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Tech Beam Change Suggestions

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After reading a lot of varying opinions on the Tech being OP/not Op, etc., a couple ideas came to mind, some of it being stuff I thought about around the time the Tech was introduced. I don't know if this was suggested or not so I'm just throwing this out here. Imo, this wouldn't change the mech's ability to heal or deal damage, it would just require a little more concentration on the player's part.

- Change the lock behavior of the beam. Instead of the beam just locking onto the first mech it touches, make it also lock onto the closest mech touching the beam. This wouldn't change that the beam can lock, it just means the Tech pilot has to make sure the player being healed is always the only one in the beam's path. Whether that requires a jump, a dodge, or just good placement is up to the pilot. If someone wants to try and break the beam and get some forced lovin', they can step inside the beam and be a douche if they want. All other weapons work this way, with anything between the shooter and the target blicking shots/damage, except maybe the Breacher's fully-charged shot. I don't think the Tech beam should be excluded. This should also apply to the red beam.

- Make the heal beam also work on enemy mechs. I've long thought it would be more fun if I had to make sure I was using the right beam to engage opponents. This would just add one extra layer of concentration the pilot would have to have to play efficiently: am I using the right mode? I realize this could lead to some ridiculous griefing, perhaps with someone on your team healing the enemy team because a friend is on that team, or they're just being a poor sport, so also introduce another aspect: healing enemy mechs damages the Tech. The deconstructor beam (red tentacle) already self-heals the Tech, why not make it work the other way around? The beam lock change suggestion would also apply here; the Tech would need a clear line of sight to heal a teammate, but if the enemy gets inside the heal beam, the tech would take damage while also healing the enemy, thus requiring the tech to rely on better positioning, and could introduce a new way of breaking up Tech/Mech couples that should probably get a room (make that twosome a threesome! Bow-chika-wow-wow).

Neither of these suggestions would change either the basic ways the beam or aiming works. Keep the beam just as sticky, keep the heat generation the same, tweak values if necessary. These suggestions should just make it so the player piloting the Tech has to be more situationally aware when healing in combat situations.

Some other ideas that could add to the above suggestions:

- Beam starts instantly, alleviating the potential problem of not being able to keep locked onto the correct mech in a clusterduck.

- Beam healing/damage operates on a curve. This goes along with the above suggestion. While it may start up instantly, creating the initial lock, it doesn't do peak damage/healing for a bit. This would reduce some spamming of the beam on/off.

- Reduce amount of self-heals and damage taken when using the suggested beam changes on enemy mechs. Tweak as necessary.



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- Beam healing/damage operates on a curve. This goes along with the above suggestion. While it may start up instantly, creating the initial lock, it doesn't do peak damage/healing for a bit. This would reduce some spamming of the beam on/off.

Funny thing is by your suggestion, not only would that reduce spamming (And other unfun things for tech, but maybe I'm wrong) but if it applied to healing enemy mechs as well then a Tech caught off guard wouldn't be down 75 HP from ambushes and be able to quickly switch modes.

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Easy way out: get rid of the Tech. That has been a loudly mentioned proposal since it first appeared here. I'd like to have it returned to it's original Hell-on-wheels savagery. Take a limp noodle and lengthen it, shorten it, fatten it, it's still a limp noodle. Make this the ferocious feared/venomously-hated mech-buster it use to be. A great nose up the butt crack for Incin teammates? How about the last mech an enemy Incin wants to meet up with?

I'd def be getting much higher K/D ratios when driving mine, and Scout would have a strong contender for most hated/loved, too OP, etc.!

Gimme dat Ol' Time Killer Tech!


Edited by em1o, 10 April 2015 - 05:11 PM.

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No way.   The Tech is one of the wild card mechs, that encourages teamwork.  That is the strong point of this game.   If I want Mono E Mono,  I"ll play some Mortal Kombat,  or Dead or Alive,  and watch some jiggly boobs. 


NO,  the frustration, challenge,  and reward of this game is trying to get 6 people to fight TOGETHER, as a team.   When it clicks,  it's magic.  When both sides click,  the battles are Epic.    To me,  the Tech is instrumental in making this happen.   


Get some proper working voice microphone support,  or in-game command and communication menus,  a la Unreal Tournament,  and that'll help the teamwork to fire on all cylinders.



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I actually don't dislike the tech, I just think it does encourage some rather annoying ways of playing. I enjoy playing as a Tech from time to time, and it's one of my favorite targets as an Infiltrator, so I don't really want to see it go. I just would like to see certain things changed a bit to encourage more interesting ways of playing it and playing against it. These suggestions feel to me like a good compromise of change to increase challenge for the Tech player, and not a reduction in its usefulness.



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the tech is fine ..... tho i like the healing the enemy thing XD its like: trololololo i dont care to deconstruct you heres some health XD


but yeah ....  the tech (in my eyes) doesnt need to change.

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You know what I don't do as a Tech in pubs? Heal campers, or people who don't play as a team. If you camp and die, you're bad and deserved it. I have no problem with campers, but there are people on every team actively trying to do stuff that my beam could be better applied to.

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