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Mech Idea: The Burner (aka the laser mech)

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The Burner


This hasn't really been messed with but it's clear that in the hawken canon you there are partial and heat weapons. I propose a mech that specializes in such attacks. In comes the Burner sporting particle weapons out the butt for those fans of the old beam rifles. However these will not be you slow moving might as well be a pistol beams of death. No, each shot streaks across the field with almost unavoidable speed. Lasers exist today so I would assume they would be have some common military use by the time Hawken's fictional events happen.

Cost: Hc-icon12816 / Mc-icon1224
Armor: 350
Fuel Tank: 95 L
Boost Speed: 37.28 m/s
Fuel Regen: 9.99 L/s
Ground Speed: 20 m/s
Air Speed: 28
Radar: 140 m
Overheating: 5.5 s
Dodging: 1 s
Special Ability: EMP Pulse 
Primary Weapons. 1. Laser Cannon 2. Heat Canon 3. Laser Rifle
Secondary weapon: Shock 
Laser Cannon:
Description: A long range particle rifle that fires a short bursts at the enemy. 
DPS Rating: 71
Accuracy: 74
Rate of Fire: 23
Effective Range: 19
Heat Rate: 47
Laser rifle: 
Description: A rapid burst laser machine gun. Laser shot are not as charged and well concentrated as the laser canon but who cares? spray and pray am I right?
DPS Rating: 67
Accuracy: 50
Rate of Fire: 77
Effective Range: 23
Heat Rate: 41
EMP Pulse: The Burner can disperse powerful electro-magnetic pulse disabling enemies close to it. Downside is that the Burner is disabled as well. 45  second cool down.



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Don't make me say it.



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Don't make me say it.

Go ahead and say it.



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I dig the idea of a laser blazer mech! Energy weapons are cool. However, don't forget for someone with good aim, that kind of instant-hit weaponry can be super lethal. Hopefully it will be balanced by higher heat or slower movement. (not digging out the spreadsheets)


(It's also the most likely to be exploited by aimbots, a very small concern, I know)


I like the idea of an EMP pulse kind of ability. Not sure if I like it self-disabling though. I feel like a mech which was purpose-built to carry an EMP weapon would itself be shielded, so as not to be an electronic kamikaze. That shielding could account for the extra weight and slower speed of the mech. I had been playing with some ideas for an electronics warfare type of mech, whose ability would affect other mechs systems in some negative way, but have a trade off like, the emp pulse will disable all other mechs, except you, or disable motor systems so they can't move, blind radar permanently until death, something like that. 


What would the secondary "Shock" weapon be like? That sounds very interesting. Remember how in UT the shock ball had a knock-back effect on an enemy? what if you could do the same to a mech...hmmm

The Hawken forum's a forum, but it's like the only one you get yelled at for using.



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Laser rifle. It is nothing else than Assault Rifle, SMC, Vulcan, etc. The Laser cannon is nothing else than Slug Rifle or SA-Hawkins, etc. 


The only difference are the visuals, but basically these weapons don't differ since the weapons mentioned are all hitscan, and so unrealistic projectile weapons with a velocity of 999999999999999999999m/s.


I like the ability, though. 

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Laser rifle. It is nothing else than Assault Rifle, SMC, Vulcan, etc. The Laser cannon is nothing else than Slug Rifle or SA-Hawkins, etc. 


The only difference are the visuals, but basically these weapons don't differ since the weapons mentioned are all hitscan, and so unrealistic projectile weapons with a velocity of 999999999999999999999m/s.


Clearly I'm not perfect when it comes to stats but how would you balance the stats? because I want this.



