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On C class Appearances

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So, on mechs such as the G2 raider, the Grenadier and Incen, The "Wings" seem absolutley useless, on;y serving to create bigger targets, and a landing pad for enemies utilizing crushing damage. Now, the Incen makes a bit more sense, as he slams down the wings in it's special ability, but can't that be reworked to jumping, then slamming down onto the ground hard, or slamming the ground with it's arms? For the G2 Raider, I see no reason for the inclusion of wings. Grenadier? No reason for it. What do you guys think?

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Yup. Doesn't seem like it'd be hard to make the "arm" parts optional on C's that don't need it, arm parts are optional on all the A's.
I get the feeling Cs/turret mode in general was sort of haphazardly planned by ADH. Because they started to backpedal on it eventually.

I'd love to see some Cs without the "wings," that'd look neat.

Edited by (TDM) DeeRax, 10 July 2015 - 02:16 PM.

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i personally love the wings, and even if they were removed the hit box would stay the same, as for their presence they are used in the turret mode of the C classes that still have it. though i think it would be interesting to have them be optional like the A class, i feel it would look silly.

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I meant just make 'em optional for the Cs that don't have a turret mode.
*Not that G2R doesn't look awesome with it's wings in front of it when you blitz. Dem turkeys.

I remember a thread awhile back that suggested all the Cs get a unique ability IN ADDITION to a default turret mode. I like this idea a lot, if it can be balanced correctly.

Edited by (TDM) DeeRax, 10 July 2015 - 02:26 PM.

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the wings have been in since day one, i think they should stay 

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i suggested this long ago. didn't chage anything under ADH, i doubt it will now. on a different note, one of the very first impressions i had about Hawken was "These are the goofiest top-heavy looking things with little bitty legs." The language i used was a little more non-PC, but you get the idea.

I actually had a mental image of Moses and company shlepping across the desert packing their stuff on their backs....  :woot:

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C-Class, and indeed all mech "arms" are not part of the hitbox.

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G2R needs some damage reduction with its wings down.


Yes please



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G2R needs some damage reduction with its wings down.


In Fractured Space, a ship called the Reaper has shields that only cover its sides to protect from flankers and let it focus on its primary target. I could see the G2R having something similar. More importantly though...



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Lets be honest, the generic quadrupedal dual armed mecha is just too mainstreamed.


A butt-massive robot with two giant bullet shields hanging over it's head is pretty unique, something that makes you instantly recognise the style.


"Oh! That must be a mech from HAWKEN!"

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Dont u dare mess with my sexy fat grenadier. It would look terrible without those big flappy ears/arms. Theyre great.


For what reason an elephant has got trunk? Not start so rapidly. Same goes with C fatties.

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