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Basic Server Browser and Online Play Improvements

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Hey, guess what. I think some changes are needed. Not asking for "moar maps, moar mechs, nerf this, buff that, I want the gameplay mechanics changed to suit me." These are some relatively small additions/changes, that I feel would help to improve the online experience.


1. Vote Kick option. Pretty self explanatory. If a player gets kicked 3 times, they get a nice ban to discuss with an admin. We know we aren't getting any new maps, or map re-works any time soon.  But people are getting seriously sick of map glitchers sitting up in the sky, sniping or defecating mines all over the map. Voting to kick also would help solve the problem of griefers and feeders screwing up the match for everyone.

2. Map Vote at the end of the match. Stop the servers from clearing out when "that" map loads. Let the players choose what map to play on.

3. Option to include, or not include, specific regions in the server results. Meaning people on one coast don't see servers on the other coast if they don't want to. Not a huge issue, but it would be nice.

4. Servers in Chicago and NY. You know, near where people live. Dallas and Ashburn are not bad choices, but the NY servers were way better. As pointed out in another thread, the LA servers are/were horrendous, at least for east-coasters.

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I played on an LA server and I can say that it felt like I was running into invisible walls my controls were unresponsive and then there was the Lag. I play on Ashburn or Dallas since it's closer to where I live. Good post HorseHeadProphet.



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1. Vote kick: Do want! glitch exploiters aren't fun for anyone.

2. Map Vote: Make it additional to the basic map loop. If there is a need to change to a specific map then the votes are open, if not we continue with the normal routine. (Worked pretty well on the older Battlefield games, dunno if such options are on the current games)

3.+4. Doens't really affect me as European, but yeah less lag = more fun.

Edited by Tankman95, 27 April 2015 - 06:17 AM.

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1. Vote kick would be interesting, as long as it isn't abused. Glitch exploiters definitely should be able to be kicked as well as feeders, griefers etc.

2. capnjosh plz, I don't want to play bunker ;_; Would be nice to have more map variation other than the default.

3. Yes.

4. Doesn't affect me but yes.




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Hey, guess what. I think some changes are needed. Not asking for "moar maps, moar mechs, nerf this, buff that, I want the gameplay mechanics changed to suit me." These are some relatively small additions/changes, that I feel would help to improve the online experience.


1. Vote Kick option. Pretty self explanatory. If a player gets kicked 3 times, they get a nice ban to discuss with an admin. We know we aren't getting any new maps, or map re-works any time soon.  But people are getting seriously sick of map glitchers sitting up in the sky, sniping or defecating mines all over the map. Voting to kick also would help solve the problem of griefers and feeders screwing up the match for everyone.

2. Map Vote at the end of the match. Stop the servers from clearing out when "that" map loads. Let the players choose what map to play on.

3. Option to include, or not include, specific regions in the server results. Meaning people on one coast don't see servers on the other coast if they don't want to. Not a huge issue, but it would be nice.

4. Servers in Chicago and NY. You know, near where people live. Dallas and Ashburn are not bad choices, but the NY servers were way better. As pointed out in another thread, the LA servers are/were horrendous, at least for east-coasters.


  1.  So much abuse. 
  2.  Hell yes.
  3.  A more dynamic filter would be nice, but I hate to tell you this, but that would not be an easy fix. Actually, none of these are easy fixes except for...
  4.  ...this one. Ashburn isn't great, New York was better. I think I'm actually getting better ping from Dallas now than I was before. 


#4 can be done from the back-end. #1-3 require coding and a new build to be pushed out. Not easy, especially when you haven't got a programming team.

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Vote Kick option...fawk YES!!!  This alone would be phenomenal.

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I know, it's much easier for someone to say, less easy to have someone to code up these "small" fixes and actually do it. In fact, I'm at work trying to figure out what *should* be simple scripting right now, and it's making my head hurt. So I definitely do appreciate the effort involved.


I really don't think abuse of a Kick Vote option would happen too much.  In just about every hackusation I have seen, there are twice as many people ready to inform that accuser that in fact no one is hacking, and it is far more likely that they are simply outclassed, and still need their parent's permission to use the computer. But if the overwhelming consensus is that a certain player needs to go, give the players the means to make that happen. Make it so you need a 2/3 majority, or something, to kick a player. This way, one or two buttmad (a new word I learned while playing yesterday) players can't boot someone whose only offense is being better at the game than they.


Perhaps attempted kick votes could be tracked as well. Too many spurious kick attempts and guess what? Ban. The potential for abuse of a kick vote, I believe, will be even more reduced when the private servers come online, and the 1%ers will probably not be playing in pub servers so very often. Therefore the only people who get kick votes will be people who deserve to be kicked.


I really would hate to see a Kick Vote option get turned into "I can't match you so I'm gonna try and get a Kick Vote going against you." But I dislike even more the fact that one dirtbag player can wreck 11 other people's fun, and the only options are either stay and endure it, or leave and then complain on the internet. 


Euro-Aussie-Africans-Antarcticans, I feel your pain. NY servers were always the best American options for Euro players that have no choices in Europe. The logical solution of course being more local servers, which I hope are coming. 

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Vote kick is a fickle thing, take Quake: Live for example, I joined a game and instantly somebody called to kick me. Apparently I was "win joining" but whatever. 


If people are being abusive (verbally) we have the ever wonderful mute button. Of course that doesn't stop somebody from hopping out the map on front line.

In my view, just leaving a game because somebody is being a complete pratt will suffice, I'll find a different server and carry on.

Honestly though, this hasn't really happened to me because of the small number of players EU, it's like we're one big family <3


(Meraple is the mom)





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1) The vote kick option could be a freaking terrible idea if handed out to the masses. I can see it now. Armored clown gathers his league of trolls, and they flood the servers slowly ban kicking one player at a time. Nope. Just no. However, if the kick vote was given to players that were level 30, or had some specific requirements, it could have the potential of not being abused. We will see. I am hesitant to say that they have to have played over 100 hours for the ban, because that would be a bit meh.


2) While I have no love for Last Eco, I understand the necessity of map variations. If majority rules, I would never play on bunker again. This saddens me, because frankly, bunker is a good map. You just need to learn how to use it, and not run around like an idiot.


3) Erm....that would be freaking difficult to fix. I can understand where you are coming from, but if we are gonna be honest it would be hella hard to do.


4) Didn't we have NY servers in the past? I live near NY so I can totally agree with this. NY all the way, baby!

I am MM




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AFAIK, I have not seen any exploiters nor cheaters in my games.


So I do not see the need of these options in the game rightnow. What I'd like to see is the time remaining of the active matches in the server browser's list.



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http://hawken.herokuapp.com/will provide you with much information about ongoing server activity.


Map vote wouldn't have to be universal, but it would be nice to see on some servers at least. I imagine that there would always be stock servers, with normal map rotation and game rules, on which to play.


I honestly don't see a Kick Vote option having such a massive potential for abuse. On any game server I ever played on that had that option, I now recall, a kick vote had to be unanimous - not just 2/3 or whatever percentage. You had to be actually idling/AFK, spewing hate speech, or unabashedly cheating to get vote unanimity. One, or even eight, players couldn't just decide to kick you.


Fast forward to today, we have a league of trolls joining Hawken servers to kick one person? Is this wtf's going on out there? 






Perhaps one fine day we'll see these available as options for private server admins.

The Hawken forum's a forum, but it's like the only one you get yelled at for using.

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