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I will wait years for a revive.

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I have played many different alpha and beta games throughout the years of being on steam. Games including DayZ, Nether and The Stomping Land. Dayz being a game that has been in Alpha since the release date in December 2013 soon to hit four years ago. I still play it to this day minding all the bugs that come with such an intuitive game that got a huge update that changed the way the game will forever be played on PC (Nothing I say in this will relate to console). I would also like to state that this is a very intuitive game itself. With a lot of aspects that would seem new and innovative in the Mech-shooter base genre of which I would say this is the only game keeping such an genre still alive. I think I understand why the update came out in early in spite of it being clearly broken. It is more a shame to see such a drop in player base because of it. I too fall blame to this, but just like I do with Dayz The Stomping Land and Nether I wait for a resurgence. However I have since given up on Nether for it might have been a fun game I talked the developer of the game about when a new up date will happen. He stated a couple of months. So as I expect all alpha games to do, I waited a year. Still not a single update. Hawken on the other hand still has developers that care about the game and with communicate with any constructive criticism. Unlike another game I would like to talk about, Dayz... A game with some of the worst developers in the world. Who will block anything that even sounds like criticism. They will block YouTubers that purchased there content and made videos about what they should be doing which they have a right to state for they have a share in the say of how a game that has been in alpha for four years comes out. Any thing on twitter with a sherd of "I don't understand why that are making broom models when Zombies still walk through walls." You will get blocked for this. They spend more time blocking people then actually developing the game. Lastly Stomping Land what a mistake. I was gifted this game from a friend who loves dinosaurs just as much as I love Post-Apocalyptic stuff. This was another huge mistake from a great game. A game that back in 2014 got over 100,000 on kick starter. That was out for six months and died in 7. I had logged 26 hours in it and my friend had logged over 100 hours. As for how it ended so quickly one developer got paid his sum of the kick starter and early sales and left the game all together without a word. Soon after a modeler of the dinosaurs left and another 15$ intuitive game was lost due to poor development.

HAWKEN has none of these.


  1. Hawken has not blocked criticism and if they do I am sure that criticism is on the border of just negativity which once again they haven't done on such a large scale of DayZ
  2. Hawken will come out with updates how ever slow they may be; Nether is completely lost and I'm sure will never come back with such a lost development and a player base that forget the game a week after Nether Resurgence, which was an effort to bring the game back
  3. Hawken Developers are still working on the game which is more than can be said about The Stomping Land which once again was as innovative as this game but fell flat because of two abandoners who got their money and left.



I want to make it clear once again that I will wait for this game to update and will continue to play till then. seeing as this is my first post I plan to be more active on this Forums and want to help. When I do play HAWKEN I will be in the Hwknchill discord and open to join anyone.


I will not give up <3

Edited by InsufficientFunds, 30 July 2017 - 09:28 PM.

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I approve of this post.


What region do you play?

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I approve of this post.


What region do you play?

Us East or West I'm central so...



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Comparing hawken to dayz eh? Is there any other game that failed harder? That stomping game i never heard of.



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REVIVE? What your example shows is that Hawken will not be any worse, but that certainly will not bring this game back to life.

The market is not infinite, the game had enough exposure already. How many people other than there are actually being criticism about the game? Or I mean talk about the game really?

Now I dont see any hope except for a major remake or a masterpiece sequel, but I doubt RLD have that kind of resources and talents. 


Who could have thought Hawken can be even worse than "the great silence" version? And it was on E3 2016, there it is.

People have been communicate with Josh with the game since the day they arrive, and after all NDAs and communications, we had the console version--A total market product made to milk the IP. 

For a while, we had the forum meme of Canned Josh. How long does it take to log onto the forums and chat a little? How long does it takes in washrooms? cigarette break? That's a problem deep rooted inside.

And between that and PC update? We communicated, and look what they did.

I dont mind bugs, and they're probably working on bugs since then, so I dont mind lack of updated since last major one. But it's not that simple, remember we are now having a complete different team now. OFC, Unless this version--without bugs, are what those tester's DREAM VERSION, in that case, Im outta here.

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Of all the updates that have been given out by RLD , I want to know if it was based on their tasteless ideas or actual hawken veterans , because the way I see it , it looks more like the first one.



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And between that and PC update? We communicated, and look what they did.

I dont mind bugs, and they're probably working on bugs since then, so I dont mind lack of updated since last major one. But it's not that simple, remember we are now having a complete different team now. OFC, Unless this version--without bugs, are what those tester's DREAM VERSION, in that case, Im outta here.



