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Comment/Some more Ideas

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Works fine on my system. Big Fan. Played it before a lot.

My Problem: The max amount of players I found was between 2 and none...
To revive this game, in my opinion you seriously need to do something of the following basics right.
(Sorry, if I repeat, what's obvious, already in the making or so. Please consider the lenght of this comment as a shout out from a fan of this game.)
- Get into advertising bigtime when it's done (Steam front page, facebook, collab with someone big or sth. like that).
- Give away free stuff at launch (skins, guns, a mech?).
- Party hard your resurrection with events and weekly multipliers (easy stuff like "finish off 10 Mechs with a Grenade to get a skin/HC/etc.").
- Present a finished game. 
And with finished, I really mean it. 
- Every Mech should be customizable in every part (like it was).
- The big amount of mechs need to be sorted to class, usage or whatever else. 
- A fair Matchmaking is CRUCIAL and has to work fluently and reliable.
- No Balancing, no players.
- Cheating is NO option, ever. Needs swift administration. 
- SUPPORT is CRUCIAL. No support means you don't give a ****. And stay away from "sorry, can't do that" right at the start. Be helpfull, offer solutions or compromises.
- Achievments/Challenges are always fun, even the stupid ones ("Mech-Meteor: Fall to death 5 times"). 
- Simple Interface (you done good with this, but still can be improved): If I want to play with friends, it shouldn't take mech-science to build a party and start a game. Start prefered game mode, build party with friends (or ask for permit to invite foreign players) and launch.
My own wishes: Take a look at successfull games. 
They often have:
- Switch Mech while respawning. (Maybe with 2 Slots per Player, that can be filled with mechs you bring to a match and you can choose from. See Game "LoadOut" for this System).
- Toggle weapon-sides (Rocket on left, Gun on right). 
- Let us earn sth. to feel the Progress better and faster. (Tedouis collecting of HC won't cut it for me, if I have to buy everything...)
- An example clip of every new mech with explanation would be badass (with a cyber-voiced background).
- The Community was rarely toxic, often supportive. Please, promote and encourage this. This Guide is pure Gold: http://steamcommunit...s/?id=233230954
- Match-making-rating, so you see how the skills range.
- Community Ideas are mostly C- Ideas... but there is maybe sth usefull in the pile (hope so in mine).
- Classic Modes like capture the flag could be a nice variety. 
- Crazy Modes too: Everyone is invisible, tow-rockets only because gunshots heal your opponent, everyone is 200% faster, stuff you can think about when everything is set and done.
Keep up your work and don't let yourself down by negative comments.

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