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The control scheme I want. A combination of double tap and shift.

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So dodging is an important factor of hawken.
We all know this. Easy to use, hard to master.
It's something that if you really suck at, you basically suck at the game. Or are in something really thick. And right now I'm kinda hindered by it.

My problem is the option in settings to replace dodging and boosting schemes between the shift key and the double tap keys.
When it comes to dodging, I have a preference for double tapping to dodge. It's something kinda programmed into my brain from other games I've played. Henceforth, I have a bit more responsiveness than the shift A or D to dodge with the added bonus of less pinky strain.
However what this does is that I now double tap W to boost.
And this is where I start to spilt my brain.
In regards to "boosting" I prefer to press Shift W in order to do that. Due to other games I have played. Much like how I said double tapping was natural for dodging to me.

So this means I have a dilemma. I could enable the double tapping for dodging, but boosting then feels wierd.
And if I leave it off, I can boost and dodge as normal, but I then have pinky pains, and slight responsiveness issues in preforming quick actions.
Every second counts in these types of games.

So how bout it?
Is it possible to have a combination control scheme?
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Teljaxx the Unintentional

Teljaxx the Unintentional

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Being able to both choose between shift and double tap boosting for each individual action, and being able to rebind the boost key to something other than shift would be great.


This was asked for many, many times on the old forums, but we never got it. Maybe now we finally can.

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