"Unless this version--without bugs, are what those tester's DREAM VERSION"


There is a reason Merl left, and it is this. The test branch had so much potential, from our perspective finally for once things seemed to be moving in the right direction. The hitboxes felt better with the new resize, the server seems a lot more smoothed and polished, there was some concern about the mech web but other than it felt like a major improvement.


Then they decided to start a dumpster fire by pushing it public without announcement.


I don't know if you just didn't see it or missed it, but the version that was released to the public was nowhere near the polish the test build was, THAT is why a lot of the testers were upset. We had an entire bug report sheet that the Testers and the devs went through together, ticking off the bugs they had fixed. It was quickly confirmed by CZ that major things had broke in the process of moving it public. The majority of the bugs we had reported and the devs had fixed magically returned as if it had never been fixed at all.


Merl was spearheading the hitbox changes, taking time out of his life to do lots of research and testing to help make sure they were the best they could be, only for it to be released to the public broken and an utter mess. Sure enough, he received the majority of the flak for it with people assuming the hitbox changes were designed in some way to make the Pro's better and the noobs not have a chance.


I don't know what was running through their heads, or whoever in upper management thought it would be perfectly fine to push the Test Build live. It was getting better, but there was still so much more that had needed to be done. 


As in, releasing an experimental build of a game that people have been waiting for years for suddenly, without any approval from the testers (and trust me, the moment I realised what was about to happen I begged.) and without an announcement beforehand explaining the situation and providing a clear understanding to the very community they are supposed to be fostering?


It's no surprise there was outrage. It was like the perfect storm. I don't think the "Soft launch" could have been done any worse!


The test build was in an ok position but was nowhere near ready for the public, and that is the version that the testers played, not the one that was released. 


And when the announcement finally was released explaining the situation, it just looked like a badly put together damage control piece.


You can tell I'm still angry about how it was handled even now, but now they've got to live with this reality. From what I have seen and the work they have done, I do still have great hope for this game, but as it stands right now they are doing NO favours for themselves. 


It frustrates me to no end, all this unnecessary pain and outrage because of the failure to engage with the very people who play and care for their game. 


One of the biggest reasons I still have hope for this game is because CZ has become the one and only bridge between the community and the development team. I'm sorry Josh, but CZ has done so much more to interact than you have. That bridge is so important to the survival of this game. He is our first and last hope, since many of the other developers do not wish to make this connection. Through this bridge perhaps relations can improve, perhaps we can see for the first time the opening up to this community, the complete opposite of the great silence. 


If we can achieve that, Hawken might be able to become the game we want it to be.

Edited by DingdongJR, 31 July 2017 - 07:53 AM.

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I don't know if you just didn't see it or missed it, but the version that was released to the public was nowhere near the polish the test build was, THAT is why a lot of the testers were upset. We had an entire bug report sheet that the Testers and the devs went through together, ticking off the bugs they had fixed. It was quickly confirmed by CZ that major things had broke in the process of moving it public. The majority of the bugs we had reported and the devs had fixed magically returned as if it had never been fixed at all.



I didn't know, I still dont really know, all I have are words like yours right now. But to be honest, I barely see anything done right, maybe only daily bonus incentive. Removal of garage, and Howken G2 BS, I would say it's not even close to be happy about test version as long as they are here, and Howken holo should be ez to remove, flashy chassis? As long as those thing here, it's not done right--not for PC update at least.

I do see you guys are angry, but personally you guys talked too much for "soft-update", personally Im VERY angry, not just because they sort of destroyed PC build, but they yet again ruined re-launch chance.



If we can achieve that, Hawken might be able to become the game we want it to be.


NO, the chance is wasted. People that are gone will not return because they made the game playable again. Slim chance for those who had hundreds hours already, but it is VERY UNLIKELY to attract new people back to the game, the damage is done.

Now if without playerbase, can it become "the game we wanted it to be" ?


That's why I wrote the "major remake" stuff.


Sorry about the negative words, but I really cant see hope of making this game "great again". (If the target is playable again, maybe.)





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NO, the chance is wasted. People that are gone will not return because they made the game playable again. Slim chance for those who had hundreds hours already, but it is VERY UNLIKELY to attract new people back to the game, the damage is done.

Now if without playerbase, can it become "the game we wanted it to be" ?

