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Changing the G2 Assaults Ability

- - - - - G2 Assualtability Over Rev

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    I had a simple yet effective idea for the G2 assaults ability. As you may or may not know, the G2A vulcan doesn't do as much damage as the regular assualts vulcan, but that was a design choice that I don't really mind to much. As having twin vulcans do the same damage as the assualts one regular vulcan would make the G2A very very deadly. So since the devs of the past, not sure of the current, didn't want to increase the damage of the G2A guns. I figured why not add an different ability to the G2A to make it more unique. The current ability of the G2A is heat reduction, like it's predecessor. The ability works but it isn't perfect and doesn't compensate for most situations. So without further adieu, I introduce to the community a simple idea, that is not game breaking in anyway. But when you think about it, it would be pretty helpful to the G2A. It's called...Over rev. (yes, like an engine) Now what does it do, hmm? Well it's pretty simple.


  • Over Rev - Increases the rate of fire on both vulcans by X% (devs can handle the numbers), for a short amount of time i.e. overrevving the engines of your vulcans for increased dps.

Side Notes:

  1. The overall overheating of the G2A will be slightly reduced by X% so that you don't overheat to fast by simply using your vulcans without the ability active. When the ability is active, your heat will go back to what it is currently in-game; 28 heat on each vulcan, according to in-game stats.
  2. The ability will have about a 25 second cooldown; it's currently 45 seconds on the heat reduction ability. Different abilities will need different cooldowns.
  3. Increasing the rate of fire with the ability Over Rev will add a mini burst to your dps to help counter alpha strikes, and situations where someone is sitting on an healing orb or being healed by a tech and you need more dps to break there heal.
  4. For alittle added effect and to tell you and your enemy that your ability is active. When the ability is active, the sound of your twin vulcans will change do to the increase in engine power output to both your vulcans.

So thats the idea, as I said it's a simple idea or "fix" to the G2A that I'm personally surprised I haven't heard anybody mention before. So I would like to hear your opinions on the idea and by all means feel free to add on to it if you're thinking that something else should be changed. Just remember that you can't have the G2A be OP or change the G2A damage output since the devs of the past, not sure of the current. Didn't want to make the G2A vulcans do as much damage as the original assualt vulcan. So lets hear it...What do you think?

Edited by Onstrava, 29 June 2015 - 05:19 PM.

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(KDR) Seron16

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Maybe a nice balancing side to this would be that when you activate the ability you can't stop firing until the ability is finished or you overheat.


That way it forces you to use the ability more tactically, as if you are in a fight and already have generated a good bit of heat, then by activating the ability yes you'll get that extra DPS to finish off the enemy before he even has a chance against you, but you also risk the chance of overheating before you can kill him or when his friend comes to avenge him.


This would force people to use this when entering an engagement, or trying to flank and kill someone repairing instead of just creating an unbeatable ability near the end of a duel.

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Maybe a nice balancing side to this would be that when you activate the ability you can't stop firing until the ability is finished or you overheat.


That way it forces you to use the ability more tactically, as if you are in a fight and already have generated a good bit of heat, then by activating the ability yes you'll get that extra DPS to finish off the enemy before he even has a chance against you, but you also risk the chance of overheating before you can kill him or when his friend comes to avenge him.


This would force people to use this when entering an engagement, or trying to flank and kill someone repairing instead of just creating an unbeatable ability near the end of a duel.


Why would the proposed ability need this drawback when Zerker and Gren (and technically SS too, but Power Shot augments burst more so than DPS) both have straight DPS boosts without any negatives? G2A is already terrible, so I don't see why its ability should be uniquely hamstrung too. 




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Oh just remove the goddamn thing from the game


That is a rather interesting idea you have there.

Really now, anything that helps setting all the Coolant-mechs apart from one another is welcome. :)



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Maybe a nice balancing side to this would be that when you activate the ability you can't stop firing until the ability is finished or you overheat.


That way it forces you to use the ability more tactically, as if you are in a fight and already have generated a good bit of heat, then by activating the ability yes you'll get that extra DPS to finish off the enemy before he even has a chance against you, but you also risk the chance of overheating before you can kill him or when his friend comes to avenge him.