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I dig the idea of a laser blazer mech! Energy weapons are cool. However, don't forget for someone with good aim, that kind of instant-hit weaponry can be super lethal. Hopefully it will be balanced by higher heat or slower movement. (not digging out the spreadsheets)


(It's also the most likely to be exploited by aimbots, a very small concern, I know)


I like the idea of an EMP pulse kind of ability. Not sure if I like it self-disabling though. I feel like a mech which was purpose-built to carry an EMP weapon would itself be shielded, so as not to be an electronic kamikaze. That shielding could account for the extra weight and slower speed of the mech. I had been playing with some ideas for an electronics warfare type of mech, whose ability would affect other mechs systems in some negative way, but have a trade off like, the emp pulse will disable all other mechs, except you, or disable motor systems so they can't move, blind radar permanently until death, something like that. 


What would the secondary "Shock" weapon be like? That sounds very interesting. Remember how in UT the shock ball had a knock-back effect on an enemy? what if you could do the same to a mech...hmmm

I thought the idea of it still being able to fight was waaaay to OP.


Run into group, disable half the team, instantly team that is actually using good team work is fuzzy bunnyed because your team is right behind you. I thought the only way to balance it was to cause it to back fire a bit so that at least that one guy you didn't disable can have a chance at an easy kill.



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Clearly I'm not perfect when it comes to stats but how would you balance the stats? because I want this.


I wouldn't, Josh would. The thing is, sustained weapons (bullet weapons) are ALL hitscan (the damage is dealt insatntly even before the visuals arrive at their destination). 

This is absolutely disgusting as it lowers the skill demand drastically and removes a very important part of a shooter: proper aiming.


In addition, Josh said he will make agressive balance changes (what in my ears sounds like a nerf of easy-to-use weapons and mechs and (only maybe) a buff for harder-to-use weapons. That means, every hitscan weapon will get a nerf but don't rely on that, just my guess).



To solve your proplem (lack of lasers) I would not suggest a new weapon whic hwork similar to every other weapon ingame, but weapon skins which change the visuals of your weapon(s). These can be bought using MC and creates an extra financial soruce for our new devs.


Though, every suggestion made from the take-over until now is pretty much worthless as the new devs are not even really working on Hawken, they are busy with recruiting a team and get used to the source code of Hawken.




For you, I suggest playing the game (or wait a few weeks/months) and keep dreamin' :]

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You call it the burner without a flammenwerfer??  :sad:

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What would the secondary "Shock" weapon be like? That sounds very interesting. Remember how in UT the shock ball had a knock-back effect on an enemy? what if you could do the same to a mech...hmmm


Dang forgot the description on that...Well the idea was it would a powerful close range secondary weapon that would send out a powerful electric charge. The particle effects are pretty much already in one of the healing drones you can buy. I was also thinking it could potentially damage enemy mechs that are close together but that may make it way too OP.



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The burner







AKA the laser mech









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The PC community is the red headed step child Reloaded never wanted but got saddled with when they married the PC community's mother.


Shoutout to mah real Africans out there.



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I don't think i mind your general mech idea, but have some corrections:

1. Lasers are not Particle beams.

2. Dodge cooldown is determined by the weigh classof the mech.

3. Have the actual weapons stats, instead of the vague stats from the garage.

I wouldn't, Josh would. The thing is, sustained weapons (bullet weapons) are ALL hitscan (the damage is dealt insatntly even before the visuals arrive at their destination). 

This is absolutely disgusting as it lowers the skill demand drastically and removes a very important part of a shooter: proper aiming.

Would you prefer the bullet weapons having actual projectileobjects? I wouldn't mind that. Since the bullets would only be visible for a splitsecond, the devs could give them extremely simply modes or even sprites, so that the game doesn't choke on trying to render projectiles for up to 24 assault rifle users.



The burner







AKA the laser mech









How about, instead of posting an unhelpful trash reply, you explain why you don't want this in the game?

Edited by BismutZornisse, 02 June 2015 - 09:07 AM.

I have a lot of ideas and would like some feedback on them:

Suggestions for fixing things:


Suggestions for new things:




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What is it with 'lasers' seriously. Why do people need to have them everywhere ?

