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So just to recap....

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..here's what you changed since last I played (that I've noticed, at least):

-you removed most of the chassis customization options. No more unique mechs allowed! 

-you added a bunch of G2's, but maxing out levels on the G1 does bugger all to reduce the price of them. 

-​-any incentive to play G1 mechs has been completely removed, since G2's can change primary weapons now, and are superior in every way.

-the Garage is no longer available in the lobby. Want to make some quick changes to your mechs? Then leave the match!

-the Garage itself is now a complete mess. Even disregarding the bugs that give duplicates and make you unable to change primary weapons (and probably other fun things), the default web grid is just annoying, you can't return to the default page to view stats without going out of the selected mech and back in again, and you can no longer simply scroll through your mechs. 

-ttk has been lowered to the point where this feels less like a game with duelling mechs and more like a quick-scope, one-shot-kill speed contest. 

Overall, the game feels completely different from the one I invested 500 hours in a few years ago, and returning for the big "soft launch" (whatever that is) update was nothing but a big disappointment. 

So the obvious question is: What the hell was the reasoning behind these changes? 

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