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Stop spawning into matches that are one kill from winning/losing

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The title says it all


These days, especially with stress test weekends and such, I've been getting into matches that are 99% finished and just need those 1-2 kills to finish the match. It's ridiculous. I want to be able to get into an available match that is starting up or at least in the middle of skirmishes (meaning none of the teams are 30/40 kills etc.)


It's getting a lot more frequent and will only make our career stats look bad. Say for example you get queued into a game. You look at the score and you realize it's almost over. By the time you click on a mech and press launch, the game's already over because you loaded into a match where it's already over before you could fire off a single shot. 


I suggest Hawken devs put up some kind of system that restricts queued players from getting into near-completed matches. For example:


Any matches where either one of the teams have 30/40 kills or 50/60, 70/80 should be restricted and will be relocated to another game room where it's either 10-20/40, 10-30/60 and/or 10-40/80. 


This is really all that I have a problem with in terms of game flaws. I don't want me career stats to look terrible and have over a gazillion losses/wins. The problem with right now is that if you try to quit a match that's almost over and you happen to be on a losing team, it'll count as a loss on your record. But it'll count as a loss anyway if you stay for that match. It's a lose-lose situation and you get burned for it. This needs to be adressed.

Edited by T_90A4, 26 April 2015 - 06:08 PM.




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My team losses are insane because of this very thing. I play any game anywhere and I have been shoved into this situation more times than I can count. It is really annoying. I would truly appreciate this being fixed please. Thank you so very, very much.

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i had suggested something to help with this a long time ago but no one seemed to care


what i was thinking is that when you click on a server you can get a screen shot of the current events in the server


so you click on a siege match server and it shows you that its just started.  so you can choose to enter or not


or you click on a tdm and see that the current score is 39-4 so you can skip that one



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If you have an extra browser tab up while you play, check out the http://hawken.herokuapp.comthing and look at servers, this app site tells you the progression of each match, as well as average MMR and players inside any given server.

Edited by Silverfire, 26 April 2015 - 05:59 PM.

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If you have an extra browser tab up while you play, check out the http://hawken.herokuapp.comthing and look at servers, this app site tells you the progression of each match, as well as average MMR and players inside any given server.

This kind of thing should be utilized in the game. A menu of ongoing matches that you can join in and the system puts you in whatever team it deems fit to balance the gameplay. While being queued into a game is nice and saves hassle of having to search and filter matches to your liking, the matchmaking system they have right now is unreliable and often brings quite a lot of players into losing or matches are about to end. 


TL;DR - Implement a matchmaking menu system or fix the current matchmaking system.

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Regardless of any fix, use the app. It's mighty useful.

The matchmaker brings players into losing matches in an attempt to balance the losing team AFAIK.

People see joining into a losing team and they think, "oh damn matchmaker is broke, its not sorting me into a place where I'm winning" and subsequently quit the match, only perpetuating the imbalance. I don't think we'd see the same complaint if people were thrown onto a winning team. Even for near ending matches, if people stuck around for the initial prematch balance, I find that it does its job well. People just don't give it time to work, just impatient as fuzzy bunny, you can't wait one minute for a match rollover? Really?
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Regardless of any fix, use the app. It's mighty useful.

The matchmaker brings players into losing matches in an attempt to balance the losing team AFAIK.

People see joining into a losing team and they think, "oh damn matchmaker is broke, its not sorting me into a place where I'm winning" and subsequently quit the match, only perpetuating the imbalance. I don't think we'd see the same complaint if people were thrown onto a winning team. Even for near ending matches, if people stuck around for the initial prematch balance, I find that it does its job well. People just don't give it time to work, just impatient as fuzzy bunny, you can't wait one minute for a match rollover? Really?




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When you get put into a match that is one or two kills away from a game over regardless of whether you're put into the winning team or not, it kills your mood. When the scores are 35/40, etc. and you decide to stick around anyway, you wouldn't have time to make a clutch comeback. This is what I'm emphasizing. I'm asking for Hawken devs to fix their matchmaking system so that no one will be put into a match where either one of the teams are 2-3 kills from winning. The likelihood for a comeback from that point on is near impossible.

