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Servers for Custom Games

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I'm going to preface this by identifying my own personal lack of any background in programming and similarly of what amount of work would be required to implement my idea into Hawken in its current state.


Now, having played many matches at community events like War Wednesdays and Funtime Fridays as well as participating for Vanguard in both TPG seasons thus far, I am very appreciative of the private servers that the developers have given to our competitive player base. But being appreciative and being content are not the same in this instance.


For those of you who are unfamiliar with the current private servers that are being used for the TPG league and community events, they are your basic Hawken servers with a few modifications. Players can access commands by logging in as administrators, granting them the ability to do basic tasks such as cycle the autobalancer, change teams, and change maps. These are extremely important for setting up games where a 6 player team wants to fight another 6 player team. 


While these servers are extremely helpful and their commands necessary for the TPG league and other community events, I feel the idea can be improved upon. By adding in "Custom Game" servers, the developers could allow all Hawken pilots the opportunity to set up their own servers for use one game at a time. These custom game servers would require the creator to set up the game to the parameters that meet the requirements of the player. I have a few suggestions with regard to the parameters that should be implemented in order to improve the system as a whole.


First, and most importantly, these servers should have an enable spectator mode option. This would allow any user logged into Hawken to spectate the game being played. This would allow for commentators to cover the league games, which could potentially be used as a marketing tool when the time comes. This would also allow other players to expose themselves to these higher tier servers and the meta that evolves there. During the weekly events, scrims, and TPG games, people frequently ask for streamers to stream the games so that they can watch while they sit out or wait to play. The implementation of a spectator mode would allow these players to watch the game without the inherent latency issues that come from streaming at high quality. There are simply two of the many advantages that simply implementing spectator mode in these servers would provide.


Second, the Custom Game servers should grant the creator the same options provided to current admins of the private servers. The ability to change maps, reset games, kick players, change game modes, etc. are extremely important to the way TPG operates, and allows more dynamic game play during the weekly events. By asking the developers for these new servers, I'm in no way trying to eliminate the options that the current private servers provide. I am instead trying to advance the ability of the players to create a better venue for league games, and increase the availability of the options given in the private servers to a select few to the player base at large.


Third, the Custom Game servers should operate on an invitation only basis. The most recurrent problem that has been faced in the private servers is the constant "pilot connecting" holding a spot for minutes at a time, eliminating the ability to balance the game appropriately. This slows down the entire process, simply because one player is trying to join the server from their friends list. By limiting these servers to invitation only, the servers can eliminate these problems. I would additionally like to advocate for the elimination of a MMR limitation in these servers. The MMR limitation in typical public servers is important, because of the small player base, to reduce the ability for high level players to join low level games (without using smurf accounts). If the Custom Game servers were to operate on an invitation only basis, there would be no need for a MMR limitation because the players would only join a game in which their friends were playing. This would happen regardless of skill level, and we should not punish the people who have friends that are just starting out. 


If you haven't read the above, I suggest you do. But if you really don't want to, I'll summarize here. I'm advocating the implementation of Custom Game servers, that include a spectator mode; grant the creator the ability to change maps, reset games, kick players, change game modes, etc; and operate on an invitation only basis, eliminating the need for MMR limitations in these servers. If there are any other important suggestions that I have forgotten, please let me know.


I look forward to seeing you all in game,


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Yes, or simply a game moderator for every room who can modify the server (without owning it). When the moderator leaves, another random player will be chosen.


However, I would not consider this as a high priority, as it is for events only, and we are currently busy bringing Hawken back and not focusign on little events.


But definately cool. Also, vote map to skip. Noone likes Bunker ._.

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Yus, me likey. +1


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It would be nice to have a map vote option, we just need to have more maps first. I like the thought of seeing several types of servers operating, some plain old vanilla Hawken, some with sped-up game play, certain weapon or mech-only arenas, no orb gameplay, some with mmr range restrictions. It would be nice in a perfect world, if a system could be created where if you are scoring hundreds of points higher than everyone else, or otherwise intentionally playing in a server which is obviously far beneath your skill level, you are removed after the match ends.

The Hawken forum's a forum, but it's like the only one you get yelled at for using.

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