Now that we are so prominently reminded that Unreal is the engine of choice, I wonder if we could have some Unreal Engine weather effects. Fog, rain, direct sunlight blinding you, sandstorms, etc.
To get an idea of what I mean, the best example I can use is Unreal Tournament 3, Vehicle Capture the Flag game mode. There is a desert map, where occasionally sandstorms blow up... you hear the wind whip, the sand comes, and surrounds your cockpit... you can't see a thing! AWESOME!!! What a way to break up the action in a map! Perhaps we could have some occasional fog... or maybe realtime day/night lighting for trying the map out in high/low light visibility conditions. Rain.... maybe some Crysis-style rain drops streaking down the cockpit.... and better yet!! A slight cooling bonus against heat buildup, when it rains. Also, maybe a heat buildup penalty in sandstorms!
This is very doable, and already set up in Unreal powered games.
Could this be doable? It might be a good way to breath extra life into these good ol' tried and true maps.