I don't believe the chance is wasted just yet. The reasoning for this conclusion is that There is simply not another Mech-shooter out there that is good. Even still not one that is free. Dayz on the other hand is doomed to fail. It began the online Post-Apocalyptic Shooter / Role playing game. Now there are 10's of them out there that are better or worse. H1z1 Just survive another example. Hawken still is the only innovative Mech shooter unless you think Mechwarrior Online is good haha



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NO, the chance is wasted. People that are gone will not return because they made the game playable again. Slim chance for those who had hundreds hours already, but it is VERY UNLIKELY to attract new people back to the game, the damage is done.

Now if without playerbase, can it become "the game we wanted it to be" ?


That's why I wrote the "major remake" stuff.


Sorry about the negative words, but I really cant see hope of making this game "great again". (If the target is playable again, maybe.)


The chance is not wasted, because there are plenty of people out there, myself included, who would happily play this game all day long if they just FIXED IT. People aren't playing right now because the game is fractured and broken in a million different ways.


1) The whole issues with the G2 mechs being straight upgrades in most situations, making it appear like it's pay to win.

2) MMR being all over the place, with top scoring people dropping hundreds of MMR per match for no reason.
3) There is no progression other than levelling mechs, and for the majority of mechs levelling them has no purpose. The new ones don't even have unlockables.

4) I have 4 Bruisers in my "Garage" that I am never going to use. There is no method of selling or getting rid of them, and I am constantly gaining more.

5) The UI is still all over the place, the Mech Web is horrible, I miss the Garage where I could inspect and view my mech with pride and joy, my own little slice of Hawken.

6) This isn't even beginning to talk about balance changes, with some mechs like the Kerby being downright OP on some maps.

7) End of match chat being removed for no reason, why?!


The list can go on and on and on about a number of issues that plague this game. These issues are the things that push players away from Hawken. The idea and core of Hawken still have so much more to offer, but until these massive issues are resolved then playing will be a hassle. 


If the Dev's are clever, they will fix all these issues, continue to monitor the situation and respond accordingly and once everything is finally in a workable state, Launch Hawken out of early access and release it as a full Game with a Major advertising campaign. THAT is where the majority of players will come from.  

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I don't believe the chance is wasted just yet. The reasoning for this conclusion is that There is simply not another Mech-shooter out there that is good. Even still not one that is free. Dayz on the other hand is doomed to fail. It began the online Post-Apocalyptic Shooter / Role playing game. Now there are 10's of them out there that are better or worse. H1z1 Just survive another example. Hawken still is the only innovative Mech shooter unless you think Mechwarrior Online is good haha

I remember a lot mech games, all gone to dust because failed somehow. 

Tired MWO, before I experienced its overheat system, it was quite all right.

The thing is...this innovative thing have been here for seven years, even since steam expose, it has been over 3 years. Like I said, market is not infinite, especially mech shooters are not a main stream genre. 

I see your point, but I had that "just yet" idea for years already, and it's not looking good.




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The chance is not wasted, because there are plenty of people out there, myself included, who would happily play this game all day long if they just FIXED IT. People aren't playing right now because the game is fractured and broken in a million different ways.


1) The whole issues with the G2 mechs being straight upgrades in most situations, making it appear like it's pay to win.

2) MMR being all over the place, with top scoring people dropping hundreds of MMR per match for no reason.
3) There is no progression other than levelling mechs, and for the majority of mechs levelling them has no purpose. The new ones don't even have unlockables.

4) I have 4 Bruisers in my "Garage" that I am never going to use. There is no method of selling or getting rid of them, and I am constantly gaining more.

5) The UI is still all over the place, the Mech Web is horrible, I miss the Garage where I could inspect and view my mech with pride and joy, my own little slice of Hawken.

6) This isn't even beginning to talk about balance changes, with some mechs like the Kerby being downright OP on some maps.

7) End of match chat being removed for no reason, why?!


The list can go on and on and on about a number of issues that plague this game. These issues are the things that push players away from Hawken. The idea and core of Hawken still have so much more to offer, but until these massive issues are resolved then playing will be a hassle. 


If the Dev's are clever, they will fix all these issues, continue to monitor the situation and respond accordingly and once everything is finally in a workable state, Launch Hawken out of early access and release it as a full Game with a Major advertising campaign. THAT is where the majority of players will come from.  

I have my reason to DOUBT.

But I hope you guys are right.


