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What if ... pilot levels were unlimited?

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Discuss if you please.


I personally would appreciate it if my pilot level after more than 2 years of playing isn't equal to someone who played for 2 weeks.

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it would be cool. Just space out Mc and cosmetic bonuses. 


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500 HC every million levels.

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I can imagine these wars about what is more important - MMR or lvl.


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giving MC will be great 



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I can imagine these wars about what is more important - MMR or lvl.


lol. There's no debate. You can be level 30 and have shitty mmr. You can be level 20 and have high mmr. Level is only an indication of time, not skill

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lol. There's no debate. You can be level 30 and have shitty mmr. You can be level 20 and have high mmr. Level is only an indication of time, not skill

And only barely a measure of time at that.

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And... it's a disincentive to (dare I say? I dare:) smurf.


Built that fuzzy pilot level as high as it'll go.  Don't make it a huge geometric progressive distance between levels - a fixed 200k would do.


I approve, Elite.

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And... it's a disincentive to (dare I say? I dare:) smurf.


Built that fuzzy pilot level as high as it'll go.  Don't make it a huge geometric progressive distance between levels - a fixed 200k would do.


I approve, Elite.


Newer players already complain that theres level 30's in their matches, allowing the number to go higher I feel would only make that problem worse.  I think we need to focus and direct our attention to the new players, and not to the players that have stuck with this game for an extended period of time.

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fuzzy bunny you CZeroFive 



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What would be the point of extra levels? Better off just wasting EXP.



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In most other games, many players associate skill with player level due to vertical progression present in many other games.  Higher level, more power.  While we obviously know that this isn't the case and that level is merely an indication of time spent in the game, new players may not know this.  Brand new player, MMR 1250, drops into his or her first match, sees a level 1374910394801938450193805 player, they'll probably just leave due to the preconceived notion that level = power, and therefore the new player has no chance, despite the level 13749103948019638450193805 player being 1250 MMR as well. The P2W complaints come flooding back, the complaints about bad balancing, while important (but does not apply here), all the cans of worms we hate will be opened.


So no, because it'll scare the children away.

Edited by Silverfire, 07 June 2015 - 04:31 PM.

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Meh I get mixed feelings on this...

Why not take a different approach...

Why not have a lvl system that collaborates with scrim not? It can lvl you up and demdemote you.... A high MMR person will have high lvl and a low MMR person would have a low lvl
As simple as that

Tho the MMR system would have to he tweaked a Lil if this happens....
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there it is: a public emblem/rank/lvl or whatever graphic indicating your MMR bracket (say by levels of 250, or 500, pick a number). Level badges as they are now are just indicative of miminum "Time in the Saddle", so to speak. they carry no real significance. Except to a newbie that gets to see he's out-matched, at least in experience. Not a positive attribute to throw out there for first-timers.


the next time a match starts, 1400mmr noobs can see they're playing with other pilots that are carrying public emblems of say,  1250-1500 mmr "Level", and if a well-known 2 1/2 year vet is in there they'll likely not go ballistic because the emblem is showing just one Level higher (1608mmr) rather than 26  levels higher than theirs (as happens now).


This is a Good Idea.

It should be built upon.

Soon, please.

Edited by em1o, 07 June 2015 - 07:03 PM.

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Puts his Silverfire hat on:


You want to DEMOTE someone INSTANTLY, someone who has never heard of MMR, for getting crushed in a match?


You want to drive them away in HORDES?


THINK about this suggestion.

Did I say Call Me Ishmael?


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no...camouflage it. if you use bracketing levels, at 1250mmr default starting value they're technically as far "down" as they'll go. not explaining it any more in depth to a noob than is done now (hell, no one told me what mmr was until i joined TAW, somewhere around Jan 2014). if you're gonna post directly by numbers rather than an emblem, yeah. that would def be a negative morale kick.

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We need to fix mm first XD lol

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We need to fix mm first XD lol

The majority of the mm actually works okay, the problem is the low player base.

Although I do agree there are still changes that need to be made to the mm.
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if it was at that point I think I would be level 644 by now if I add my xp correctly.




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Unlimited player level might be a bad idea. I have a different idea. Player level could be split up. You could have different level systems for each game mode. Say 30 levels in each mode. Each 5 levels in each game mode would earn you 1 player level. These different leveling trees would each have their own rewards ranging from special boosters wich you can only get in this way all the way to player titles. For instance if you complete the missile assault game mode you could get a titel likeur "missile commander". Just andere idea that might encourage players to play all the modes. It would require an entire redesign of the level system wich might be a bit to much work. Just Say what you guys think of this.



