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Make the tech's radar signature unique (for teammates)

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So, yeah, as long as you're not a tech hater, then you probably realize that it would be very helpful to have the tech's signature like this:



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Addendum: more obvious "help requested" pings because some techs are blind as bats when it comes to noticing low-HP teammates.

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I know this was on the overlay map thread or somewhere in the old forums, but a tech icon on the map would go great along with having names and armor of your team on ths HUD somewhere.

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Pubstomping is a whole different strategic discussion, however, and usually just becomes an exploration of the ethics of dumpstering randos.


Why mech game make when you no mech game have you don't want to make? 



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Addendum: more obvious "help requested" pings because some techs are blind as bats when it comes to noticing low-HP teammates.


There needs to be multiple ones like "help requested". And they'd prove to be useful since the first moment. Things like deliver EU, Go to AA, Need heals ... But there should be a mechanism to stop spamming. Mute could be very fine.

  • gArphEus likes this

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Since they implemented the HUD "VISOR" why not make it full "augmented reality" with a circle/ring floating with 360 positioning ....somewhere... in our face... because reasons instead of "old time look at your dashboard for more info"

But yeah, teammate positioning with class icon or mech icon would be nice.

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The TF2 medic call should be good since you can see the call through terrain. Sad that the Tech is not very popular.



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Addendum: more obvious "help requested" pings because some techs are blind as bats when it comes to noticing low-HP teammates.

Some Tech drivers may not interpret the "Help Requested" call as a need-heelz. Some folks use it as an "Oh gawd, I just screwed up and attacked 3 enemies, come mutilate your mmr by joining me in my stupidity!", and I'll be dammed if I'm going anywhere near that particular area right now...

If I am on a team with some pretty savvy operators, on the other hand, and they have to resort to Help Requested to get my attention, it's because I'm trying to keep my own butt alive in my current situation (green beam, massive kill-fest mob-scene, etc), I'm damnear dead and have to stop to heal my own self, or I just plain screwed up and didn't notice you--which happens, and most that I play with will know i'm embarrassed that I let it happen.

And if I ever get asked why I didn't hop right to you before you died, I'll give you a reason, someone else will, or I'll admit I just plain goofed it.

In either case, both parties need to communicate exactly what went wrong, and why, or it'll keep happening (especially with newbs--Techs AND their babies).

And I don't mean Flame Trolling, down talking, or needless hounding and criticizing. Communicate! Help each other.


Edited by em1o, 29 May 2015 - 10:59 AM.

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Yes, 2 all this here. Pretty good ideas. Want it all 2 b done. I guess every Tech would appreciate all this. Especially nice would b 2 know, what mate is where and uses WHICH MECH, by his recognizable icon on Radar. Might b too tiny, though. As Tech i ALWAYS jump in2 every flamin' battle inferno like a ball-lightning when called 4 help, but once there i had 2 decide in a split-second if help's possible without kamikaze, and WHO needs my help 1st. Usually no1 needs 2 call 4 me, though - if my mates stick tight 2gether, i'll make sure every harm comes undone asap. It's always nice 2 c my desperate mates kiting out of hell panicly on my green beam 2 a safe repair position, just 2 find out surprised, they have no moa need 2 repair once they arrived there, and turn around 4 immediate revenge, hehehehe...


Regards, gArphEus



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have had a talk with my uncle on this and ...

we think that is not a bad idea having an slightly distinct dot for your Technician mate(s) to be rendered on radar.


Good idea ETT! :thumbsup:


something like the actual radar dot plus a little cross on top of it would suffice only for technicians, IOHO. And obviously for friendlies only, ofc!


However, you always may press TAB and memorize the alias of any technician playing in your team so you can know where they are by looking for their player label on your hud.


But we find this suggestion to be a good one, so thumbs up! :yes:

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I really like the idea

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
 (") (") your signature to help him gain world domination XD


And if you dont .... 


bloody_keyboard.gif    <-------------- ME and Bunny
(This is also me when u no cooperate in game XD)



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Why not basicly show teammates on radar with the ability/mech icon they're currently using?

Enemies should stay as red dots.

