Recruit gets me 0 more points than my G1. Why? Because its about a pilots ability, not the G2 version of a mech. Ill happily prove this with any amount of video footage, Im no less lethal with a G1

Edited by (Xbox)x KiRK707, 25 August 2016 - 06:04 PM.

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(Xbox)x KiRK707

(Xbox)x KiRK707

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Reloaded, seriously, consider a different progression system. Take away all G2s and standardize their stats amongst the base mechs; Then, remove the MC purchase for mechs (Side note: Dont ever give us the G2 cosmetics again, that mesh around the cockpit is horrific and it sucks not getting the painted cosmetic parts on G2s). Instead, sell HC/XP/Mech-XP boosters- Why? With the removal of G2 mechs, the only way to progress through the mech tree should be reaching level 3 or 4 in your current mech, making the proposed boosters relevant purchases for players, as well as giving the grind a little meaning since players will need to adapt to new mechs and learn more about the game. The XP boosters for your pilot level seem useless but its because you should be offering small bonuses for leveling up like HC bonuses or the free cosmetics you get on the PC side... So starting from the Recruit, you should need to be mech level 4 in order to unlock the next options in your mech tree (The Berserker and Assault). The mechs still require their large-ish HC prices. Items should be upgradeable to two uses, no upgrading the effectiveness of items. Internals, however (This could be used for items as well), should be unlocked after mech level 3 and the upgrades shouldnt exist; Instead, after level 3, unlock the internals for purchase (No more upgrading them) but also unlock the ability to switch them out for others, seeing as youre looking into getting more customization.

Now what about the players who paid MC already? Youre gonna take a loss here. You can refund their MC spent on G2 purchases but thats heavy; Heres some options, Id like to see what those who have spent MC on G2 mechs would think about these:

Employment for Prosk or Sentium. Sticking to the lore, you could give players who spent MC on G2 mechs what would be called "Employment"; Players recieve a percentage discount on all things on the Prosk or Sentium side of the mech tree, meaning mechs, their upgrades, and possibly their cosmetics would be cheaper for either the Prosk or Sentium side of the mech tree, dependant upon the players choice or perhaps whichever side they bought their last mech from? Logistics aside, a percentage discount would be a good start as a repay for supporting your G2 era. The employment part and all was for lores sake.

You could also repay those players with free early access to new mechs before their release (Instead of paying $30 to play the 36M a week or two early)

Coming up with some exclusive cosmetic content for G2 era supporters might be neat as well; A camo, a player emblem, maybe a badge, in-game supporter tag, mech cosmetic parts, cockpit decorations, you could easily repay players with exclusive content like this.

I continously keep my opinion on G2s made known because, on my friends list (Excluding the fantastic people Ive met in-game), people wont play the game due to G2 P2W misconception. I even am accused of paying-to-win, even when in a G1 mech. Hawken is not getting a good reputation and is starting to feed the sore losers something to blame, making your game less and less populated. I understand this is not the only issue for player retention but, in my corner of the internet (Around 60+ gamers), this is the most prevelant issue. Reloaded, I cant even try to promote your game anymore, my attempts are shut-down as soon as people realize they can pay real money for new mechs whenever they feel like it. There is no talking sense into people because they then ignore that and try to play anyways but without proper instructions/tutorials/quick-and-basic, players are left to flail aimlessly until theyre fed-up with the game and refuse to keep playing, due to excuses like P2W. P2W misconception is a problem, even when its not the problem. Your game isnt going anywhere on console at this rate, Reloaded. Dont be Gearbox and make changes when its too late. Dont let this game die, Reloaded

Edited by (Xbox)x KiRK707, 22 September 2016 - 05:56 PM.

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I disagree, I think the G2s are fine. They are hardly any improvement on the G1s anyways. Too me the G2s are more a status symbol of experienced players, considering you have to grind a ridiculous amount of xp to unlock one. Which I also like, because it makes players really earn them. It gives a since of accomplishment for playing the same bot.

Yes, people can buy their way into G2s, which I also support, because it pays to support the game. Obviously someone unexperienced who buys a G2 isn't any match for someone with a G1 who is an experienced player. So if they want to spend money to pose as an experienced player, I say more power to them.

(Xbox)x KiRK707

(Xbox)x KiRK707

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It's not that I disagree with what you're saying, what I'm saying is many players don't think that hard about it; Money instead of grinding means P2W to a lot of people

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