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lasers ruin the realistic mech simulator-ness of my hawken experience



IareDave, on 22 May 2015 - 11:37 AM, said:

NO. Stop trying to ruin my immersive mech simulator.





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lasers ruin the realistic mech simulator-ness of my hawken experience

How so?

I have a lot of ideas and would like some feedback on them:

Suggestions for fixing things:


Suggestions for new things:




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What is it with 'lasers' seriously. Why do people need to have them everywhere ?


'Cause lights!




But for everyone: We already have lasers, they are called Assault Rifle, Slug Rifle, SMC, Flak Cannon, etc.  They shine in a yellow light and the projectiles travel faster than the speed of light!

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Once again, Lightning Gun from the game files. Wait for the Seige Tank to be finished and released. Then you get your energy weapon.




As for straight up Laser weapons, the old Developers stated that they were outside the design style of the game, and most people are opposed to adding them because of that.

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No melee. No lasers.



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As for straight up Laser weapons, the old Developers stated that they were outside the design style of the game, and most people are opposed to adding them because of that.


This. Lasers just don't fit the aesthetic and, personally, I don't think it's worth all the trouble of adding in some universe breaking thing considering the little return we'd get out it.




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Energy weapons, as a concept, are viable for the game. I suppose it's just a matter of how they are implemented. Hit-scan beam weapons aren't fun at all.


The concept of Plasma weapons isn't that far fetched, in the HAWKEN universe plasma weapons could surely be a thing. Same goes for lasers.



As I mentioned before it's just a matter of how these weapons are delivered. Nobody would like the stereotypical Star Wars lasers if they were implemented.


Here's something I drafted up in my gray-mushball that resides inside by skullcase;




Plasma Caster.


Semi automatic - Fires three balls of super-heated plasmabefore a 3 second downtime. Each shot does roughly 60-70~ damage/direct hit. 

Damage falloff would be a factor as a ball of very hot plasma would cool down rather fast. 


These projectiles would have an arc similar to the Redox and would explode on impact. 


Splash damage would be similar to...a grenade. Though you can't remotely detonate a ball of plasma. 


And after typing this I realise it's basically a SAARE launcher.



But hey it's still an idea no matter how dumb you might think it is.





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What is it with 'lasers' seriously. Why do people need to have them everywhere ?


I have Zone Of The Enders to fuel that addiction ;P




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lasers ruin the realistic mech simulator-ness of my hawken experience


The realistic experience of giant robots with unlimited ammo and fuel, literal energy force fields, holograms and orb that are pretty much magical 3d mech printers fighting in some dystopian future.  BUT LASERS, A TECHNOLOGY THAT ALREADY EXISTS KILLS THE REALISM!?!??!? I AM NOT EQUIPPED FOR THIS STUPIDITY!

Edited by Rahr12341, 02 June 2015 - 11:04 AM.



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Energy weapons, as a concept, are viable for the game. I suppose it's just a matter of how they are implemented. Hit-scan beam weapons aren't fun at all.


The concept of Plasma weapons isn't that far fetched, in the HAWKEN universe plasma weapons could surely be a thing. Same goes for lasers.



As I mentioned before it's just a matter of how these weapons are delivered. Nobody would like the stereotypical Star Wars lasers if they were implemented.


Here's something I drafted up in my gray-mushball that resides inside by skullcase;




Plasma Caster.


Semi automatic - Fires three balls of super-heated plasmabefore a 3 second downtime. Each shot does roughly 60-70~ damage/direct hit. 

Damage falloff would be a factor as a ball of very hot plasma would cool down rather fast. 


These projectiles would have an arc similar to the Redox and would explode on impact. 


Splash damage would be similar to...a grenade. Though you can't remotely detonate a ball of plasma. 


And after typing this I realise it's basically a SAARE launcher.



But hey it's still an idea no matter how dumb you might think it is.

I picked lasers because they actually and are used for military applications today. I assumed by this theoretical future there would be some lasers involved.



