There's a discussion in this forum on whether or not the AC should be in the game. I don't think it should be a discussion.
It is a discussion due to a couple things, but one of the biggest points to be tossed around is that "Air compressor is different."
That's the point being made by a lot of people who think it shouldn't be in the game. Now, I'm only stating this as a preface for the thread. Make no mistake, this is not in any way whatsoever an attempt to engage in a discussion on the AC in terms of its place within the game. Any post attempting to bring that discussion here will be flagged and a request for the post's removal will be submitted on the basis of an attempt to derail a thread.
This thread is built with the intention of suggesting ideas for internals on par with the AC in terms of effectiveness, trade off, and added dimensionality. The following are just ideas, entirely subject to tweaking and discussion, though their purpose is less of "I want these in the game" than they are a demonstration of potential factors to modify or introduce with new internals.
I'd also like to introduce the idea that all "active" internals, meaning ones that the user must activate, must be three slot, ensuring that a maximum of two can be used at once.
1. Thermal Exchange Unit: An internal that when activated would generate heat in exchange for an increased boost speed. Should you find yourself faced with an opponent who you simply cannot engage, you can turn and run at a higher speed, sacrificing your ability to fight and forcing you to commit to your retreat.
2. Cavorite Phase Modification Unit: This internal applies a direct electric current to an internal supply of cavorite. (Cavorite being the material responsible for an axe's lightness and mobility, lrn2lore) The voltage is too high for an axe's standard electronics and must be supplemented by an internal current generating unit that uses fuel. The effect of this is that the effective mass of the axe is altered, allowing for what is essentially an upward dodge. Faster than normal flight, and also more consumptive of fuel, it cannot be initiated while in flight. The current can also be applied in such a manner that the users axe temporarily becomes much heavier, creating a downward dodge effect. The current in this phase is timely to reverse, and the axe receives a short flight cooldown, forcing it to land.
TL;DR, upward/downward dodges whereby the endpoint of the downward dodge and the point of initiation of the upward dodge are both the ground. Both consume fuel.
3. Freezer: The pilot gets free ice cream.
4. Radar Enhancement: This internal broadcasts a steady pulse of high energy in an outward direction for roughly the radius of the user's radar during the course of activation. All moving enemies (no one standing still or repairing), regardless of fuel consumption, appear on the radar for the duration of the internal's usage. However, the energy of the pulse is significant enough that enemy axes can pick up on it. Thus the user is also shown on the radar. It cannot be used while consuming fuel or shooting, and the energy of the pulse is significant enough that the sender is slowed to 50% walk speed during its course.
5. Attractor Unit: No. Not a tractor unit, though it does bear some similarities. A mobility altering internal, this piece is unique in the sense that it is only usable in combination with other axes with the same unit. When activated by two users of the unit, a strong field is activated between both axes. The field pulls the axes together at a speed inversely proportional to the mass of the axe, meaning if an A class and a C class both activate, the A class will move toward the C at roughly 3 times the speed that the C will move toward the A. During this movement, dodges cannot be utilized, though one can still boost in any direction to modify the path and speed of travel. This is clearly an internal aimed to be used with good communication and is otherwise useless. Its trade off is an inability to dodge during course of travel, and the freak possibility of an enemy with the same internal activating their own during a coordinated process and either altering the movement to that Axe's own inertia or forcing the maneuver to be canceled.
Feel free to add your own.