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AMEN to this suggestion.  I'd take it a step further and have a green "+" over the top of the tech that all the team can see at all times on the HUD, not just the radar.  And I'd like for the Tech to be able to see the names of players below 33% health glowing - so they instantly know where they're needed.

  • gArphEus likes this

To be serious for a moment this is just a joke





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As someone who techs a lot, I often wish I could have a HUD similar to when you play Co-Op Bot Destruction of all your allies' HP; perhaps a GUI off to the side instead since a full team of 6 could be crowded doing it how it's doe in Co-Op Bot Destruction. 


examples: http://files.gameban...2626b2bd467.jpg



except for HAWKEN, obviously.

Edited by fAEth, 30 May 2015 - 03:50 PM.

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GET /f�th?en=ZtatiK HTTP/1.1

|| |  |   |    |     |    |   |  | ||

if Reality is wrong.. & this is for real..? [analog players \-digital-world}




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It should also only while firing beam make a unique blip to enemy, standard blip otherwise like beams emmit some kinda radiation easily detectable while active and why not nerf the simple fact its a sci fi beam after devs denied any sort of laser or similarly futuristic additions but skimped wih he beam, least �ome r�pair bots use welding drones

If thats too harsh only hen when green beam

Edited by MechFighter5e3bf9, 30 May 2015 - 05:51 PM.



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AMEN to this suggestion.  I'd take it a step further and have a green "+" over the top of the tech that all the team can see at all times on the HUD, not just the radar.  And I'd like for the Tech to be able to see the names of players below 33% health glowing - so they instantly know where they're needed.

Oh my god now and then is enough but now super techs galore



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have had a talk with my uncle on this and ...

we think that is not a bad idea having an slightly distinct dot for your Technician mate(s) to be rendered on radar.


Good idea ETT! :thumbsup:


something like the actual radar dot plus a little cross on top of it would suffice only for technicians, IOHO. And obviously for friendlies only, ofc!


However, you always may press TAB and memorize the alias of any technician playing in your team so you can know where they are by looking for their player label on your hud.


But we find this suggestion to be a good one, so thumbs up! :yes:



Note: Although never generating confusion because of this and with any other current icon asset rendered on radar.

This might open a new set of possibilities for the radar as for example being able to identify C mechs (slower mates) to be specially supported during a match. I've personally find new and even experienced pilots to be not understanding well enough this aspect of the gameplay in team game modes.. probably due to vultureness and/or *partyness factors or maybe just because of general careless and/or ignorance.. so to speak if you allow me the comment...

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The difference between theory and practice is smaller in theory than it is in practice.



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(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
 (") (") your signature to help him gain world domination XD


And if you dont .... 


bloody_keyboard.gif    <-------------- ME and Bunny
(This is also me when u no cooperate in game XD)



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WE COULD BUY THEM!!!! fuse them, costom color them etc...

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
 (") (") your signature to help him gain world domination XD


And if you dont .... 


bloody_keyboard.gif    <-------------- ME and Bunny
(This is also me when u no cooperate in game XD)



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hahahah :teehee:


Would not that be a bit too Pay to Win? ...

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Can't tell if serious or kiddin'

The PC community is the red headed step child Reloaded never wanted but got saddled with when they married the PC community's mother.


Shoutout to mah real Africans out there.



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Lol he he XD

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
 (") (") your signature to help him gain world domination XD


And if you dont .... 


bloody_keyboard.gif    <-------------- ME and Bunny
(This is also me when u no cooperate in game XD)



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would be cool to ubicate where your Tech/s mate are via having a quick look to your radar.


So +1 to the raw suggestion the OP made.

  • PepeKenobi likes this


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Plus one!


In fact, make it so that radar signatures (for both allies and enemies) show the ability icon of the mech they are using, instead of just a colored circle.

Edited by ??�?�؃??, 04 June 2015 - 06:42 PM.




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See that beam? See that car? That car is the Tech. :thumbsup: That would be cool, oh and a REALLY loud klaxon horn.  :woot: That never turns off.......hehe....



Edited by Nov8tr, 04 June 2015 - 07:13 PM.

"Nov8tr" is pronounced "INNOVATOR"


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