It's different when it's 25-30/40 for example, because with that score, the other team has a bigger chance of making a return than 38-39/40, which is the issue I'm adressing right now...



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Thanks for the hookup Silverfire. I had forgotten all about that. That does help. But he is right. It absolutely should be in the game period. I don't even think it should be debatable. It should just be there as soon as they are able to add it. That would help so many people from joining a bad game and trashing their stats and MMR. Because when you walk into a pub stomp you have no chance of anything and there go your stats as you get stomped over and over and then you lost the game and your stats get even worse. :(

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It probably wouldn't be a big deal to wait if everyone didn't dip out at the end of the match. I think that's the kicker.

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Adding incentive to stay in a server would be nice. Maybe a percent multiplier for HC for consecutive matches in the same server?
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OK I opened the site on my HP Stream 7 SE (by Microsoft running Windows 8.1) Works fine. :yes:

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Personally I don't mind to join into almost complete match, because I join not into the match itself, but into a lobby filled with people to play with. I have just kinda got used to crazy matchmaking of Hawken. :laugh:


OP has a good point. Joining into almost complete match may be irritating for some players and it should be fixed, but with some associated problems such as leavers penalizing and starting match with uneven teams (please, make the match start only when lobby is full for team-based game modes.).

Edited by LarryLaffer, 27 April 2015 - 01:38 AM.



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the progression status bar in server list maybe solve this problem... but for players that access this list...

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Some sort of auto spectator mode would fix this.


If the match is about to end, put the player in a spectator cam until the next match. As long as it isn't exploited with any chat programs should be fine.

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I think if you join the match there should be a value in a script: GimmeDatCash, where GimmeDatCash is either the time left or the percentage of score left to score out of the total amount. The passive/active values determine whether you play as a player play(active) or sit out as a spectator(passive), where if you spectate the match results do not affect you.


Time idea:


If GimmeDatCash < 2:00:

    then player = passive


    player = active


If GimmeDatCash < 10%:

    then player = passive


    player = active


Just thoughts. This is also python, a nub language. Could be translated to any other language though. Cheers!

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Mostly yes. I'd say that including a data field showing the remaining time to complete the match in the servers browser should be ideal.


Although I'm not that cool onshowing the scores due that this might have a negative impact to balance teams and quite reducing the possibility of having new fresh pilots getting in the game the game in a natural way.


Just my 2 cents.

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It wouldn't show any of the values, it would be a behind the scenes kind of thing.

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It wouldn't show any of the values, it would be a behind the scenes kind of thing.

I was not directly replying to your previous post. I was talking generally, sorry for that. :teehee: ( I would have quoted you if that so) :sweat:



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Titanfall alleviates this issue by refusing to score losses for any players that join a game on the losing team's side.

Edit: I think this would work well for HAWKEN as well.


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Thank you for your time,





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W32 I AGREE  That would be a simple fix . Personalty all my stats are totaly F$#%ed  from pug matches and playing support. NO good deed goes unpunished.  I have since started to institute a no overextending to help a player policy as a result. I still do not give a fuzzy bunny about stats. this new policy just does not let people drag me down with them. My personal pet peeve is  people playing a class and not dogging or taking cover. Or the or the total ignoring of any team play in TEAM death match. that is what drives me nuts. Wish I could just reset my stats and no I am not making a smurf account ... do not even go there.

Edited by Source_Mystic, 28 April 2015 - 05:42 AM.



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Good (still a bit raw though?) idea, W32.


My stats aren't so good because I use to stay in every match I join in up until it's over. No matter if my team wins or not in the moment I get in. In other words, happened to me a ton of times so good idea, IMHO.


Note::: W32, could you trim your alias a little bit?... let's say... how about W24 (in case it does not break the forum so much (at least from how I browse it here with my screen res)? Just an idea though. :yes:



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Hell, I just wish I could actually 'spawn' into matches.



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Hell, I just wish I could actually 'spawn' into matches.

 ROFL, Dave you are so 8 up...........LOL :teehee:

"Nov8tr" is pronounced "INNOVATOR"


Yes I'm really 64 yrs old. July 6, 1953

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