This would force people to use this when entering an engagement, or trying to flank and kill someone repairing instead of just creating an unbeatable ability near the end of a duel.

I admit I thought of that as well, the only problem I had was simply adding a disadvantage to a mech that already has enough problems. It's a good trade off though, it's something to think about.

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Twin Vulcans already have plenty of ability to kill other mechs without giving them more DPS. sustain is easier to land more damage than burst for most players. If you miss a tow or nade you do zero damage. if you miss a flak or heatcannon you do zero damage. Sustain weapons you only lose the small part until you adjust your aim. Secondaries do high damage and have longer reload times to bring their DPS down. Having a primary in your secondary slot would be OP, hence why their Vulcans are reduced.


The counter to an alpha is to avoid their followup. You shouldn't be able to DPS through an orb or tech. You should be forced to move and regroup with your team. Solo against a tech combo you need to be good enough to kill the tech whilst avoiding at least half of the damage the pair are firing at you, then kill the other mech. Enabling OP mode to gimp a mech already being healed by a tech is ludicrous.


I think the heat mechanic is fine. Having massive sustain potential and the ability to continue shooting for a long time is a good ability for plenty of players. If you want ability to boost your DPS, go roll a sharpshooter or zerker.


EDIT: if you think it is too weak then suggest a balance to the DPS/Heat per Vulcan or the length of the coolant ability.


my 2c.


Edited by 6ixxer, 29 June 2015 - 08:04 PM.



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Twin Vulcans already have plenty of ability to kill other mechs without giving them more DPS. sustain is easier to land more damage than burst for most players. If you miss a tow or nade you do zero damage. if you miss a flak or heatcannon you do zero damage. Sustain weapons you only lose the small part until you adjust your aim. Secondaries do high damage and have longer reload times to bring their DPS down. Having a primary in your secondary slot would be OP, hence why their Vulcans are reduced.


The counter to an alpha is to avoid their followup. You shouldn't be able to DPS through an orb or tech. You should be forced to move and regroup with your team. Solo against a tech combo you need to be good enough to kill the tech whilst avoiding at least half of the damage the pair are firing at you, then kill the other mech. Enabling OP mode to gimp a mech already being healed by a tech is ludicrous.


I think the heat mechanic is fine. Having massive sustain potential and the ability to continue shooting for a long time is a good ability for plenty of players. If you want ability to boost your DPS, go roll a sharpshooter or zerker.


EDIT: if you think it is too weak then suggest a balance to the DPS/Heat per Vulcan or the length of the coolant ability.


my 2c.



I'm not saying the G2A is too weak or OP if you give it this ability, it doesn't increase your damage to vulcans like the zerker, the vulcans damage will be the same. It increase your rate of fire for a short time, let's say if someone is close to the G2A(ability active), yes your going to get hit harder for acouple seconds if you don't dodge, if that it what you mean. But if your at a distance, your not going to do much of anything to them with the ability active. I'm okay with the damage of the G2A, as I said in my original post, I just would like the G2A to have more options in battle instead of running away the moment someone decide to throw down an orb infront of them. Or a tech jumps in and then the G2A player has just call it quits since they can't out dps the heals like other classes can. Lets face it, if you turn tail and run, theres I high likely hood you're not going to survive.

Edited by Onstrava, 29 June 2015 - 09:00 PM.

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Hears an idea of the sound change when the ability would be active, if the devs like it of course.

Edited by Onstrava, 29 June 2015 - 09:07 PM.

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Suggestion: Call it Over Revo, that way you have a palyndromic name which is 10x more the awesome.



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I'm pretty sure any mech with 100% accuracy save the redox tech can out dps the heal on even the greenbeam. The heal still is great, but just about any player that can keep on target can worry less about a tech. For me the only threat a tech poses is, it increases the TTK on my opponent, and it's another health pool to take care of once I mop up its ally. The only problem I forsee a G2 assault having with one is that it will overheat. I think for one it's very stupid that I almost have to use my ability to drop the higher health c-classes. With a rev up time; albeit a short one, this can be a death sentence. In my opinion the ability needs to stay as is, but be stronger. IF it's going to pass off as a new assault it needs a new ability. Or maybe make it stronger because the cut and pasted regular heat flush isn't quite good enough

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