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I just wanted to post this to apologize to AsianJoyKiller, Dermax, and Fakename for hostilities rendered. I find myself very passionate about HAWKEN and the Tech in particular as it's the only mech I am physically capable of playing. While this does not excuse my behavior, I do hope it sheds some like on my situation. I just want to say sorry for being a jerk sometimes and thank all of you for being a part of this community even if we don't agree.
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In my opinion, you do not need to write an apology to us just because you have your opinion (wheather or not you express it in an offensive way) but this shows some good manners. 


I wouldn't do that myself. 



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It's all good.  I LOVE the debate over the Tech,  and I feel it's fine as is.   One of the main themes running through these forums, regarding complaints about mechs, is,  are the mechs Good enough, Buffed, or Nerfed,    OR.......


Is the player USING it properly?   


If you take a  skirmisher mech to the front lines,  it SHOULD do poorly.   If you snipe with a Raider,  you SHOULD suck.  If you shoot at battleships with a Heavy mech,  you are a  (   - expletive deleted - )   and If you are using a tech properly, you SHOULD be healing your teammates, and your team SHOULD be doing well.    


If your team is NOT doing well,     get a Tech on board,  or play one yourself!   


Adaptability,  folks.   

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No offense taken. It's perfectly reasonable to want the mech you like playing the most remain unchanged.


(I'm not sure though why you can't play seeker Rocketeer. It should fit you well, in my opinion.)



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With the Tech I can benefit my team reliable no matter what. I can even put a little damage in the enemy. I'm not frequently required to fight. I don't have to deal damage if I can't.
  • AngryOgre likes this

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