Hawken launched on console a while ago and I wanted to see if anyone was a stunned as I was at how bad it is. Hawken plays pretty well on PC with a Dual Shock 4, so I was excited to play new console players and be king of the PS4 ant hill. Little did I know, the console versions were going to be trash fires. Sub 30 Frame rate and horribly laggy movement, (due to optimization or connectivity, i dont know).
To those of you who think this doesn't effect the PC community just imagine all the the prospective money cows the devs could have milked if they didn't rush this garbage out on the PS store. 40 million PS4 Users, 20 million on Xbone, and Hawken is free. All that support and good will tanked before they could even develop any. Gestating development for years on a platform obviously went so well for the last devs. So learning from history, they do the same thing on 2 new platforms instead, before the PC version has even been changed in any meaningful ways?
I love this game, I've spent a lot of money supporting it. Now i'm afraid they've driven that final nail in the coffin in a petty cash grab.