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Hawken's Saudade

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As the years dragged on, the war between Sentium and Prosk slowly began to become monotonous. With the planet wide lockdown in place, resources quickly became scarce. In the beginning, there was no care for the older generation of mechs, it was more cost-effective to just leave them in the ditches they fell than bring them back for repair. 


But that's no longer the case. The remaining active mechs have become a mishmash of scavenged parts and on the spot repairs. Most pilots have forgotten what they were even fighting for to begin with, other than the constant defensive against the Hawken Virus, but even then that is a war that was lost years ago. More than two-thirds of the planet has been consumed, there is nowhere to run anymore.


It could be said that the companies have given up, the once highly secure military coms only to be used for vital tactical data now streams pilot conversations from any user, no matter their allegiance. There is still a frosty relationship between pilots of both companies, but everyone knows they are fighting a war without reason. 


This has led to ceasefires at several occasions, including the now legendary "Christmas truce" The first reported event of a ceasefire between the companies. It was not official, the higher-ups would never allow such a level of "Weakness" But for the pilots on the ground, it was the first time they got to get out of their mechs and see the faces of those they were commanded to kill. 


They were already dead pilots walking, they all knew that. The Hawken Virus was never going to stop until the planet was consumed. There was not going to be help from outside, the United Terran Authority had left them for dead to contain it.


"I remember how this war started, what your company did to mine. I can't forgive you, but you have my thanks... for standing by us to the end."



Saudade is a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone that one loves. Moreover, it often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never return.

Edited by DingdongJR, 19 August 2017 - 05:56 AM.

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To many feels.



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2017 Is Going To Be A Great Year For HAWKEN!





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It's not the end of Hawken... but you can see it from here.

Edited by DingdongJR, 19 August 2017 - 05:00 AM.



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a distinct feeling of sadness indeed, when i listen to paper sound's music, sadness for what hawken was, could have been, and for the beautiful thing that we may have lost forever.




2 shots

Edited by EM1O, 24 August 2017 - 02:32 PM.

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#:  chown -R us ./base


"...oh great Itzamna, you shall know Us by the trail of Dead."



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I love hawken so much that even having played dozens of trending games, I come back. Hawken is just that one game that I can't just let go and accept that its over. Also not only that but almost all of my favorite franchises have died out like Metal gear,Top gear,need for speed world, etc etc

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