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New Player Mech and Loadout Options

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New players feel like they can't compete.  And, yes, there's a pretty nasty learning curve.  Not quite Eve Online learning curve, but it's in that direction:
We're working on rebuilding the ability to release new clients, game servers, and other systems, so we can't do code changes right now to address the issue.  And we can't just wave a magic wand and "fix it".  So, what *can* we do... like, right now?  After looking at the various tools available, here's what I think will tide us over until we can address things in a more comprehensive way:
Since there are a lot new users who get the impression that Hawken is about household appliances battling over... something, I want new users to start off with the Assault mech.  I will never forget a board member finding this image: tCQSxUw.jpgStarting with the Assault should help address that snap judgement.
On a related note, back when I was green and free of all Hawken skills, I would notice the loadouts of the mechs killing me.  They had stuff that I didn't.  And then I noticed the only way for me to get that stuff was to either play a really really long time, or spend cash to get it.  Honestly, that's thinly veiled "pay to win", or it's dirty uncle "pay to compete".  I don't like that; and it's not even necessary!  What can we do though?
What if we simply give new users a full loadout of internals (let them choose their own deployables and items).  I suspect the best loadout for brand new users would emphasize survivability and slowing down the Time To Kll - so they have a little longer to process what's happening before they get killed.  Personally, when I first started Hawken, I found myself mystified as to why I just died... I didn't know what to look for, and it happened so fast that it took a *lot* of deaths before I figured it out.  There are many people who lose interest before then.  If we can reduce the number of deaths required for the average new player to "get" Hawken, then, well, that just benefits us all ;)
So... how can all this go down?  I want to try a few different new player loadouts while we're rebuilding our development capacity.  Then, I'm hoping you will seek out new players and ask for their impressions of Hawken.  This is a qualitative approach to improving the new player experience, and I think it will yield some genuine advances.
In recap, here's what I want to try, and what I want from you:
1. Let's give new players the Assault mech instead of the CR-T
    - Yell at me in the comments if that's just too offensive ;)
2. What do you think the new player loadout should be?  Reply with your thoughts.
    - Internals specifically (consider higher-tier items - they're all balanced after all)
    - Focus on survivability and slowing down the Time To Kill
    - I want to choose the first set this Friday morning (2 days from now)
3. Seek out new players and ask them:
    - What's their snap judgement of Hawken... how does it come across?
    - How much do they feel they can contribute to their team's success? How far from "competitive" to they feel?
I assume you're going to reply to this topic.  And probably message me with some choice words too ;)

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