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So, I'm a noob who started Hawken just few weeks ago. 


I've been trying hard to improve at this game, but often I just get wrecked. I don't know if this has been suggested already, apologies if so, but can we implement replays by any chance? 


Replays from a bird's eye view would be really helpful in learning the map, positioning, and where I go wrong. In fact, any form of replay including even the first person perspective would be useful because I'm not really good at analyzing mistakes during the heat of the battle. 


Also, third person perspective replays would be really nice to watch some of those customized mechs people have. It's hard to appreciate their beauty while fighting and I would also love to see what I look like in those fights.

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Welcome to the war, pilot!


There's lots of great material for new pilots in the forums, YouTube, Steam community, and usually a stream going somewhere (links in sig).

Spectating in Hawken is all but a pipe dream so there's not a lot of footage. It does exist, though, so if you want the extra perspective I'd recommend Fawken Awesome's YT channel. While we're at it, here's a list of other veterans with YouTube, and on my channel page is even another list of Hawken youtubers.


If you're interested in competitive play (watching or on a team), there is a season of TPG missile assault in progress and EU will soon be trying Priority Target custom mode for a season.

If all else fails, check out the community events, swing by the community teamspeak, check out the irc channel, or even join a clan (like the Hawken collective :thumbsup:).


We're a cheeky friendly bunch so don't be a stranger! May your fuel be full and your heatsinks empty!

EDIT: link all the things

Edited by eth0, 16 July 2015 - 10:33 AM.

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Pubstomping is a whole different strategic discussion, however, and usually just becomes an exploration of the ethics of dumpstering randos.


Why mech game make when you no mech game have you don't want to make? 



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My best suggestion to you for replay would be to record some matches for you to watch back later. Even just from your own perspective it's a lot easier to spot things you did wrong after the fact.

  • comic_sans, DM30, LaurenEmily and 1 other like this



Salvage: An Idea to Stop Leavers

Player Retention & Howken


[14:31] <Crafty> I know that in my balls
[14:32] <Crafty> hawken is unlike anything Ive played





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So, I'm a noob who started Hawken just few weeks ago. 


I've been trying hard to improve at this game, but often I just get wrecked. I don't know if this has been suggested already, apologies if so, but can we implement replays by any chance? 


Replays from a bird's eye view would be really helpful in learning the map, positioning, and where I go wrong. In fact, any form of replay including even the first person perspective would be useful because I'm not really good at analyzing mistakes during the heat of the battle. 


Also, third person perspective replays would be really nice to watch some of those customized mechs people have. It's hard to appreciate their beauty while fighting and I would also love to see what I look like in those fights.


It's not a perfect solution to what you asked for, but playing on the fightclub map on custom servers and having someone record from the sidelines is the best way I can think of to make this possible with what already exists.


I do like this idea though.  I'd love to watch a match over again and be able to actually 100% know what was going on instead of going with  possibly incorrect hunches from a limited perspective.  Would make TPG way more engaging to rewatch a match from the top down or somesuch and see where your enemies were and when.

Edited by cosmic_spand, 16 July 2015 - 10:53 AM.

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Oh yes, we have been talking about this idea and asking about having it implemented for a while now. :sleep:

Test dummy for science, Follower of Wheatons Law, usually hanging around #hawkenscrim and #spawn, occasional poster of YouTube videos and streaming.  Can also be found on twitter





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Unreal Engine 3 has replay functionality built in. Dunno why it wasn't implemented in Hawken. There is a spectator mode, if you have the console command and it is enabled for your account. It is really buggy and messes up the game in various ways. From what I have gleaned from the devs and ashfire. Fixing spectator mode is pretty low on the to do list. Replays, not even on the radar.

Edited by CounterlogicMan, 16 July 2015 - 02:04 PM.

Axe-Attack Check us out! Stream I stream spasmodically.

TPG Hawken Admin.

TPG 3 has concluded! If you are interested in participating in TPG Season 4 gather a group and form a team or try and join an existing team! Stay tuned to the forums for updates on the details of TPG Season 4.




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I would absolutely love a full replay feature. It'd make analyzing games much easier, and it would add a lot of options for interesting gameplay videos too.

As for ways of inproving your own games, if you can record like crock suggested then that's a good first step. Watching some video tutorials made by other players or checking out some streams of experienced players would be good options too.
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I would absolutely recommend what the people above have already mentioned, but if you want something that requires less work for you and is easy to watch, I would recommend SolderHobbes11's "How to" series. His series' normally discuss some bits of the Hawken game like "How to Hawken: Scout", "How to Hawken: Predator". "how to Hawken: Mech Maneuvers" and much, much more. His videos vary from how to position yourself to how to use a mech - he's a really good source of information.


Fundementals (movement etc.): https://www.youtube....iOi7MMhrE3rR8Pu

Mechs: https://www.youtube....U0_RdW4YSDlboRD

Edited by Dawn_of_Ash, 16 July 2015 - 04:23 PM.

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Given the comprehensiveness of soldierhobbes' videos, I'll probably stick a link on the subreddit sidebar. I'll do a little review first, but I have consistently heard hobbes' videos recommended. 



Salvage: An Idea to Stop Leavers

Player Retention & Howken


[14:31] <Crafty> I know that in my balls
[14:32] <Crafty> hawken is unlike anything Ive played





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i've begged them to re enable unreals already existing ability to do that but nooooo



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My best suggestion to you for replay would be to record some matches for you to watch back later. Even just from your own perspective it's a lot easier to spot things you did wrong after the fact.

This is actually very helpful. It may seem boring to do at first (at least i thought so) but it really made me see what i was doing wrong. When i look my gameplay recordings from a few months back now it looks ridiculously bad  :rolleyes:





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I can help you with private training/lessons. 

The PC community is the red headed step child Reloaded never wanted but got saddled with when they married the PC community's mother.


Shoutout to mah real Africans out there.



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Back to the OP's original point:  I'd absolutely love to be able to trigger a replay of the last 15 seconds or so before I died.  If it had the option to look at my screen 3rd person, the enemies screen third person or an overhead, all the better.  No better way to put to rest any doubts about how you got killed.

To be serious for a moment this is just a joke




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If there was something similar to the tf2 replay system I would love the devs forever.

Or until I run out of coffee.


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