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Deployable Shield

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this is just an idea that wuz floating around in my head.  



i wuz battling in team deathmatch and wuz caught behind a wall.  i wuz down to about 15 health and an enemy mech wuz on it;s way to kill me.  standing there waiting i wuz wishing i had a deployable shield i could use.  a mobile shield that iz connected to the mech and lasts for only 5 seconds.  5 seconds to try and gain the upper hand in the situation that i had found myself in.  the 'Deployable Shield' would look just like the 'Blockade' and have the same mechanix that the 'Blockade' has.  like when shooting it the shield weakens.



any thoughts



heres a link to what i wanted it to look like.  i drew it so it iz a pretty bad drawing.  but it looks like what im trying to talk about






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5 seconds frontal invincibility isn't a balanced concept.

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I wuz thinking dis wood b gud 4 teh replace brawlerz turrels mode. I wuz rong doh.

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EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken

I4U54qx.jpg     bQCgI0k.png   zd30MxR.png   vP7JiOe.png     uq0awfp.gif




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It's a good idea in theory, but it would end up being used as a offensive item, rather than defensive.  It takes less than 5 seconds to kill any mech in the game when you don't have to worry about dodging.

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To be serious for a moment this is just a joke




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What about erasing the ability to shoot for that duration?

You could add other nerfs like an animation before/after.


As an ability though, not an item. That would be too versatile I guess.

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maybe for an enemy with hitscan weps, but useless against TOWs, grenades, KLA and Incin fire bombs. Above, behind/ricochet, either side or under you are dead meat. If you're fairly good, a barricade can be used as a mid-field cheese cover, but not ideal for your needs. Too easy to get around or pop a 'splosion right above you.


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awesome.  haha thanx for giving this a read and the feedback.  very cool.  and yep now i see that having this ability would make the match


unbalanced.  but again thank u all for the awesome well thought feedback   :thumbsup:

Edited by snoopy187, 10 July 2015 - 10:49 AM.



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I think something like this would be pretty cool and could work. As far as balance goes you can tweak the duration and size till it feels right. If it never quite "feels" right as an item (I'm assuming its being proposed as an item) it could be special ability for a new or existing mech.
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hello 'AxionOperandi'


yep.  like the EMP, ISM disrupter, or blockade, i think this could be a fair item to use in Hawken.  being that every mech, even the heavies, would be able to purchase one and while in battle each person could choose to deploy it at there own choice of time.  u know giving them that extra edge.  and like u said  (As far as balance goes you can tweak the duration and size till it feels right)


u know how it takes like a second and a half for the blockade and shield to pop up when u equip it.  well this deployable shield could turn on quick like right as soon as u hit the key on the keyboard.


plus the plain way i drew my version of the deployable shield wuz just a quick doodle.  i am sure the shield could look way better and cooler if someone else who wuz artistic designed it.


thank u for the feedback

Edited by snoopy187, 14 July 2015 - 02:18 AM.

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