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Ability to Switch Weapons During a Match

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Many FPS games out there have the ability to switch weapons on the fly while you are in game play. That is one thing I would like to see come to Hawken. That way you don't have to die or wait until the beginning of a match to choose your primary weapon.



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While your idea isn`t the worst I have heard (3rd person view cough), I will say it got some minor flaws, as I am not sure where those weapons should have been on the mech body and not look weird.


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I don't think this would work well. Imagine that you're in a Scout. Poke someone around the corner with heat cannon, flip to miniflak and chase them down once their health is low enough.

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nice concept (my reaction after spawning: "Oh crap. Wrong weapon. Dammit.") and one that probably has been wished for by many, more than once.

doubtful it'll happen, or it already would have, as it was likely encountered by devs before OB, and voted not doable due to any of a variety of reasons.

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Could work, but imagine, we have allrounder classes, everywhere.
But an alternate secondary would be nice.

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maybe have stations on various points of the map (the spawnpoints?) that allow you to switch weapons or (maybe even mechs) if:

-you are not in combat

-you are at full health

your mech would still be there on the map, and if it is hit, you get booted out of the "change menu" without applying changes

would being able to warp to other stations (under these conditions) be too much? You could maybe get to your team mates faster in tdm that way, there'd probably need to be a short cooldown on this warping and it should make you show up on enemy's minimap.

I have a lot of ideas and would like some feedback on them:

Suggestions for fixing things:


Suggestions for new things:




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I don't think it's a good idea.  Being able to switch after a death is, I think, the right way to do it.  The balance of weapons in Hawken is already delicate and refined pretty well (let's not go off on a tagent about the minor imbalances we're all aware exist) - but a person being able to switch, for example, from EOC to Heat Cannon to Assault Rifle on an Infiltrator!!!  Jeezus, talk about the ultimate weapon.

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To be serious for a moment this is just a joke





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no because its bad enough that one skilled could dominate while in cqc situations but also from afar? by being able to switch your weapon on the fly would give the possibility of rolling through matches. youre giving that person the advantage by having the ease of choosing the best weap for each specific playstyle. 

Edited by Amish_Kommander, 22 May 2015 - 09:32 PM.



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This idea would lead to so much abuse.


Let's not.



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I do concur. --> Better not.




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I could see something like this being utilized in Siege mode. If you are loading EU in base you can swap your weapons out while you are doing it. 


Don't think this would be good in other game types though

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what asianjoykiller posted somewhere else on this matter. Probably dispensers or reload points or whatever else you may come up to define these would be an interesting possibility in the future. Hmm.. wait.. I think he was talking on replenishing items though...


Anyways.. not a must, IMO. Not a priority either.


To tell ya the truth i like the actual way of the things. Over.


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I could see something like this being utilized in Siege mode. If you are loading EU in base you can swap your weapons out while you are doing it.

Don't think this would be good in other game types though

Completely agree with this XD

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what asianjoykiller posted somewhere else on this matter. Probably dispensers or reload points or whatever else you may come up to define these would be an interesting possibility in the future. Hmm.. wait.. I think he was talking on replenishing items though...

Anyways.. not a must, IMO. Not a priority either.

To tell ya the truth i like the actual way of the things. Over.

This too XD
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(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
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I'm on board if weapon switch could occur prior to spawning & not while alive.  If we can change mechs between lives why not change weapons on the mech mid game?  The only downside of allowing garage time between lives is that it's more time that you aren't on the field

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This too XD

hmm... are you out of Likes or what? xD

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hmm... are you out of Likes or what? xD

Probably, the like limit on the new forums is some fuzzy bunny



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[14:31] <Crafty> I know that in my balls
[14:32] <Crafty> hawken is unlike anything Ive played





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Probably, the like limit on the new forums is some fuzzy bunny

lol, don't be so pesimistic.. xD


IIRC, it's around 12 or 15 likes per day

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The difference between theory and practice is smaller in theory than it is in practice.

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