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Suggestion on 3 new pilot levels..

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First of (and as I posted on the other thread) don't think pure MMR potential pilot levels will work so well due that the MMR is dynamic thus it can go up or down while you daily play the game.


Maybe by picking up some few completed achievements (better than certain career pilot statistics and/or the MMR (numbers which may differ in real time)), might be the way for fleshing new potential pilot ranks. I see a number of interesting possibilities into that.



So I'd suggest, at least, 3 new pilot levels. And also having these somehow graphically visible in the game's UI.


The literals for the descriptions are absolutely raw but you get the idea...


1.- Specialist. - Pilot summing up a considerable number of achievements, hours played, etc.


2.- Elitist. - Pilot who earned a big number of achievements and reached certain statistics beyond "something coherent", big number of hours played too, ... etc.


3.- Master - Pilot who went beyond some relevant point at earning game achievements + many many hours played, ranking up his/her mechs & full equipped 'em + mech statistics numbers. (Earned every achievement in the game. Actual ones, Having in mind that these may vary in the future..). Also having purchased a considerable amount of game visuals might be considered here.


Additionally, I'd suggest 3 new cammos for pilots reaching these levels (i think this would be pretty cool too):


1.- Specialist - Cooper cammo for the various elite parts. Optional, obviously..


2.- Elitist - Silver cammo.


3.- Master - Gold cammo.




Just a pretty raw idea but, IMO, could be cool enough. =)




Edited by The_Silencer, 11 June 2015 - 01:48 PM.

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The difference between theory and practice is smaller in theory than it is in practice.



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we need lvl 60  :pirate: 

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rank sure. xp for qualifying those ranks. HC for buying "stuff". if you're going to gauge anything, it should be skill (lousy or elite). if you suck, you suck. only you can change that, or live with it. if it hurts your feelings that the game labels you as a suck player and that makes you want to quit, prepare to be a Minimum-Wage worker for the rest of your life. it's your attitude and not the game's fault.

or just don't let any noob know that he's about to get a nut-roasting by the 2890mmr wuss-looking A-class mech on the enemy team. labeling is discriminatory. heh.

you can't have it all. as was posted earlier, just uncap the top of the "Levels". 200k xp per level.

let 'er rip.




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we need lvl 60  :pirate: 


max lvl 255 then start over from 0 :thumbsup:


old video games classic bug... Ahhh UFO: Enemy unknown






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we need lvl 60  :pirate: 


Shame thing about this is that if we get all the EXP at once after this cap has been increased, most of us would get to that level instantly. But if we didn't...I'd actually feel like I'm getting somewhere with my life by destroying my life by playing this game.

Edited by Dawn_of_Ash, 12 June 2015 - 12:07 AM.



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max lvl 255 then start over from 0 :thumbsup:


old video games classic bug... Ahhh UFO: Enemy unknown



255 level is huge , would be great if u think about the Max level 100  :no:

Edited by (KDR) RozerMahbub, 12 June 2015 - 02:51 AM.

Buster X

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LEVEL 60!!!!



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Just add some insane level cap, like, say 500 and come up with cool new level icons. Probably no biggie for a coder. It would also give some nice indication about who has been in the game for how long. The current 'level 30' really says nothing.





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I'd say we should have the levels we have now as tutorial levels, or whatever. After reaching something, say 30, start to gauge players by their potential (mmr, or some other metric).
So turn level 30 into many, like:
Veteran grunt, veteran pilot, veteran master, etc.
Add veteran levels with ~200 intervals of mmr, come up with nice names for them. This way we don't upset new people and by level 30, most people know their way around. Even if you had infinite levels, it would only roughly measure time played and not actual skill. Although levels looping at 255 would be awesome, especially if you'd lost mechs/gear/achivents or something :D
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People are already too stubborn to understand that pilot rank means nothing. This will just give people more of a reason to give up. Remove pilot rank altogether. It never mattered anyway. Pilot rank was only a thing because it determined how many skill points you could put into your skill trees a long time ago. They just forgot to remove pilot rank when they removed the skill trees.

I think my alpha/beta skins already work for this and only the real "masters" have them. I'll sell you my alpha acct which is one of only 3 accts in Hawken with a three letter name, which isn't allowed now, for $100000000. It's basically gold bruh.

Edited by Kamile, 20 June 2015 - 09:28 AM.



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