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Laser rifle. It is nothing else than Assault Rifle, SMC, Vulcan, etc. The Laser cannon is nothing else than Slug Rifle or SA-Hawkins, etc. 


The only difference are the visuals, but basically these weapons don't differ since the weapons mentioned are all hitscan, and so unrealistic projectile weapons with a velocity of 999999999999999999999m/s.


I like the ability, though. 

So... An alternative would be to eventually create alternate weapons cosmetics, that also change what the weapon looks and sounds like when it fires, but the stats remain exactly the same. So your slug rifle can be a laser rifle, your vulcans = laser gatling guns, whatever. No need for new mechs, people who like lasers can have 'em, people who don't care don't have to buy 'em, game remains balanced (As much as it is, anyway), everyone's happy. Because, let's be honest.... Lasers are mostly cool because of how they look and sound. :thumbsup:

(And I'd totally bring my G2 Assault out of the garage more often if it had laser vulcan xt disco guns.)

Edited by (TDM) DeeRax, 02 June 2015 - 11:42 AM.





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How about super heated rounds that look like lasers when shot.


How is the technicians repair beam not like a laser already? 


What about a secondary weapon that requires a charge up like the spartan laser from halo 3? with an alternate mode to be a channeled damage beam like the technician?


In general I would like to see lasers, but I'm okay if they arn't implemented.



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Lasers disperce in the atmosphere. And we fight on planet if you remember. They dont work long ranges. 


Close range beam weapon?  Something like flamethrower but without bright flames in yo face.... Might work.


Still there is not much reason to use such a weapon when we have rifles and such.... Coz....Lasers are not superior to rifles now.

They are not going to be superion in future too. Why? Coz rifles will also improve.


Lasers are also very easy to countermeasure with special reflecting panels.   But you cant reflect bullet without getting damage.


And rifles are easier to build. And cheaper. 


Overall lasers are not lore friendly. Thats it... 



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How is the technicians repair beam not like a laser already? 



Apparently nanomachines fit more with the HAWKEN lore than lasers.

Maybe because the HAWKEN-virus is made up of those things, dunno.

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What is it with 'lasers' seriously. Why do people need to have them everywhere ?

Wouldn`t the world have been better with good old bullets?





Over this:



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Let's see if I got all this straight...

Make any or all of the following MC/HC/revenue generators:

Using in-place weapons & their ballistic and damage values, change the projectile track smoke trails/tracer fire to solid color lines. Voila! Lasers!


Make available skins and/or body parts unique to the Laser Mech available for purchase.

These would include weapons forms that simply replace the visual image of the existing weapon (which now produces a solid color line instead of smoke etc). or better yet:

Link these visuals, weapons, bodyparts and skins for bundle purchase of a 12816MC G2 Sharpshooter Burner.


New mech, "new" weps, new visual bling and eye candy, damnear zip work on the code base as nothing has changed except what you're seeing. The dps, AoE, times, etc could probably be changed on the SS Sabot without balancing concerns for the LaserCannon, as there is no other identical weapon (to my knowledge) on any other Hawken mech,


If this isn't the path that essentially gets followed while bringing something like this to the masses,

  It Ain't Gonna Happen. At least for a reeeaaally long while.

As also mentioned ReLoaded still has quite a bit on its plate to finish, first.



I want one.

Edited by em1o, 03 June 2015 - 11:53 AM.

#:  chown -R us ./base


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Just mount it on the G2 assault..... Purrfect!



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Well why don't these lasers add some new mechanic, like being reflected by wall items, and/or recharging shield bubbles, and/or destroying orbs (you see how all these relate to items)


Since we're all suggesting things :rolleyes:



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Don't forget the nuclear missile help Puma paw out guys.



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Don't forget the nuclear missile help Puma paw out guys.

Contact RopeFish for details on Nukes in Hawken. She has years of backlogged attempts.

Maybe someday...



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