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Mech Idea :: The Riot Guard

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Hello and Greetings to all


So I had this intresting little idea for a new style of mech, thought I would basicaly try and describe it as best I can well I'm still working on a basic 3d model/concept art.


Once this model and images are complete I will add them to this post


Before you comment please remember -- : Everyone is intitled to an opinion but if it is disrespectful you can bet I will not respect it :


Now this mech layout COULD be any of the 3 classes or ALL in my opinion so lets cut the BS and get to it shall we.

for this example I am going with a B class mech ( I think personally A and B would be more ideal to mantain balance )


First Primary:


Modified Pn-223 (possible a PN-350)  -- (slightly Higher dps)


Second Primary:


Modified Assualt Rifle --(possible unique version with lower DPS AND RANGE with heat reduction to suit Pn style)--


Third Primary:


Modified T-Bolt --(possible unique version with lower DPS and heat reduction to suit Pn style)--




All weapons would have INCREASED heat generation if fired WHILE blocking...


Blocking you say? yes indeed...


This Brings us to the intersting part.



The secondary AND ability which would be linked idealy


Secondary ::


Arm Mounted Energy tower Shield


( closest image I could find to what i had in mind -- yes I am aware that ISNT a mech--)




On right Click the mech would "block" of a restricted period of time and reduce damage ( with a short cooldown/reload time on release of botton of cause ) from the front but also temporarily increase damage taken from behind. ( similar to that of turret mode on existing c class mechs )

==The idea behind this is a short range "riot control" syle mech ==


Ability ::


Protector's Override--


Toggling the ability would Oversize the shield for a SHORT period of time (maybe 5-10 seconds) creating a dome (yes like existing drop shields) that would protect a mech or two behind it until the time expired or a certain amount of damage was absorbed.


this Ability would reduce the mechs movement speed but alow them to become a temporary mobile shield, ideal for either pushing up on enemies or even protecting  a technician.




This "Riot Guard" mech would, in my humble opinion add a whole new level to Hawkens already outstanding array.


I realize some people MAY say this mech would be slightly over powered but I would argue that by pointing out ::


1: you would have to TIME your block and count for the reload/cooldown

2: increased damage from behind WHILE blocking

3: increased heat generation if firing WHILE blocking

4: longer cooldown on ability

5: close range, lower dps weapons


I would be intrested to see what other players think about this idea and welcome feedback and further suggestions of cause.











Puck Flinging-Nade Lobbing-Troll Tech


::eoc Pred::Eoc/HC Infil::Vulcanador::Hawkins Tech::EOC Raider::

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This seems redundant, TBH, considering that C-classes pretty much already do this. (Plus they have two weapons vs. 1).
And IIRC, lore-wise, the Vanguard was specifically meant to function as a riot control mech, specifically. Specifically. Specifically.

Err, no offense... :sad:

Edited by (TDM) DeeRax, 07 October 2015 - 07:51 PM.

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fair enough man but tbh...

Im not sure how you see it as redundant when there are NO mechs with a "block" as a weapon or have a mobile shield function as an ability.


the whole idea is to create a new style of gameplay for B and possible even A class mechs....


just think instead of side stepping EVERY tow, you could side step one, pop ability and protect the tech for 5 seconds while he is desperatly trying to save the C Class "manguard" that is taking a pounding...


also the fact that i did mention i thought that layout was... oh wait...


" Now this mech layout COULD be any of the 3 classes or ALL in my opinion so lets cut the BS and get to it shall we.

for this example I am going with a B class mech ( I think personally A and B would be more ideal to mantain balance ) "



Edited by DemitronPrime, 07 October 2015 - 07:54 PM.

Puck Flinging-Nade Lobbing-Troll Tech


::eoc Pred::Eoc/HC Infil::Vulcanador::Hawkins Tech::EOC Raider::

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In essence this is a mobile Blockade item that only has one weapon that's actually quite weak, considering the PN223's ineffectiveness if you're comparing it to that.  Considering you have this idea for a B class, if the "secondary" would only absorb a portion of the damage, it may die really quickly under sustained fire given a lower health pool.  


You want this mech to have sustain only with a "riot shield" but you give it sustain weapons with LOWER DPS which only adds to the hypothetical weaknesses.  What good is a B class that only has one sustain weapon that's only slightly less weaker than already weak sustain weapons (like the PN223)?  You'd even reduce range from a modified AR, which is what the AR benefits mainly over the SMC and Point D Vulcan, as well as a tighter spread pattern and higher damage per shot.  You're taking both advantages the AR has over its cousins and throwing them out the window, so why not just give it the SMC and call it a day?  If anything, it needs a high DPS, decently ranged sustain weapon or just flat out a good burst weapon to counteract the loss of a whole secondary weapon. It just has no punching power.  This would legitimately be weaker than the G2 Assault, widely considered one of the weakest mechs in the game, and it seems like the G2 Assault can trump this mech any day as long as it equips a few EMPs.


The ability is a curious idea, but is sort of achieved already with the deployable shield item.  The only boon this ability has over the already existing shield is that it can move, albeit slowly.  It doesn't feel strong enough at all when an item literally replaces the ability.


I've always liked the idea of a riot shield like mech, and I've always wanted more variation on it, but the Vanguard essentially fulfills that role with the only truely viable turret mode with an insane amount of damage reduction, comes with excellent sustain weapons, and even has the GL for splash explosives.  The Vanguard literally is a mobile shield.  I'm sure something like this could be useful in the right settings, but I don't think your current iteration is effective in a competitive sense, particularly considering your weapon choices and ability choice.  Keep thinking, imo. Sorry.

Edited by Silverfire, 07 October 2015 - 08:17 PM.


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First Primary:


Modified Pn-223 (possible a PN-350)  -- (slightly Higher dps)



Just buff the PN-223. Most agree that the tech needs it to convince pilots to equip this over the RPR.


It needs more damage per shot and a longer reload so it is more front-loaded without a significant increase in overall DPS.


I'll take a DPS increase too though ;)



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I'd be interested in blocking in hawken, but I don't feel like this is the way to do it


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