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Unlimited player level might be a bad idea. I have a different idea. Player level could be split up. You could have different level systems for each game mode. Say 30 levels in each mode. Each 5 levels in each game mode would earn you 1 player level. These different leveling trees would each have their own rewards ranging from special boosters wich you can only get in this way all the way to player titles. For instance if you complete the missile assault game mode you could get a titel likeur "missile commander". Just andere idea that might encourage players to play all the modes. It would require an entire redesign of the level system wich might be a bit to much work. Just Say what you guys think of this.

I never play pub Siege nor MA because I find them boring.

If I wanted to collect those thrusters/titles I'd have to play something I don't enjoy.

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Level is irrelevant. MMR much more important. But even that...
I never play to adjust numbers. If I get my ass kicked, I know it. The only option is, Improve. Play to be as good as you can be.
Be comfortable with your mouselook. Feel your mech movement, feel the time delay between boosts, or weapons raises. Know the strenths and weaknesses of your weapons and your mech. To me, the Crucial factor, Factor X, is Teamwork. How do we define that? There is no clear cut answer.
Be aware of the placement of your teammates. Be aware of their mechs. Be aware of their fighting strengths and weaknesses. Know their loadouts. And compliment this. If they take EMP, maybe bring shields or health charges. Got an active Tech? Bring a hologram or 2.
I notice 2 things: When I get my ass kicked, it's USUALLY becasue i have drifted from my team into a dogfight, OR I have not brought along the proper mech/loadout.

This continual learning process is what makes Hawken SO rich, and enjoyable to me. There is NO magic bullet, AKA, the Redeemer in Unreal Tournament!

Anyways, just my 2 cents!



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First, you will become a Battlefield 3 level 100 prestige colonel.




And then you start smurfin'






Nothing but this will happen.

Edited by FakeName, 08 June 2015 - 04:46 AM.

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smurfs? pick a game. not a rectifiable issue. smurfs a-gonna happen.

presently, any smurfs onboard will be glaringly obvious after about 2 minutes of gameplay.  it's something you learn to live with in an environment with a restricted player population and critically huge skill spread.




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probably the possibility for a new couple or three pilot levels to make very clear that those pilots are specialists in the game might be as interesting as cool, IMO.


The difference between theory and practice is smaller in theory than it is in practice.



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Why not do a lol - like system?

After you get your 30 default lvl, you get yo lvl up an additional 10 that are different cuz they follow your MMR? Its kind of like a ranking or something... But just on a personal scale and not compared to others?

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
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What about spending XP on something. Something you can't buy with HC or MC. Like the old upgrade mechanic, except with branching trees to make each mech unique.

It would be an incentive to keep buying mech's at least, and maybe buy booster packs once in awhile.



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I could see the benefit of unlimited levels... it worked well in Starhawk back in the day - the time to get to each level was double the time it took to get the previous and so-forth.


However, with an MMR system in place, I would rather see a players pilot rank go completely away.  Each mech should still have levels, but players should only be displayed by their MMR level.

To be serious for a moment this is just a joke




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now that you guys are bringing in the MMR thing..


the MMR is dynamic thus it can go up or down while you daily play the game.


Maybe picking up some few completed achievements, probably better than certain career pilot statistics and/or the MMR (numbers which may differ in real time), might be the way for fleshing new potential pilot ranks. I see a number of interesting possibilities into that.


just a pretty raw idea though =)

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The difference between theory and practice is smaller in theory than it is in practice.



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I never play pub Siege nor MA because I find them boring.
If I wanted to collect those thrusters/titles I'd have to play something I don't enjoy.


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It was, obviously, a reply to the post I quoted.


What's your question, exactly?



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I could see the benefit of unlimited levels... it worked well in Starhawk back in the day - the time to get to each level was double the time it took to get the previous and so-forth.


However, with an MMR system in place, I would rather see a players pilot rank go completely away.  Each mech should still have levels, but players should only be displayed by their MMR level.


Well before there was no pilot level fuzzy bunny and mechs were leveled up to LVL25. It was actually fun trying to 25 your mechs.

The PC community is the red headed step child Reloaded never wanted but got saddled with when they married the PC community's mother.


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It was, obviously, a reply to the post I quoted.

