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New training mode: Where pros can train new players

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As the title says i'd like to suggest creating a mode where new players that want to train with pros can get into a server queue. 1 or 2 pros and the rest new players (or anyone who wants to learn). Make it like a Hawken university. The purpose is not to kill each other but for the pro players to do hands on training with new players or just those that want to learn. 2 pros can demonstrate with each other or split up to teach different things to the newer players.


I think there is a steep learning curve with this game and new players get turned off quickly when they don't understand why a long time player can just cut down the whole team and that's not very fun for them.


In this university mode, damage can be toggled off and on (as frostdragon suggested in a different post) so we can teach them how to:


-Move properly

-Dodge effectively

-Strategic battle positioning

-Mech specific training (want to get good with a scout? have a pro scout player show you the ropes)

-Strategic healing

-Go over any questions

-Internal balancing

-Mech discussions and general Q-A

-Every server could be a whole line of different teachings (have one for internals and what are good combos for mechs and playstyles)


This sort of mode would do much to build a community of players who know each other and are friends. Plus we can watch as new talent is developed and grows over time.



What are the incentives for the pros to do the teaching? Well other than good karma, maybe reward them with cosmetics, or mechs, or items, or have teaching levels similar to pilot levels. Not sure how to compensate their time. 


I know I'd volunteer to teach. I want to see Hawken grow as a community and I'd love to see people not get turned off by the learning curve to what is a great game.

  • (PS4)FiST_Rocky and (PS4)frostdragon2013 like this




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  • 22 posts

Mic's would be required of course, if you want to learn you gotta do your part and bring a mic to the table. It would go a long way towards getting new players to realize using mics more often leads to success. I know I was one to not use a mic for awhile but now I've seen the light :)

  • (PS4)FiST_Rocky and (PS4)frostdragon2013 like this

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