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An experimental weapon platform sort of mech.

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I've kinda thought about this a bit and, well... my idea is a mech that is, for all intents and purposes in canon, an experimental weapon platform with unique primary weapons, in the role of a variable support mech.


The secondary would be something like the G2 Assault vulcan, however.


The first primary could be some sort of chargable flak cannon, but the charge would load in an extra shot, so it would basically shoot 1 or 2 slightly narrow coned flak shots at a time. Something in the close/not quite mid ranged set. Perhaps one of the double shots would do less damage than a single shot, but both shots do more than a single shot.


Alternate could be a Rail Gun that can fire through walls (to a point) or does full damage through a turret shield, but has a relatively slow RoF and only so-so damage. Kind of a support mid ranged sniper, scaring enemies out of cover all the while not making it a weapon viable for actual 1 vs 1 duels.


Prestige would be a fairly accurate needle gun type that fires a bolt that soon explodes, causing decent splash damage after a second. The Needle itself would do minor damage. Something to slightly spook tightly packed mech groups.


It's ability would be similar to the Pred's, without the stealth. A noticeably enhanced walk speed (faster than pred) and Pred-vision. Similar cooldowns and skill limits as well.



As for stats, I'm thinking B-Class. Overall average but has an above average radar (aid in tracking opponents), lower than average fuel (better walk speed at the expense of fuel capacity) and above average cooling.





And now I await people who will go NO TOO OP.



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What if we just give some bacon paint, some bacon holo-emotes and change Bunker from snow to bacon.


This way, everyone will be happy.

What you should really do, is replace your parts with bacon, so you can cook games and eat bacon

Obviously the wallpaper would be cooler if bacon was incorporated into it.




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You only said No and not No too OP. And no one else commented so far.


Big... success?



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I would like something LIKE this. A mech that has completely unique weapons.

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While we don't have a bearing for how quickly our new robot mech overlords will be able to work, Adhesive took a long time to develop weapons, and seemed to make it a point that not many things got unique weapons. it makes sense really. These mechs are being run to the ground and need to be repaired with whatever is around, if you have a pile of weapons that can only go on one mech, they can't be used by any others. Conversely, if they manage to perma-jam all the ones they use, they can't use any of the more common ones.



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Fair enough.

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