What happened this week:
1. Set up new gameservers hosts in Phoenix and Atlanta
- After looking at more ping data, we're going to try some more data center options
- These, along with Chicago, are looking pretty good so far, a tangible improvement
2. The new Storm hosts are performing well; login times are a little better
- there are still reports of "very long sync" times, so submit a support ticket, especially if you'd be willing to run a wireshark profile while you log in and experience the problem
- We set up some telemetry to better monitor how long the client waits to complete account syncing
- The vast majority of clients experience relatively quick account syncing, so it's not a systemic, everyone-experiences-this issue
- We think we can find more ways to improve the situation though
3. We got a new Storm environment set up that is already being used for new development work
- Now it's much better documented :)
4. Double HC weekend starts today until Monday, Noon PDT.
What's up in the next week:
1. More staging environment work - gameservers will be required soon
2. We've got a bead on a possible lead Gameplay/Generalist programmer, so I'm excited, but availability may not be immediate
3. Sr. Technical Artist/programmer - still looking
4. UI Programmer or a gameplay person with UI experience
5. The Priority Target semi-finals are happening this Saturday
- We want feedback on how you think we can better support tournaments like this
- And, yes, we want to help your next tournament be a success
- Submit a support ticket and we'll get things rolling
I'll try to post up some of that nifty ping data we've got going. It's pretty interesting.