What's your question, exactly?

So what if you have to play a mode to unlock a thing? It shows you put time in that thing.

Edited by BaronSaturday, 10 June 2015 - 07:07 PM.

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Im kinda OCD,so no. PLS dont.




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So what if you have to play a mode to unlock a thing? It shows you put time in that thing.

Like I already wrote before, I'd have to put time into something I don't enjoy in order to unlock something.

I don't play things I don't enjoy - I play games because I enjoy them.


I'm fairly sure I'm far from the only one who dislikes pub Siege and MA, because they require more basic coordination than TDM.

Coordination, which is usually lacking in pub games with randoms - this can make it frustrating instead of enjoyable.



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Like I already wrote before, I'd have to put time into something I don't enjoy in order to unlock something.
I don't play things I don't enjoy - I play games because I enjoy them.

I'm fairly sure I'm far from the only one who dislikes pub Siege and MA, because they require more basic coordination than TDM.
Coordination, which is usually lacking in pub games with randoms - this can make it frustrating instead of enjoyable.

I don't think you understand what I'm saying. So here's my 3 part explanation.

First. If there's a reward attatched to doing a thing and you don't do it, then you don't get the reward. For instance. I didn't buy a limited time item, I don't get the item.

Second. Tying items to modes incentivises people to play that mode. Play the mode, get the thing. Don't play the mode, don't get the thing. I don't play DM. I won't get the thing. I don't play TDM because it's only slightly less mindless than DM. Add an item I can get by playing TDM and I'll play it

Thirdly, why should we ever receive all of the things for not doing all of the things? That's only going to make TDM worse than it is as far as popularity. The reason Siege and MA are played as often as they are is because they last longer and offer more things. (HC and EXP)

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First. If there's a reward attatched to doing a thing and you don't do it, then you don't get the reward.

That's exactly my problem with it - I've to play something I don't enjoy in order to unlock something.


For instance. I didn't buy a limited time item, I don't get the item.

Buying something isn't the same as this proposal at all.

There's a big difference between straight-up buying something and having to play alot in order to unlock things.



Second. Tying items to modes incentivises people to play that mode. Play the mode, get the thing. Don't play the mode, don't get the thing. I don't play DM. I won't get the thing. I don't play TDM because it's only slightly less mindless than DM. Add an item I can get by playing TDM and I'll play it

Some people don't like certain modes, which they'll be forced to play if they want to unlock those things.

That you will play a mode you usually don't, says nothing about the willingness of others.



Thirdly, why should we ever receive all of the things for not doing all of the things?

Paying money for example.


That's only going to make TDM worse than it is as far as popularity. The reason Siege and MA are played as often as they are is because they last longer and offer more things. (HC and EXP)

TDM is by far the most-played mode in pubs here in EU.

Siege pubs are here and there, but MA's almost non-existant in terms of pubs.



I don't think you understand what I'm saying.

I personally don't think you understand what I'm saying.

Why should people be forced to play things they don't enjoy in order to unlock certain things?

People usually play games because they enjoy them.



Coop Bot Destruction gives you a special icon and an achievement, both of which almost nobody cares too much about.

Special thrusters and player titles would probably be cared for alot more.



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That's exactly my problem with it - I've to play something I don't enjoy in order to unlock something.

Buying something isn't the same as this proposal at all.
There's a big difference between straight-up buying something and having to play alot in order to unlock things.

Some people don't like certain modes, which they'll be forced to play if they want to unlock those things.
That you will play a mode you usually don't, says nothing about the willingness of others.

Paying money for example.

TDM is by far the most-played mode in pubs here in EU.
Siege pubs are here and there, but MA's almost non-existant in terms of pubs.

I personally don't think you understand what I'm saying.
Why should people be forced to play things they don't enjoy in order to unlock certain things?
People usually play games because they enjoy them.

Coop Bot Destruction gives you a special icon and an achievement, both of which almost nobody cares too much about.
Special thrusters and player titles would probably be cared for alot more.

Because it incentivises people (not all people) to play modes they wouldn't otherwise.

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Because it incentivises people (not all people) to play modes they wouldn't otherwise.

You keep ignoring my main point, which is that some people don't enjoy certain modes.



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You keep ignoring my main point, which is that some people don't enjoy certain modes.

That's why they need to be rewarded for playing it... Otherwise TDM would be the only mode played here. See. I'm actually directly addressing your concern.

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