BTW herokuapp says you have 3 bruiser (It could be wrong tho)

Edited by claisolais, 31 July 2017 - 03:51 PM.




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I have my reason to DOUBT.

But I hope you guys are right.


BTW herokuapp says you have 3 bruiser (It could be wrong tho)


Please excuse me, you are correct I do only have three. But that is still two more than I want and I'll be getting another for free thanks to the daily system real soon.



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The chance is not wasted, because there are plenty of people out there, myself included, who would happily play this game all day long if they just FIXED IT. People aren't playing right now because the game is fractured and broken in a million different ways.


1) The whole issues with the G2 mechs being straight upgrades in most situations, making it appear like it's pay to win.

2) MMR being all over the place, with top scoring people dropping hundreds of MMR per match for no reason.
3) There is no progression other than levelling mechs, and for the majority of mechs levelling them has no purpose. The new ones don't even have unlockables.

4) I have 4 Bruisers in my "Garage" that I am never going to use. There is no method of selling or getting rid of them, and I am constantly gaining more.

5) The UI is still all over the place, the Mech Web is horrible, I miss the Garage where I could inspect and view my mech with pride and joy, my own little slice of Hawken.

6) This isn't even beginning to talk about balance changes, with some mechs like the Kerby being downright OP on some maps.

7) End of match chat being removed for no reason, why?!


The list can go on and on and on about a number of issues that plague this game. These issues are the things that push players away from Hawken. The idea and core of Hawken still have so much more to offer, but until these massive issues are resolved then playing will be a hassle. 


If the Dev's are clever, they will fix all these issues, continue to monitor the situation and respond accordingly and once everything is finally in a workable state, Launch Hawken out of early access and release it as a full Game with a Major advertising campaign. THAT is where the majority of players will come from.  

I have 7 Bruisers yet, thanks for put some attention on it, all the points you marked are the most important to fix, i will just add the Bruiser hability got a big downgrade making it totally useless, the reason why the games are unbalanced its cause they push the high DPS mechs like berserker (a triple A mech  being sold for 5000HC ???) or the crazzy OP kerby, or the "one shot one kill" Vytro, but defensive mechs like Bruiser are totally abandoned plus defensive items like the Heavy Armor its totally useless cause takes 3 slots for 5%armor what its totally ridiculous if you see the composite armor who give you a 15% for 1 slot, all this bad decisions has been done cause they want us to pay for a G2 mech, and the result its matches that end in less than 2 minutes because all the defensive stuff its nerfed or abandoned.



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Please excuse me, you are correct I do only have three. But that is still two more than I want and I'll be getting another for free thanks to the daily system real soon.

They are fixing bugs, some people cant even play right now, and shoot through walls? Those are things are much more important than refreshing monthly daily bonus, and for that, they picked priority, and on this specific matter, it's the right choice.


I have 7 Bruisers yet, thanks for put some attention on it, all the points you marked are the most important to fix, i will just add the Bruiser hability got a big downgrade making it totally useless, the reason why the games are unbalanced its cause they push the high DPS mechs like berserker (a triple A mech  being sold for 5000HC ???) or the crazzy OP kerby, or the "one shot one kill" Vytro, but defensive mechs like Bruiser are totally abandoned plus defensive items like the Heavy Armor its totally useless cause takes 3 slots for 5%armor what its totally ridiculous if you see the composite armor who give you a 15% for 1 slot, all this bad decisions has been done cause they want us to pay for a G2 mech, and the result its matches that end in less than 2 minutes because all the defensive stuff its nerfed or abandoned.

Why zerker is cheap? Because it's closer to the start point on the mech-web. Why it is there? Because it's easier to use for noobs.

Imagine they put grenadier on the top, heLI of a welcome.




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or the crazzy OP kerby, 


How is kerby OP?


I'd almost always take the saltg2 over the kerby.



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How is kerby OP?

I'd almost always take the saltg2 over the kerby.

It's hit box is totally screwed up. I remember someone comparing it to McDonald's Golden Arches.... not a too far off comparison.




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Thanks Gueber. 





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Lol pc players may wait "years" but console players won't they need to fix this game or jus remove it from PS & xbox and stick with pc or the other way around. .. this is a great fps but they are killing this game



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oh FFS...

We get that you are butthurt, but posting in every thread that the Devs need to "fix it now" is not helping anyone.


You obviously aren't old enough to drink, cos with all these posts, you would be passed out in a pool of your own vomit.


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